
allocate the player

"Hey!! Wait a minute, you jerk" Rose yells as Liam hurriedly drags his suitcase.

Rose gathers her belongings and runs up to Liam, who was checking his room number and arrangements at the counter.

Rose huffs and exclaims, "Why the fuck you were rushing?" as she takes her luggage to the counter.

"Sir, your room is on the second level, adjusting two beds and one bathroom, and the other stuff will be fitted to you after you arrive to your room," the lady behind the desk explains.

Liam nods as he reaches out to take his room key.

"Can you check my one?" Rose asks as she watches the lady handing over the key to Liam.

"Isn't the floor just for both of you?" the lady asks as she glares at her and checks her computer.

"What?" Rose and Liam both exclaim at the same time.

"Re-check it, maybe something is wrong," Liam says to the lady, startled.

Rose sits on the sofa and zonks out while Liam tries to reach Michel for help.

Michel, on the other hand, was caught in a bar drinking beers and
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