
Calling the parents

Christabel's POV

“Getting water. What did you think I was doing?” I rolled my eyes and shoved him away as I picked a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

Talk about seeing a monster in your dream and then in real life.

“Well, it's none of my business what you do, just stay away from my uncle.”

I rolled my eyes at that. Joan McDonalds, what was wrong with me when I saw a man in you?

I'd never get an answer to this question but nevertheless, I'm where I am now because he broke my heart. Must be my fate to meet him and then meet his uncle who turned out to be my husband.

“Uhm, would you like to tell this to your uncle or should I just tell him to call your dad?”

He frowned and slowly moved away from the refrigerator.

“Don't you dare” He threatened.

“Don't you dare either because if you ever bring this up again, I'll tell Andre you're threatening me.”

“Who do you think he'd believe? A wh*re or his nephew? Definitely….”

“My wife. I'd believe my wife and now, your dad is on his way.”

I turned back and Andre enveloped me in his warm embrace. He mumbled comforting words to my ears and I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face.

“But Andre….” Joan groaned. “You….”

“You crossed my path first. If you didn't, I wouldn't.”

Andre escorted me back to our room, leaving Joan all by himself. He swore he'd get back at me and all I could do was smile.

I wasn't happy about drifting their family apart but I wasn't in support of how Joan treated me either.

For the first time, I felt the need to tell Andre about me. I wanted him to know the real me. I wanted to know more about him and why he married me.

I was so curious about it and I was even more curious about why I married him. First it was for the money and now, I don't know anymore.

“Andre, I…”

“You don't have to tell me.” He cut me off right after closing the door. “Tell me when you're ready. It's your past and I won't judge your past. All I want now is you”

What more could I ask for? A man so rich and loving. A man with a golden heart. He already has my soul and there's no going back for me. I walked towards him and placed my hands around his neck.

“I have to tell you now. I have to tell you.”

He smiled and carried me to our bed. “If you insist, belle”

We sat down and I told him everything. Everything from the very beginning I remember. How I lived my life in an orphanage, my life after leaving the orphanage, my first relationship and everything I had with Joan.

“Joan was never a good guy. He was a delinquent and although he's my favorite nephew, I'd never support him. He takes pride in bagging ladies every day and they all fall for him because he's rich. Well he's not the rich one, it's his dad and me but he's spoiled and it's mostly my fault.” Andre sighs and I place my hands around him to bring him in for a hug.

“Let's talk about your family. How did you grow up?” I asked him to which he laughed.

“Oh my,” his chest rumbled as he laughed again. “I was an unplanned child. My brother, Damian, is twelve years older than me. My elder sister is eight years older than me and there's me, the last child. I wasn't my parents’ favorite but my siblings adored me so much. My mum divorced my dad when she found out she was pregnant. My dad wasn't having it because he thought I was someone else's child but that's a lie because…”

He picks his phone from the bedside and as he unlocked it, I saw that it was still very early and we've been up for a long time. It was 6:23 in the morning. He scrolled through his gallery and showed me a picture of him, or so I thought.

“...This is my dad.”

If he didn't tell me, I would have thought it was him. He is a replica of his father, a splitting image of the man who thought he wasn't even his child.

“Wow.” I was stunned.

“Yes, wow.” He looked at me and smiled.

I took my time to stare at him, analyzing his features. Brown eyes, black hair, his eyelashes rest on their individual spots, making him look like a mannequin. His build can be likened to that of a wrestler. Maybe he's one.

“What's your job?” I asked.

“I am the largest shareholder for my family's hotel.”

“The McDonalds hotel?” I asked again and he nodded.

“My grandfather liked the hospitality industry and so did my father. He gave Damian the company and Damian made me the largest shareholder. Soon after, he made me the owner of the company but I worked my way up.”

Another thing to admire. He worked his way up. My man worked his way up! If only I did too. I felt too small and insignificant compared to him. If only I had a few achievements….

“You're beautiful just the way you are, my angel. You shouldn't have to feel less of yourself because I have achieved some things. With time, you would too.” he placed his hand over my head and patted it softly. “You're beautiful, Christabel”

It was later in the day and Joan’s parents came over to pick him up as Andre wanted.

I had never met his parents before and I was nervous about their reaction to finding out my past relationship with their son and then my marriage to said son’s uncle.

“Thank you Andre, although what you did wasn't all so nice. You should have called me the moment he arrived at your place. Why didn't you?” Joan’s mum, Amelia, asked with a slight frown on her face.

Earlier on, she hugged me and welcomed me into the family, stating that she is sorry for not coming for my wedding.

Her husband, Damian also welcomed me and told me that he knows about my relationship with his son and he isn't against my relationship with his brother.

“He's my nephew and I wanted to take care of him until he became unbearable.” Andre stared hard at Joan while saying this and he tightened his grip on my waist.

Joan looked at me briefly and entered his dad's car begrudgingly. He stepped out again and came straight towards Andre and I.

“Will she really be the reason our relationship won't be the same anymore?” He asked my husband to which he just chuckled.

“Come back when you're ready to welcome her to the family.”

He waved Joan off. Joan's parents entered the car and he joined them but before his dad drove off, he mouthed the words, “Remember what I said.”


Right after my call with Vivian yesterday, Joan stormed into my room and turned everywhere upside down.

“Who do you think you are?” I asked as I gripped his arm, just as he was about to fling my only surviving bag across the room.

“Who do you think you are, Christabel? Why are you never satisfied? Why must you always be greedy?” He asked and jerked his arm away from my hand, making me tilt over but I managed to get a hold of myself.

“Are you married to my uncle as a form of revenge against me? Must you be like this? Must you do this?” He asked me again but this time, with a worried expression.

“We met and fell in love on our own accord, it's got nothing to do with you. And no, I'm not after his money. I'm not a greedy person, thank you very much.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Just remember, if you leave him, I'll kill you. Leave him now or stick with him for life. Either way, I'll come at you because you're my ex and I dumped you. The least you could do was leave my life and not spread your legs like a whore for my family”

He stormed out of my room, leaving me to arrange the havoc he caused.


His words still echoed in my mind and it made me think I'd sly Andre someday. I feel like if I were in a tough situation and I had to leave him, I would and this scares me because he loves me and I do too, right?

“You look like a lot is going on in your world.” Andre drew me closer to him where we stood watching the scenery.

‘You are my world.’

I wish I had the courage to say this but I just smiled at him and shook my head.

“I'm fine, Andre” or am I?

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