
Unexpected Affair

Lilith and Mark immediately grabbed Aiden's fur before his wolf could fall into the cliff along with Penelope. Because he can no longer retrieve Penelope's body, he continuously growls his disappointment and dismay afterward.

"Are you two fucking kidding me?" Lilith furiously asked. "The two of you are willing to risk your wolf's lives for that one woman?"

"We simply want to save her, Lilith!" I was not supposed to yell at her but I could not help it anymore. "Among the wolves who know me better must have been you and Mark. And you two simply stare at me giving my all to help her."

I don't want to argue with them anymore so I drag Aiden out of the place before he could run away and do something worse than bump into me.

As soon as the phase of the full moon began to culminate, Aiden's body also started to get back to normal.

"It's my fault she falls into the cliff," he uttered, so I let go of my grip from the back of his neck. "What if she dies, Ethan? How am I supposed to live with the guilt?"

Then he dropped his butt on the ground and started crying like an eight-year-old kid. "I was supposed to confess to her my feelings, tonight, Ethan. What am I going to do?" he added. "her friends already have it in the plan. That's why she comes with them."

My brain has nothing in mind that can lessen his miseries and regrets. So, I simply tapped his shoulder until he stopped crying.

One week later, Aiden and I started to move on with our lives. He and his Rugby friends are heading to the field to continue their practice.

I, on the other hand, stood still in the mouth of the school's gate, greeting and smiling at the students coming in and out of the campus.

"Cool!" exclaims one of the students who passed through me with his eyes glimmering like gold.

Out of curiosity, I followed the direction of his face and found an expensive grey Phantom Rolls-Royce with someone inside, especially when the students started blocking the way in.

But I shooed them away when another car is approaching. The moment the students started clearing the road, the balls of my eyes dilated when I could recognize the ones holding the steering wheel.

Even if she was wearing sunglasses and shortening her hair, her aromatic and enticing scent and physical appearance prove my instinct that my wolf is not mistaken. But how?

For that same reason, I slowly crawled my eyes heading to the field where Aiden is approaching our direction. Perhaps his wolf also sensed Penelope's presence.

"Hi, Ethan!" says Penelope the second she hops out of the car and tosses me her car keys. Then she removes her sunglasses and smiled, allowing me to see and witness her one-of-a-kind beau.

Instead of getting enticed, I grab her hand and drag her to the corner. I took a sniff and studies her physical appearance.

"Let go of me, Ethan! You're hurting me already," she uttered, but I ignore her and check her arm where I remembered my sharp and elongated claws are sunk.

"What happened? How did you survive the fall, huh? Answer me!!?" she shuts down her eyes when I growl at her because of my extreme anger toward her.

One week. Who could not be? Within those days, Aiden and I have been having nightmares, not talking to each other like mute, and always having no appetite for our every meal.

Yet, she showed up and act cool in front of me as if nothing happened back in the camping.

"Ethan, what are you doing?" Aiden asked me. Similar to my wolf, Aiden was also stunned and dumbfounded upon confirming I was talking to her first love, alive. "People are watching us. Let her go."

"Aren't you also intrigued about how she managed to survive back there, huh, Aiden?" I said back while pointing my glimmering eyes to Penelope, allowing her to see those blue eyes. The same eyes she witnessed back on the cliff.

"What are you doing, Ethan?" this time, it is no longer Aiden who asks me that but one of the school's human professors. "Let go of her before I'm gonna call the cops."

Because I have high respect for the professors of our school, I let go of my hands from Penelope and pointed my gaze to the floor.

"The three of you, in the Guidance Office. Now!"

Who could have thought because of the incident Aiden and I were put into an undesirable situation? The school board decided to suspend me while Aiden getting expelled.

My wolf doesn't want to ruin Aiden's future so, I assume all the punishment but in return, they have to exclude my brother from the issue.

I even suggested to them to take a look at the CCTV footage to support my claims that Aiden was there to stop me. Aiden did not agree with my prepositions but I begged him to stay quiet.

