


"Do you think the Night Wolf has a heart little one? His part of the Prime wolf is dark, tis why the Moon hides his soul.



My breath paused low and shallow, and my fingers froze like icicles around my rag dress, staring straight ahead to the feet of the strange master that stood before me.

Confusion flooded my body, one that had been previously relaxed, having succumbed to my fate already.

I had simply made too many mistakes the past few days to deserve to take another breath. I had disobeyed Madam Catherine, let myself be seen by the dark shadow with amber eyes- whether that had been a trick of the light or not.

I had made noise in the master's library, a sanctuary they sought solace. Lit it up like it was midday on the hottest day of summer.

Then I had dared to look into the eyes of a master, not once but repeatedly and now- I had raised my voice, yelling at a ranked lord.

The only penalty that awaited me was death. It was what had always awaited me as a Keffer. No m
Mckayla Chinyama Queen

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