
Chapter 15: Deja Vu

Things went on as normal on the surface but Mirabel knew that things were no longer the same. She still treating her boss with the utmost respect as normal but with repressed anger and disgust.

She did not know that her feelings were not really as well hidden as she thought.

Her mistress called her once and asked, 'Mirabel, ate you happy at all? Are you no longer happy working here?'

Mirabel was shocked at that question.

'Why would you ask that ma'am?'

'Sometimes, when you think no one is watching,there is an ugly look that creeps into your face and disappears immediately.

If there is anything you are not happy with, feel free to tell me,I shall take care of it. Remember you are now like a little sister to me'.

Mirabel would have loved to ask her to give Fanny the sack but if she suggested that, her mistress would want to know the reason for that and her boss would not want that and would definitely stop such a thing from happening so that he could continue his debauchery with Fanny.

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