
Chapter 0002

I instantly tensed. "Y-you know?" I stutter.

"Of course I know, I am also a werewolf."

I am surprised but don't show it. "Hmm, well what do you want?" I ask him.

"Well, you are going to live with me," he says with a smile.

"The hell I am," I hiss.

"You have no choice in the matter," he says coldly and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Well my dear poor excuse of a father, if you haven't made the math, when you left me I was 10. That was 8 years ago, making me 18 and an adult," I say coldly.

"Yes 18, making you a legal adult without a pack, you are choosing to be a rogue and rogues are killed," he says.

"Pack? Rogue?" I ask.

"A pack is group of werewolves, they protect each other and have an Alpha, a Beta and a third in command, with the alpha as the leader. The beta is the second most important person in the pack and the TIC is the third most. A rouge is a wolf without a pack, they are ruthless and if a pack finds one they will kill it," he says and my eyes widen.

"W-what do I do t-to not be a rogue?" I stutter.

He smiles fondly, "Join my pack."

I narrow my eyes at him, "If I join the pack do I have to talk to you?"

He looked hurt before he composed himself.

"As a pack member you are not obliged to talk to me, but as my daughter you are expected to talk to me," he says after a moment.

"Good thing that I will only be pack member to you. You lost the right to call me your daughter 8 years ago when you walked out on my mother and I," I say coldly.

He gulps, "Honey, I can explain-"

"Save it," I cut him off, "I am over it! You should have explained it to me 8 years ago, now your excuses mean nothing. I will join your pack, but do not expect me to forgive you and start calling you daddy because I won't," I say glaring at him.

He nods, "I understand Jayda."

"Is there anything else?" I ask.

"You will have to meet the alpha," my father says.


"The sooner the better, so right now," I nod and follow him to his truck.

He drives for about 20 minutes until we reach the forest, and then he drives through it for about 45 more minutes when he parks in the middle of nowhere.

"We have to shift and run from here since the cars won’t go any farther," he says and I nod.

I go hide behind a tree and strip out of my clothes, which were all black because I was at a funeral before coming here.

After stripping I call out to my wolf.

I feel her taking over an soon feel my bones rearranging and fur covering my body. Unlike the first time I shifted, it didn't hurt, it actually feels good.

My dad-- I mean Leonardo, looks at my wolf in awe.

Not to be cocky or anything but my wolf is very beautiful. She has soft blonde fur and golden eyes.

"Your wolf is beautiful," he says with a smile and goes to touch my fur. I instantly tense and jerk away.

He looks sad at my reaction but goes behind a tree to start stripping.

He shifts and his wolf is very beautiful too. It has brown fur but the tip of his tail and paws has a little bit of black.

I thought my wolf was big but he was way bigger than me and really intimidating if I do say so myself.

He nods for me to follow him and sprints through the forest.

I grab my clothes with my teeth and follow him, surprisingly I can keep up with him.

We finally stop and I look up to see a village, it has lots of houses, stores and even some restaurants. Everything was really pretty but what caught my eye was the really big house in the middle.

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