
Chapter 3


Viola murmured as she looked out of her window. She wasn't too keen on the idea of marrying a man she had never met nor being in a loveless relationship. But it could be good for her.

Firstly, getting married would mean she would no longer be under her Nonno's control. That sounded very much like freedom to her. And if there was one thing Viola wanted more than anything it was to be free of her Grandfather's control, but even that came at a cost.

Secondly, she would have her chance at the company. It had been her dream to run the family business. She had hoped that her Nonno would put her at the helm of the affairs of things, but it was likely that he didn't trust her enough to handle it. But she could. She knew she could. She just had to prove it to him.

But she was worried about marrying someone who she had never seen or heard of. Arranged marriages were not uncommon in her family's social circle, but at least the couples in question had a sort of relationship before marriage. Many were usually betrothed at infancy and grew up together.

She never knew Leonardo, never met him, despite their grandfathers being close friends. And from the little she had managed to read up on him, he seemed like a really wild one.

He was not only an eligible bachelor with the perfect looks, he was also a well known playboy. Almost every tabloid in Milan had once mentioned his numerous flings with supermodels and debutantes.

His latest that she had read up on was Vanessa Romano. A famous Italian-American model that was in her early thirties. Their relationship was a well known topic in the media since he started going out with her just few days after her messy divorce. A lot of tabloids even speculated that Leonardo might be the cause of the divorce.

Viola was pissed that her grandfather didn't take all that into consideration. He was more concerned about marrying her off to the Durante family than worrying about Leonardo being a good husband.

"Deep in thoughts?"

Alessandra asked as she walked into her room.

Viola nodded as she looked away from her window.

"I'm just trying to take everything in. I mean..."

Alessandra smiled as touched Viola's arm briefly.

"Marriage is a beautiful thing."

"With the right person and the one you love."

Viola answered.

Alessandra shrugged.

"Arranged marriages are not uncommon. Perhaps you can look at the brighter sides of things."

Viola sighed.

"I know. And believe me I am trying hard to be positive. But..."

"But what?"

"Leonardo Durante? Really?"

Viola asked with a frown on her face.

"He's a Casanova. He has a long list of bad relationships and scandals."

"Is that really who Nonno wants me to spend the rest of my life with?"

Alessandra opened her mouth to reply but quickly shut it.

There were a lot of things she wanted to tell Viola. A lot of things about her heritage, who she was.

But she couldn't, it wasn't in her place to. And if Viola's grandfather knew she had been talking to Viola about things she shouldn't be talking about, it could put her and her family in grave danger.

She gently rubbed Viola's shoulders.

"I've met Leonardo a few times when he came here with his Grandfather. You were away in America then."

"He seems like a really good boy."

Alessandra said and Viola rolled her eyes. Of course Alessandra would say anything to make her feel better about the situation. Viola felt really helpless about it.

She had never gone against her grandfather. But she knew if she ever did it was not going to end well.

"I don't want to get married to him."

Viola said as she sighed.

"I know. But give it time. Your perspective will change soon."

"I highly doubt it. But I guess it'll be nice not being under Nonno's control anymore once I'm married."

Viola said and Alessandra chuckled.

"That's something to look forward to. "

Get ready. I hear you'll be meeting your fiance to be at dinner tonight."

"Dinner? Nonno didn't tell me about that..."

Viola said as she turned her gaze sharply to Viola who shrugged.

"Well, that's why he asked me to inform you about it. You should be well dressed. To make a good impression."

Alessandra said and Viola rolled her eyes.

"Oh God! I'm not prepared to meet him! What am I going to say when I do?"

She exclaimed and Nonno shrugged.

"I don't know! Maybe get to know each other? Who knows, you might like him!"

Alessandra said with optimism and Viola grimaced. She highly doubted that she would find anything that would make her like Leonardo Durante. But she supposed she was open and willing to try out and see where the relationship was going to go. Although she still didn't believe it could work out. But at least she was going to give it a try.

"What am I going to wear?"

She asked as she looked at her closet at the far end of her room. There were so many choices in her head, she really didn't know what she was going to pick.

"I don't know. Something really pretty perhaps. Do you need some help?"

Alessandra asked and Viola shook her head politely.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine."

"Okay. I'll leave you to it then."

She said as she walked out of the room.

"You? Married?!!!!"

Vanessa said as she put down her cigar on the ashtray and Leonardo sighed. His hands were still on her waist as she wiggled to get away from him.

