
Yo Do Not Yield

TODAY WAS A DAY OF CHANGE, an emotional and mental change. The type of change you feel in the air.

I feel it before it happens. Like a low buzz of energy underneath my skin that makes me lightheaded.

Every time something of significance is about to happen, I feel it.

I felt it before Father failed to show up to my seven-year-old birthday, the next day, he was found gravely wounded close to Revillon borders.

I felt it the moment Mother got pregnant. She lost the baby a few months later.

I feel it now, I've felt it since this morning.

My head jerked to the door of the Queen’s waiting chambers, as the guards pulled it open and my parents walked in regally.

“Mother, Father,” I greeted them with an incline of my head.

The King returned my greeting with a warm smile and the Queen ignored me.


Queen Vanisha sat by the fireplace where a warm fire crackled dispelling the cold winter air, and she gestured opposite her for me to do the same.

Seating was the last thing I wanted to do but pacing anxiously does not exude the strength my mother expects of Gaham’s princess, so I sat and tried my best not to tap my feet.

"Zura,” Father started, his voice solemn and his face grave. “Our spy in the Berravin court just got back to us,”

He paused and shared a look with my mother.

“What is it?” My voice shook with uncertainty.

“Berravin is after your head. They’ve sent an assassin,”

A small chuckle of relief left my lips. “Is that all?” I asked incredulously. 

“I’ve been sick with worry since I received your summons. An assassin is not a problem. Berravin has been getting bold lately, I’ll deal with it,”

“Zura,” Father shook his head. “Not this time,”

I smiled softly.

 “Father,” I began in a patronizing voice. “I’m trained, I’ll—”

“Don’t be stupid Arielle!” The Queen cut me off. “Your pesky training is not enough—”

“Pesky?” My mouth dropped open in shock. “I was trained by Vladin himself,” 

I feel mocked. 

Rumors of me have traveled as far as Revillion and I’m called the Shadow Princess for a reason.

 My training is certainly not pesky and I don’t consider a miserable assassin from Berravin a threat.

 “Quiet girl.” The Queen hissed. “Even Vladin will use wisdom in a situation like this. You’re just a princess. That Assassin will crush you like dust,”

Anger swirled in the pit of my stomach. “You’re keeping something from me, aren’t you? We both know I can handle the assassin so tell me? What is it?”

King Andres and the Queen shared a look. 

I took in a deep breath to calm down 

“I can handle the assassin without breaking a sweat. Just tell me. What are you keeping from me?”

Queen Vanisha and the King exchanged a look again.

This time, Father spoke. “Prince Scott himself is after you and the Assassin is his dog,”

My stomach dropped. So the cruel Bastard finally caved and decided to come after me himself. And he sent his dog.

My stomach flipped.

Everyone in the three kingdoms has heard of Andal, though I doubt anyone has actually seen the man and lived to tell the tale.

Yes. The man. Because that’s exactly what Prince Scott’s dog is. A man who can change into a dog at will. Well, not a dog but a wolf. 

We just call him a dog because of his undying loyalty to his feared master.

“It’s because I took the Valley isn’t it?” The question left my lips in a whisper.

Mother gave a nod. “We’ve been at war with Berravin for years. He has endured you been taking over territories with no serious backlash but this one hit too close to home. The Prince wants you dead and he’s sent his best to do it,”

“I suppose I should be flattered he thinks so highly of my abilities. I’ll have to train more and of course, prepare—”

Mother shook her head immediately and stood to her feet. “Doesn’t matter. By the time the assassin gets here, you’ll be far away in Revilon,”

I blinked in surprise unsure if she was joking. “Revillon? I’ll be traveling to Revillon?”

“Not just traveling Arielle. You’ll live undercover in Revillon for the next one year. In disguise, you’ll just be another noble lady of the Revillon court,”

“No no,” My mind went blank with panic as I turned to Father. “I... I don’t understand, You don’t mean that. Do you?”

But even as I asked the question, my heart knew the answer. Mother never says anything she doesn’t mean.

“You leave at dawn,” The Queen turned her back on me, signaling the end of the conversation.

Leave? What would my soldiers think of me? The Shadow princess ran for her life.

“No no, Mother please,” I got to my feet and hurriedly pulled back her hand while Father watched with sad eyes. “I’ll train harder. I’ll prepare for him. I’ll do anything. Please, Mother, I can’t leave Gaham. I can’t run. I can’t—”

“You can and will do everything I command,” She hissed as she pushed my hand away coldly.

I grew frantic with panic. “No, no. Father!” I turned to the King for help but he remained silent so I turned back to her. “Mother, please!”

“YOUR MAJESTY!” She corrected me coldly. “I’m not only your mother, I am your queen and I command you. Get ready Arielle. Come daylight, you’ll be on a carriage to Revilon with a new name and new identity,”

I wanted to break something. To scream and yell and cry my frustration as tears pricked my eyelids and my stomach swirled with fear.

But I was frozen. I couldn’t show any weakness. Not when the Queen had drilled power into me from a young age.

“Now, remember,” Queen Vanisha’s voice softened as she turned around and placed a finger under my chin. 

“You are Arielle Azura Theron. Princess and first Daughter of Gaham.

You are my daughter. You are a soldier in my army. You do not show weakness and You do not yield,”

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