Later in the afternoon, after packing my things, I visited the office of the school owner, who also happens to be the alpha of our pack. I plan to beg him to reconsider my suspension and give me my job back when in this world filled with humans, money is a must.

Undeniably, Aiden and I are depending on my paychecks as a security guard. I have monthly bills to pay. And two mouths to feed. Even if I have to kneel and cry in front of him, I'm not gonna hesitate to swallow my pride.

When I got into the alpha's office, his secretary pointed me to his house as the owner has an outside appointment. So, I flashed to his house.

"If you're here to talk about what happened a week ago, don't waste your time, Ethan." Alpha Ezekiel said. "Lilith and Mark already told me what happened. In fact, I invited them here to summon you, but who could have thought you'd be here as well."

"What?" I pointed my curious and confuse gaze at them, one by one.

"We heard that you and Aiden kept the crime you did that night, Ethan. So, we told Alpha Ezekiel ourselves," confesses Mark.

"I'm so sorry, Ethan," Lilith uttered. "I tried to stop Mark from telling Alpha Ezekiel but he doesn't want me to lie either."

"Enough!" Alpha Ezekiel yelled at us before he moved out of his seat on the couch and stood in front of me. "As the older brother, you should have known better how to tame your younger brother, Ethan. What if you two not only killed one student, huh? What if you two killed more than that? How are we going to explain that to the school?"

I don't know what was certainly going on but it seems that all of them are not aware of Penelope getting back to school. Alpha Ezekiel seems to be not even aware of my wolf getting suspended from work.

"So, before everything gets worse, I, Ezekiel Lambert, alpha of the Moon Walker Pack, disband you, Ethan, and Aiden Park from the pack, effective immediately! You and your brother are no longer allowed to be seen..."

While Alpha Ezekiel kept on talking about his werewolf's written rules, a lot of dreadful thoughts started sinking into my helpless mind. Thoughts about becoming a lone wolf did not scoop off in my human and werewolf system.

As lone wolves, we become useless and powerless. Our voices no longer matter. We become enemies with every pack around us. And I can't afford that to happen to Aiden. He is too young to become a lone wolf.

The worst part is that I did not get the chance to explain to him my side of the story. The side of the truth. I don't know what Lilith and Mark confessed to Alpha Ezekiel but it seems that he was pretty convinced by them.

"Are you two happy now?" I furiously asked Lilith and Mark.

Before one of them could say a word, Lilith and Mark exchanged peeks. The kind of glimpse that tells me something was off. Something they are not telling Alpha Ezekiel before he took off.

"I'm so sorry, Ethan," Lilith said. "We don't want to become a lone wolf too. So, Mark and I told Alpha Ezekiel the truth."

My mouth could not help but scoff. "The truth? Really, Lilith? Do you think telling Alpha Ezekiel could not ruin things? What about us, huh?"

To my surprise, Mark wraps his arms and stealth a kiss on Lilith's lips. She did not push him or slap him on the face as though she likes the fact her lips were being rubbed on Mark's.

"There are no you and Lilith anymore, Ethan," Mark said. "Because Lilith is mine now..."

Mark did not finish his statement when I blow him with a punch straight to his face. Hard enough he stumbled a few times to the floor. I could even see blood pouring from his lips.

And I have no regrets about doing it to him. In fact, punching him in the face is not enough. My fated mate and best friend are having an affair behind my back. Two wolves that I trusted the most betrayed me.

Perhaps they already plan this in the very beginning. They want me to be gone from the picture. Gone from the pack.

"For the record, Mark... Lilith. The reason I visited Alpha Ezekiel is to inform him that Penelope is alive. Good thing I did not get the chance to tell him before you two betrayed me. And I will never forget this day."

"What?" Mark enlarged the balls of his eyes, speechless at my unexpected confession.

Lilith suddenly drops her knees, begging me not to tell Alpha Ezekiel about it. She even cried in front of me, which I hated the most seeing her. But enough is enough.

So, before I flash out of Alpha Ezekiel's house, I ended my relationship with both of them even if it was extremely unbearable to carry. But I am not that bitter enough not to wish them both nothing but happiness.

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