
Chapter 90

The doctor looked at the test results in front of him and then his gaze went up to Alex who was anxiously waiting to hear good news

"I know you wish to help the little girl but you're not fit to donate your blood Mr Alex." The man said.

"That's nonsense!"

Alex banged the desk angrily. How could he be unfit to donate blood to his own daughter? Despite the fact that the doctor already told him their blood was a match.

"Is this about money? How much do you need? Name your price." Alex almost yelled as he spoke. He didn't want to waste any more time. He was a bit frightened that he might lose Laura if they continued to delay everything.

"Mr Alex this isn't about money, your life will be endangered. You are not healthy enough to donate. We need to find another donor in your place and we need to be fast about it. Remember, you have a rare blood type" the man cautiously explained to him.

"Like I said, that is nonsense! I'm donating my blood to her no matter what!" He angrily declared.

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