

Chapter 15

Ciara's POV

I smiled as I picked up the little girl and chuckled when she tried to kiss her nose."She's so cute," I cooed, staring at Bruce who had tagged along uninvited. I loved children so much and I had always dreamt of being a mother myself.

After the disastrous breakfast experience, I ran to my room to process what I had heard and ended up shedding a few tears. Someone had knocked - probably Bryan because I couldn't think of anyone else who would run after me like that - but I didn't answer, I couldn't so I had ignored them and then when a few minutes had passed, I forced myself to get a grip.

Initially hearing about that dreadful place where I was tortured brought back dark memories and that's part of the resasons why I fled. I just couldn't look beyond the name in the moment so I had to leave the room where he was.

Eventually I realized I had overreacted because so what if Bryan was the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack? It wasn't like he had been part
Nora Baker

Hello guys, did you miss me? First of all, Happy Independence to my fellow Nigerians. I know things don't look so good rn but they will get better, all we need is faith. Secondly, Happy new month guys, Its October that means we have barely 2 months left until 2024. What have you achieved so far in 2023? Did you accomplish all the things you wanted to or some at least? Thirdly, I apologize for not updating since. Life has been lifing but I will be consistent from now on, promise. Love, Nora

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