
10. Caught Red handed


When I found those paper, I made a quick note in my mind to bring back everything Khushi  mortgaged for me but without letting her know.

I kept those paper in place where they were earlier and started searching for her mobile phone.

I really never knew the importance of mobile phone till today. As I am a person, who used to threw away his phone, immediately even when there was a simple scratch on it.

' Just see my pity condition today' , I was acting as a thief, who was here to stole Khushi's mobile phone.

That's why there is a saying when we lost something, then only we realised its importance in our life. Just like I know today, about my mobile importance.

'Yipee'!, Finally I got it. Just when I was going to dial Luca's number thanking God that I just memorised his number in my mind as in case of any emergency, I could contact him, even without my mobile phone. 

" What have you been searching for Mr

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