
Chapter 14: Gorillas

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. – Angela Schwindt

After Tru left, Reese drove around to the back and parked in the owners spot. He didn’t usually do this, but there was something that he needed to check on.

He slipped in through the employee entrance and took the stairs up to the third floor. Two IGYS guards sat at a monitor display watching the various screens.

“Any issues?”

“None here.” Clayton reported. “Constellations had a fight. Parties have been removed.”

“Good.” Reese replied as he headed for the door marked private. Entering his code on the keypad, he opened the door and crossed the office. The second door required another code before opening.

The apartment was tucked away and hidden for a reason. Reese was here to make sure that it was ready to be used if needed.

It was one of the charities that he supported. The Family Advocacy Center had a side that many did not know about. One that he and several others sup
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