
Chapter Eight

Fiona’s POV

Who did she think she was to think Zack would accept whatever demands she requested?

From all I could see her do in the palace these days, cleaning wasn’t one of them.

Kayla was definitely being treated like a princess in this place.

Zack let her be fed with the same royal treatment as the royal guests. Was this how it would be forever?

I wasn’t even living in the palace or being treated royally. Of course this hurt because I was his fiancée and I was supposed to be treated with the highest level of respect and care seeing as I would soon be the Luna.

“Before you say anything stupid,” I said to Zack. “I just want you to know that all I want is for her to be out of here. As your fiancée and future mate, I don’t want you making any mistake that could jeopardize the relationship we have.”

It sounded like a threat but it was because it was a threat.

Kayla did nothing but eat, sleep and rest. Was this how it would go on till she delivered? Then what would happen after delivery?
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