
The abduction


Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and am back at school in South Africa. It is now June and I just finished writing my midterm exams. Things have been going well on my side, the prince and I have been in contact since I left. He checks on me every day, which is what I prayed for, that we are at least civil with each other.

Kwezi and I are going to the mall to spoil ourselves, we both just received our monthly allowances and she still doesn’t know that am a princess. I plan on telling her today, she’s been a good friend to me and always has my back so it’s only fair that she knows everything about me. We arrived at the mall and we went to the nearest restaurant and placed our orders.

“Friend I have something to tell you and I would like you to please try and understand my reasons for keeping it from you.” She looks at me with a serous expression. “Don’t scare me Mapula, what is it?” this might be the first and the last time I see this friend of mine so serous.

“There is nothing to be scared about it’s nothing bad” I tried to calm her nerves a bit. “Tell me already!” oh I forgot how impatient she can be. “Okay here goes, my name is Princess Mapula Mohapi of the BaKoena Kingdom in LeSotho.” I say all this with my eyes closed so that I don’t see the look she has.

“Like a real princess or just a name.” I look at her when she asked and she has a normal expression. “Yes, like a real princess and I keep it s secret because am in a foreign land alone so for safety and…” before I could finish she screams earning us some stares from the people in the restaurant. “Kwezi stop screaming! What’s wrong with you?” I reprimand her.

“Ha! Friend let me be happy, it’s not every day we commoners get to be in the presence of royalty let alone be friends with them!” she says with excitement. “You crazy! Being a princess is no big deal” she looks at me like I grew a pair of horns. “To you yes, not to me so let me be! Now tell me when are you going back home?” I wonder why she asked. “On Friday so I have two days to spend with you.” I tell her.

“How about we spend the holidays together this term?” she asks “I would love to but I have to go home or my brother will come and get me back himself if I don’t go.” I tell her, she winks and I laugh. She still goes on about wishing she was born early each time my brothers names are mentioned. “You don’t get it friend, I want to go with  you to see your home town and meet new people. Maybe find myself a prince.” I laughed.

“Great! Just inform your parents and if they agree I will inform mother that am coming with a guest.” It will be so much fun if her parents agree for her to go. “Great! My prince here I come.” She says excitedly and I laughed at her. “So you already have a prince waiting?” I asked her still smiling. “You never know.” I give up on this girl.

“Alright let’s go” we stood up settled the bill and left. We were laughing and talking about all the things we will do and places we will visit when we get to my home town. Suddenly there were gun shots,  people started screaming and running. Some laying on the ground, it was chaos!

The two was brought back to their sense when they felt a sting at the back on their necks, they turned around to see what was going on but their eyes were blurry and soon darkness consumed them.


I have been waiting and planning the kidnapping for 6 months and today is the day I take my wife home. We have been watching her for the past months checking her routine. Today we were planning on taking her just as she arrives at her house. We had to change our plan though because my beautiful wife decided to go to the mall.

It was not a big deal though, I told my guys to follow her and we will meet there. When we got there she was with her friend in a restaurant laughing and talking. I must say that friend of hers is also beautiful and will make me a lot of money when I ship her off. She wasn’t part of the plan but she’s here now so we talking her.

We waited and watched for when her guard moved but he never moved from his spot. Right at this point I think the plan wont work as they leave the restaurant with the guard not far behind but doesn’t make it obvious that his with them. I took my gun and shot him on the shoulder. He goes for his then starts shooting and chaos starts.

We go for the princess while one of my guys points a gun at the back of the body guard’s neck, when we get to them we inject them with sedatives, we take them away running to the car and when we got to it the engine is still running with my guy ready to drive off.

As soon as we settle in and close the doors he drives off. Taking the jet was a wise move and its ready and waiting. We are driving like we are being chased on the way to the airport, my tech guy is wiping the footage from the mall and my police contacts are driving in front with sirens on escorting us.

I must say the plan was solid and no one will suspect anything, even if we meet their colleagues on the road they won’t stop us because we are driving state cars. Well decoys that look like the state cars, genius right? When we got to the jet we got out of the car and strapped in after putting the princess and her friend in the bedroom.

I transfer the rest of the funds to the people I worked with as the jet took off and sent father a message that the job is done then I sat back and enjoyed a well deserved glass of whiskey. Let us see what Tokelo and that weak link Thabiso will do now. Tokelo should have known that I wouldn’t take this laying down but I guess he underestimated me. Well he made a mistake!

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goodnovel comment avatar
Lehlogonolo Molepo
i love the book i want to read more pls
goodnovel comment avatar
Lehlogonolo Molepo
im love the book
goodnovel comment avatar
nolwazi nhlumayo
iam sooo loving the book. but I can't continue it doesn't allow me ... why

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