"Yes. I suppose it very funny."

"It is!!!" Vanessa shrieked as she pushed him away and swung her legs out of the bed. She walked towards the couch to pick up her robe while Leonardo watched her from the bed with his glass of wine in his hand.

There was nothing more bewitching than Vanessa Romano's naked form.

Even in clothing heads turned their way to admire. Every inch of her body was something out of a playboy magazine. She had the perfect breasts although they were surgically enhanced, they were full, perfect and round. There was not an inch of fat on Vanessa Romano's body. Every inch of her had been sculpted to perfection. Even her face.

He had met her at a party in the arms of her husband who was now her ex.

Her husband had been a werewolf in a rival pack, that didn't stop Leonardo from pursuing her.

Being an Alpha King, he always got what he wanted. And there was something about her, the way she walked, talked and the sexual appeal that oozed from her. She stole the show, everyone in the party could barely take their eyes off her. That was the kind of presence Vanessa oozed and she knew it too.

He had walked up to her and flirted with her the minute her husband was away from her side. And although she pretended to be shocked and mildly annoyed that he was hitting on her despite the huge rock on her finger, he could see the glint in her eyes that she wanted him too. From then on everything else was history. They met whenever he was in Italy. And they had their fun together, although they tried to keep it out of the public eye because of Leonardo's history and her messy divorce but a few sloppy slip ups cost them.

That didn't matter to Leonardo though, he knew the media would get tired of the story one day and none of his subjects could really question him as an Alpha.

He was a good alpha, they didn't need to pry into his private life. Just as he and Vanessa would eventually tire of each other. They also had not defined whatever relationship they had, which made things much more easier between them. And also made them more free to see other people. Hence the media's confusion about them most times.

"So? How does she look like? Is she at least pretty?"

Vanessa asked as she put on her robe and Leonardo shrugged.

"Did you miss the part where I said I haven't met her yet?"

"That is insane Leo! I'm still trying to picture the thought of you being married!!"

"Will you really go through with it?"

She asked keenly and Leonardo sighed.

That was one question he kept asking himself. He knew he could easily say no but he knew the damage it would cost. His family meant a lot to him and so far his parents seemed to be solidly in support of his grandfather.

"I don't know Vanessa. I'm trying to think."

He groaned as he ran his hands through his dark hair.

Vanessa sighed.

"You mentioned something about a prophecy? Is it at least going to be good for the pack?"

Leonardo nodded.

"I don't know, there are a lot of things Grandfather isn't telling me. I don't even think she's a werewolf like me but he still has a lot to fill me in on."

"And I managed to do a little research on her family's company and trust me, merging our companies together would be so good for us."

"The Santagelos are very wealthy. Extremely wealthy."

Leonardo added. It was true. The Santangelo wineries was bigger than he had expected. And their wines were flourishing well even in the international market. Business wise, the Santangelos were the perfect business partners.

Now why his father wanted him to marry Viola was something he still could not understand. Much of what he was saying was shrouded in mystery and secrecy.

And his parents who seemed to know what was going on didn't dare to reveal anything his grandfather had not told them to reveal.

"That's a great advantage. I think you should do it!"

Vanessa exclaimed and Leonardo glared at her.

"Do what?"

"Get married to her."

"I don't want to get married Vanessa!!"

Vanessa shrugged as she picked up the bottle of wine.

"Well, you will have to. And trust me it's really not that bad. You don't particularly have to like each other. I know lots of loveless marriage that work out."

"What is your point?"

Vanessa crawled back into bed and cozied up to Leonardo. He wrapped his arms around her.

"Well, just marry her. For the family's sake. Maybe pop out a pup or two. Reject her later in a few years. Live your life."

Leonardo rolled his eyes.

"Can you even imagine me being married? I've never once thought about it!"

Vanessa laughed as she stroked his chest.

"Yes, you would make a horrible husband. I suppose that's a good thing, she'll get tired of you sooner."

"Besides, look on the bright side, even though you don't know what the prophecy is about, she still has a large amount of fortune to inherit like you said and merging with her company would be good for yours. Don't think too much on the marriage idea, that's just an added plus. Focus on successfully saving your family company by merging it with hers."

Leonardo nodded. Vanessa was right. There was a lot more involved than getting married. He didn't have to like the woman he was getting married to. He didn't even have to do anything but treat it all like a business contract.

He didn't have to like his new wife, in fact Leonardo was determined to hate her for roping him into marriage.

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