
Chapter 3 Arrival

Years later…

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have just landed at Ninoy Aquino’s International Airport. Philippine Airlines welcomes you to Manila. The local time is 3:15 in the afternoon. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate. Thank you.”

The moment the fasten seat belt sign turned off, I stood up and opened the overhead compartment to get my things.

Finally, I’m back in the Philippines. I haven’t been here in nearly four years. That lasted only for a period because I was studying in the United States. I returned home only after my father passed away.

I wear my aviator as I step on the stairs outside the plane. I've heard that the temperature is rising in the Philippines. Just stepping outside for a moment, and I'm already sweating.

No one knows that I will arrive today. Well, my supposed flight will be next week. I returned home earlier to avoid being picked up at the airport. Considering Zanaida's tendencies, there might be a surprise welcome back party. I'm not particularly fond of surprises.

I'm dragging the luggage as I exit the airport. I paused briefly due to an advertisement on the large screen.

The screen displays the amenities, tourist spots, and attractions of the island resort. I crossed my arms once the advertisement finished.

The island resort is undoubtedly breathtaking. The setting, the modest cabins, the cabanas on the opposite side of the island, the spectacular aerial view of the hills and mountains, and the cultivated grass all around. It truly was a wonderland.

An aerial view of the airport and seaport is also shown. The villas and the resort itself.

“Mommy! My prince charming is living in that resort!”

I turned to the source of the voice. The mother and daughter approached the screen I was currently looking at.

The last part of the advertisement shows the owner of the island resort and his achievements. I stared at it for a long time.

Octavious Alejandro the fifth. My famous, attractive and rich husband. After that quick wedding, we parted ways. Years passed without seeing him, yet he didn’t forget. Every year, I received gifts on all occasions and invitations that I always decline.

Although we don’t really see each other, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s my husband and I’m his wife. I received monthly alimony, even though I insisted to his persistent bodyguard that I didn't need it.

That bodyguard was also one of the reasons why I chose to go home early. He will definitely announce my arrival to my estranged husband and Octavious might use his power to fetch me here in a not-so-ordinary way. What I detested most was the attention, especially as the wife of a man desired by countless women.

In short, I took a flight secretly, and right now I know that my husband was already using all his connections to find me.

“That’s my prince charming mommy! I will marry that man someday!” I secretly smiled at the girl's innocence, then put my aviator glasses back on.

Too bad kid because your prince charming already became someone’s prince charming.

As I left the airport, dragging my luggage and hopping into a taxi, I was dropped off at a hotel.

When I entered the hotel suite, I rested first. I still have jet lag. Late at night, the ringing phone disturbed my sleep.

I reached for it sleepily and groggily answered, "Hello…"

There was no answer on the other line for a long time which made me frown. “Hello?” I yawned.

“Where are you?” The cold voice jolted me awake.

I quickly put the phone away to check the caller ID. I gasped out loud when I saw Fifth on the screen.

My finger trembled as I immediately hung up. My sleepiness disappear because of what happened. This is not the first time he called me. But I definitely don’t want him to call me always because that will mean trouble for me.

I remember one time when I got invited to a house party. I don’t need to tell Octavious that I’m going to the house party because one of our agreements is not to interfere in each other’s lives. And that’s why I happily attended that party. Without bodyguards of course because I ditch them.

To make the story short, I got drunk, and being drunk doesn’t suit me because I’m getting wild. I was dirty dancing to a man, and someone just uploaded a video of that on social media. The next day I received a call from Octavious telling me that I’m not allowed anymore to go to a party without bodyguards. Besides that, if I used to not see the bodyguards wherever I go, after that stunt I did, he really made sure that my bodyguard would get exposed and that was real torture! In addition to losing my social life, my other friends also distanced themselves from me.

And that’s why I learned to never make my husband mad and never let myself get a call from him. Many more incidents happened. I won’t elaborate on that anymore. I can only say one thing.

Octavious Allejandro the fifth was not a good enemy.

“Does he know that I’m in the Philippines now?” I pondered anxiously.

What should I do next? He mustn't discover that I’m here already. I couldn’t help but be afraid of what that man might do to me.

I stood up and folded my arms. “Why am I afraid? I shouldn’t be afraid of that man! We have an agreement. He’s not my real husband. I mean, we only got married because we needed each other. We are married in name only. I should not be afraid of him. We both benefit from this marriage.” I reassured myself.

My cell phone rang again which made my heart skip a beat. I first looked at the screen and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that it was Zanaida calling. She was on a video call.

A chaotic video call dawned on me and based on her background it looked like Zanaida was at a bar.

“Hi! How are you there? You should have come back home earlier! Azielle also just came home from Milan! I saw him here at the bar and he looks very nice. You won’t recognize him for sure! He’s looking for you here by the way1.” Zanaida giggled on the other line. My eyes rolled.

Azielle Williams. He was my enemy during elementary and high school. I don’t just really like his guts. Apart from the fact that he always teased me, he was also a big playboy. Perhaps our dislike for each other started in elementary school, but it escalated in high school when I discovered his attempt to flirt with me was merely a game, a dare, a bet. Childish, to say the least.

“Where are you Zanaida? You’re at the bar almost every day?” I frowned when I asked.

“We are at The Palace just in BGC. It’s a shame you’re not here. Don’t worry, when you get home, I will tour you to all Bars here in BGC. You will definitely love it!” She screams and pours wine.

What time is it and has this girl been drinking?

When I look at the clock, it’s already 9 pm. That’s how long I slept. No wonder my tummy is already grumbling.

I contacted the hotel reception to have food delivered to my suite. As I awaited the meal, I freshened up. I decided to head to the bar and give Zanaida a surprise.

It was 10 o’clock when I arrived at the bar referred to by Zanaida. I was wearing a black one-shoulder tank top vest with white flare pants and a black wedge. I partner it with a black clutch.

I was greeted by a noisy, smoky, crowded bar. It’s dark and the only light that can be seen is the party lights.

“Excuse me.”

Before I could get to the side of the tables, some men stopped me and asked me to dance. I refused immediately. There were also some who recognized me and before they could get close, I was waving and kissing them goodbye.

I don’t have time for chit-chat. I need to find Zanaida.

Should I have asked her for their location? I thought they were here?

Standing amid the tables, I wondered if Zanaida was on the dance floor. I brushed my hair using my finger and decided to to head there, brushing off dancers who rushed past me. Several times, I scanned the area for Zanaida in vain. Where could she be?

I was about to leave the dancefloor when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around. “Yes?”

A stranger, unfamiliar to me. His hair was styled upward, complemented by a pointed nose and red lips. He sported a black shirt beneath a denim jacket and wore ripped jeans.

“Euphrasia? You’re here! I thought you were in states?” he exclaimed over the noise.

I frowned, scrutinizing the man. Who was he? He seemed to know me, but the feeling wasn't mutual. “You don’t remember me, do you? I’m—"

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