
Life is cruel to bring back Regina

Chapter 5

By: Tofunmi Nikky

"Jinx, won't you wake up?!" Lucia heard a voice yell from the sleep and she jerked up instantly. She dips her fingers into her ears as they tickle with banging. That was when she was able to see that it was already daybreak and that also meant that she was going to school.

Huh? School. She thought. But before she could process another thing, a whiplash made her jolt up. She looked up and saw her mother towering over her as she snickered at her in anger.

"Do you want to sleep forever? You might as well do so that I won't get to see your disgusting face! Are you not going to school?! Do you look like a child that needs pampering?! Before you go, make sure that the laundry is done and the kitchen is shiny. Or else... You know what I can do." She threatened and stormed out of her little room.

She finally let out the wince she was holding in and rubbed the place she was beaten. And that is another reason her mother hates her. Her face. She knew that she resembled her father but she had never met her father. Exhaling deeply, she walked out of her room and was about to take a turn to the laundry room when Scarlett came out of her room. Her room. It was Lucia's before Scarlett came. But her mother chased her out of the room with the excuse of making Scarlett feel at home. 

"Hey, Lucia. Not ready for school? Heard mother's yelling. Was it at you?" She asked, whispering the last part. Lucia smiled and nodded her head positively.

Although Scarlett was older than her with just a year, she was still mature.

"I'm used to it already." She replied.

"I will tell my father to speak to her." Scarlett offered but Lucia's eyes widened and she shook her head.

"No!" She said and Scarlett raised her eyebrows.


"I mean no... Please don't bother your father." She said, Hating the feeling that pricked her heart. She was kind of pained that Scarlett did not know of Charles' sexual advance towards her.

"You know what? Don't let me be the reason you are late. You can go. I will be back." Lucia said and hurried into the laundry room. Scarlett sighed and went her way.




"Xander, as it is your first in school. What do you think?" His mother asked as she helped him to knot his tie. He groaned out, not wanting to talk but he did anyway.

"Nothing really. Just that I should be left alone." He replied and collected the knotted tie from her before pulling it over his head.

He locked gaze with his mother in the mirror and an appreciative smile graced her lips. Something in him broke as he saw this.

His brows twitched and he looked at her questioningly.

She grinned widely. "It's nothing. Just that you remind of your father." She said and he fought so hard not to grunt and roll his eyes.

"Mother." He called out as he turned to look her in the eyes.

"How have they been treating you while I was gone?" He asked and the smile slowly deflated.

"Fine. Just that Ronald did not let him know any information concerning the pack. I mean, I should know right. As the former Luna but he was so closed off and he also told me that I should still be mourning your father. Aside from that, I was not mistreated.  At least the pack still respects me." She said and he nodded his head.

"That's okay." He said.

She was about to say something when a knock came on the door. "Who is there?" His mother asked.

"Alpha Xander, Your Friends are here to go with you to school."

"Heck...!, I have to go now Mom"he said and carried his backpack from the armchair, he attempted to go when he remembered something; causing him to turn back towards his mother.

"Bye mother"he took his mother into his arms and hugged her tightly, she beamed with smiles as she embraced him back.

Seeing she isn't ready to let go of him yet, he was forced to pull away,"Come on Mom...this isn't the time this; I have to go "

"I know....I know"she chanted as she ran her hand through his neatly arranged hair teasingly. She remembered back in those young ages she'd always done this to him which would cause him to groan and almost tear up for his poor hair.

"Oh poor hair....On my heels to save you"he said and quickly ran away as he hung the backpack across his shoulder. But before he was finally out of the room-he could hear her faint laughter. Wait; did he just make her laugh for the first time after his return....pretty amazing!

Blue Moon High School****

Lucia walked slowly behind Scarlett down the hallway, on their way to their separate classes. Lucia's eyes couldn't stay in one direction, it wavered to the other side which is the parking lot and there she could view her. The girl she'd bumped into at the welcome party and wouldn't allow her to go.

But on a note, she wouldn't have escaped if not that someone had called her. She really needs to stay clear of her, coming across her again is surely bad luck on her side.

"Here is where our journey together ends Lucia"Scarlett stopped walking and turned to her but only to see she'd stopped walking as she was now a few distances away.

"Lucia??!"Scarlett shouted and that's when Lucia jolted out of her daydream. 

"Oh sorry....."she muttered, slyly and quickly covered up the distances between them.

Scarlett just shook her head,"I will head to my class now, see you"and walked away on a different path. Lucia carried on and got to her class, she was glad the teacher was yet to make an entry. Getting tardy on the first day of resumption is a curse on her.

She saw an empty seat at the far end corner of the class and went for it. And as God would have it, Mrs Helen marched in.

"Good day class"she said happily, her face gleaming as she was now standing before the class, with a big desk with her things placed at her front.

"Good morning Mrs Helen"the whole class chorused an answer in sync. She opened the day with a welcome back speech before starting the class.

Lucia brought out her notebook from her backpack alongside a pen and placed it on the desk. She began to jolt down the teacher's points as she played with a strand of her hair, curling it with one finger up and down each time.

Not long after, the door was being jerked open causing everyone to divert their eyes to the door- including Lucia and even the teacher. They all looked on at the doorway with looks of anticipation.

A leg stepped into the class and followed by the other; their eyes came trailing up from the figure's leg and slowly, landing on the angel's face. They all couldn't believe it, it seemed like a dream. And Lucia; her eyes almost bugged out of its socket.

Like..... Did The Blue Moon pack's Alpha just come in?.... the great mighty Alpha Xander??.

His stylish hair, his huge muscular figure, his dazzling gleaming eyes.... everything; All smells of royalty. The scan her eyes were conducting on him was cut off by the intruding teacher.

"Alpha Xander"Mrs Helen's voice came out  muffled by the time she got to him but who cares....She doesn't mind taking the risk of running and slumping halfway. "It's my pleasure having you here..."she bowed.

"Alpha....!!"the whole class stood up reluctantly and greeter, acknowledging his presence. Lucia, seeing this, quickly tied up and bowed her head slightly. She wouldn't want to be the talk of the class for the whole of the day.

His footsteps could be heard as he made his way further into the class; no one has his or her head up so no one knows where particularly he's heading. The heavens is surely receiving thousands of inwards prayers now, whoever happens to be The Alpha's seatmate is surely a lucky star.

Lucia heard a cringing sound coming from beside her before the figure sank himself deeper into the chair. Holy Mary!, did he just sit down beside her?

She could feel her wolf twirling happily in her.

"You all should sit"Mrs Helen said, taking her previous position before the class. They all sat down and Lucia felt her stomach stirring up in anxiety as she swallowed nothing.

The usual woodsy-mouthwatering scent filled her nostril and she knew it immediately; no time for denial....He's her mate. The great Blue Moon pack Alpha is her mate!.

"Get out of my seat now, you scumbag!"Regina thundered, gritting her teeth irritatingly. Lucia lifted her head up to catch her glares on her and instantly, she knew she can't escape this.

And surely she can't,because before Lucia could make up a word, Regina sent the bottled water splashing all over her.

A gasp escaped Lucia's lips.....




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