
Mr Greek god


 School is out and Stacey offered to drop me off at work. I know she's doing this not because she's such a nice person.Stacey isn't a very nice person. She eats lunch at Patty's. I guess she figured she could get an extra cup of a milkshake if she saves me the ten minutes’ walk.

  We are standing beside Stacey's truck she prefers to call 'Reddie'. It is an old beat-up truck that used to belong to Frankie as a present for his sixteenth birthday. Well, that was years before I came to Kansas.

  Reddie is in bad form today and has refused to start. Stacey has this toolbox she takes around with her. It contains all she needs to fix the truck whenever it is in one of it's moods such as today. I stand by and watch her get down to fixing God-knows-what in the bonnet.

  "Reddie needs a new coat of paint." She says and leans over to blow on something shaped like a box. I suck at mechanics and can hardly identify anything in a vehicle. This isn't strange as I don't own a vehicle, give me a patty flipper anytime, thanks. 

  "Well, you can always save up for that."  I tell her 

"Naaah, gonna get dad to float me the money." That's Stacey, ever so carefree.

 I notice a new car in the parking area a few meters before us. Looks posh, not many teachers around here drive sleek cars. I catch a glimpse of the driver head and recognize that chestnut colored hair from earlier. It's Mr. Greek god Winchester. He's watching me through the review mirror or so I think. For a moment, I think his gaze locks mine. My heart skips a beat. It barely lasted for a second but I am sure it happened. The posh car speeds down the coal tar road. My heart is still beating, feels like a dream only this time it is reality and not my teenage fantasies.

 "Hey Patty! How's it going around here?" I wave at Patty and kiss her on the cheek.

"Smells great in here too. Missed me?" 

"Girlie! School's out already? Man, they let you guys out so early these days. Back in my days wasn't so you know, today them teachers let you out like they tired."

Patty, bless her sweet soul, the African American woman I work her is such a one for a great talk. Always going on about "back in my days " in that drawl that reveals how much time she's spent up North.

 " No Patty. They don't let us out so quickly. Looks like you have been here so long without a timer. See how stressed you look."

 " Yeah, I been here for quite a while. I am mighty tired too."  She says" The diners be coming in by the numbers.Here, give me a hand with the burgers would 'ya honey?" 

I put on my favorite apron, the one with the red stain on it and take out burgers on the platters ready for serving.

" So, anything different happened today? " Patty asks.

" Test didn't hold. Mr. Jeremy is away on a sabbatical. A handsome guy showed up instead." I recall the way those brown eyes made me feel earlier. Shivers run down my spine.

 " Yeah, I heard Jeremy has left the town. Also heard his nephew is around. They say the boy is a nut case though" Patty's Kitchen is the best place for juicy gossips.

" I am gonna miss Jeremy though. He's a friend of the house ya know. Now handsome guy shows up in his stead." She adds with an unpleasant look on her face.

" That school with them girls like sharks...mmmph !" 

" Aww, Patty...not sharks, Dolphins. It's written almost everywhere in the school!" This woman is ever so full of sarcasm.

" Them girls like Sharks!" Patty obviously didn't hear me. " Back in my days you know..." 

I let her drone on about her favorite topic of comparison. My mind strays to Mr. Winchester. Did he really look at me in the parking lot? Teenage girl with an overactive imagination sights new teacher and goes bananas, would surely make great news headline.

" Suck it Josie." I tell myself and move on with my duties.

       *.            *.        


I pull up in Stan's driveway. The Cadillac I drive is my only investment and one of the only other thing I  do care about next to painting. Apart from getting a college degree, I think it is the best thing I have done for myself so far. I walk up the flight of stairs and ring the bell. It's sound echoes inside the terraced house. I hear footsteps approaching. A pregnant lady with streaks of silver in her blond hair opens the door. 

 " Hello." I wave. " Stan's in?" 

" Who are you?" She also ever sizing me up. I wonder if she's afraid of me.

 " Name is Daniel Winchester." She does not say a word, rather she turns and call into the house.  

" Stan, your guest is here!"  Turning back to me she invites me in.

The room I step into is surreal. The warm colors of the wall match perfectly with the carved mahogany furniture. Paintings hang from the wall varying from landscape to life. I find myself dreaming of owning a place like this someday. This passion is one thing I really can't do without. Who knows, I can be lucky enough to be loved by a pretty woman too. I quickly stop myself. Stan is dressed in paint stained jeans and an equally stained tee. He's quite tall and looks like one who spends a lot of time in the gym.

" Hey Dan " He greets in an equally booming voice.

" Hey Stan. Your place is simply outta it" 

" I know right. The colors do it " He flashes me a chipped toothed smile.

" She hated it ya know" he nods towards the lady.

" Place looks like a damn Yuncan shrine" The lady spits


" Hi, name's Trace, Stan's voice. Welcome to our home. These pregnancy hormones really do get to me sometimes.. "

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