
Chapter 4


Panting heavily, for the first time in my entire life I feel totally threatened , I've seen guns before mostly at the club but never have I been held at a gunpoint this close,

"Tick tock, Rick tock, time is running out Nikita, what would it be? Will you become one of us and have the key to an entire luxury or would you rather die as a nobody?"

"I'm in"

"Wait what?"

"I'm in you heard me right Tammy"

"That was so easy"

I sigh in relief wanting to bolt out if this room whenever I get the opportunity to,

"That was way too easy Trevor, you aren't thinking of running off or something"

"I'm not,why would I do such a thing"

"You would and I'm pretty sure you'd attempt it at any chance you get, there's no backing out Nikita you are stuck "

"Sorry to interrupt girls but Nikita I might have left the part where you may due either ways out"

"What the heck?!!!"

"Don't be bothered if you made the right choice I would've emptied the bullet into your skull the minute you decline but you agreed on no near deaths now maybe tomorrow?"

"Are you crazy?, You would've emptied the bullet into my freaking skull , you threatened me to accept the offer and now what I'd have to die tomorrow"

"I didn't say would I said may"

"Doesn't sound much if a difference to me"

He tosses a passport at me, I open checking the details and nodding my head accessing the information and thinking if the nest way out of this damned situation,

"Why do I need these?"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Just answer her Trevor, you seem more like her when you were recruited"

"Is this some sort of military?Someone should speak up, anyone ?, please!!! now!!!"

"I guess I have to do the ranting this time, but I'll have enough time to do that in the plane tomorrow"

"Tomorrow, you guys are leaving?"

"Yes , we are leaving that includes you"

"No way"

"Yes way, it's happening Nikita but this time it's your choice to make"

"I won't "

"You would have no choice "

"I'm fine with living here"

"You mean those barracks and grumpy looking cottages"

"That was what I could afford"

"Yuck!, Have your passport meet us the the airport tomorrow and take the jacket along with you it's cold out"

"Thanks for the nice gesture but I'll pass"

"Common girls code"

Looking at and away from both suspiciously I grab the passportand the jacket walking towards the door, turning the knob I halt not so sure if where I am,

"Where am I?"

"Go on down there's a cab waiting for you, it would drive you home"


Walking out of the room hastily towards the elevator I close the button, standing like a newly turned zombie I try wrapping my head around all that happened just now, 

  Did I just pledge an alliance ?, Am I wanted?, Have I become a criminal?, Will I be on the run if I decline?, Will I die eventually?, And what did they mean by me needing the passport tomorrow?,

The door to the elevator opens as I walk out the building with absolutely shaky legs,

"Miss Nikita?"

I raise a brow at the man with a questionable accent and looks, is he really a cab man?, 


"This is your ride, I got a call to get you home safely"

"Oh, I think I might have to forgoe the ride"

"The bills have been paid"


"Yes ma'am, this way please"

Walking into the car my mind tells me not to, everything seems so wrong but I can't place a finger , why would they threaten me with a gun to my head just to pay my fare back home, maybe being with them might not be a bad idea after all anything would be better than loving this cramp of a lifestyle, but selling out my soul would also be a huge mistake , what should I do?,

  Few minutes passes by and the car pulls over by my front door,


"My pleasure,"

Highlighting from the cab I feel the jacket suddenly become heavier, or am I probably getting weaker?,

 My phone buzzes and I look to the screen it's an unknown number but my best guess tells me it's Trevor,


"I see you got home safely"

"Yeah thanks, I won't bother asking you how you got my number but can you please stay out of my life"

"I told you it's your choice to make, I'd have to stay out of here but I promise you'd be the first one to call"

"You wish, bye Trevor"

 Hanging up the call I walk in, taking note and making sure I keep the door locked.

"What parting gift?He didn't place a parcel here did he?"

I searched the pockets in the jacket , I hit my hand and hit a cold substance metal to be precise, what could be in here? Pulling it out I jerk my hand away almost immediately pushing myself away from it the sudden impact making me fall to the ground,

"Why the fuck did he out a gun in here?, Is he trying to make me a criminal,is this what he meant by ending up dead"

My phone rings out loud making me yell in fear,

"Fuck!!, It better be him"

"Hello come get your.."


Taking the phone off my ears I checking the caller I'd I see it's Chloe,"

"Sorry boss"

"You'd better be after causing a huge ruckus last night "

"I'm sorry I was…"

"Don't need your excuses, I want you here tonight you add called upon by a vip, he asked for you specifically"

"I'd be there"

Putting the gun back into the jacket I place it carefully on the couch , slumping into my armchair why on Earth did I get mixed up with everything all I wanted was go to work and end up home as usual not end up winded  in whatever shady deal they had going down there,and now what? I'm summoned, money sure makes everything possible,

 This might be my chance at changing my life and everything. I'm going to take  this chance. Whatever happens I'll make sure to rise and never fall after all money accompanies power and vice versa.


I flinch bumping into someone,

"Watch it girl"

"I'm sorry, have you seen Chloe by chance?"

"She's up in her office. She's been keeping such a fuss elaborating baselessly about some  rich dude coming over but I think he's here already"

"Have you seen the guy?"

"Nope, but I hear he can be damn dangerous"

"Thanks Lyla"

"We're buds remember, and I'm sorry you had to take my shift last night got my period unannounced, Chloe won't have me dripping blood all over"

"You were in duty last night?, It's Cool we've got each other covered"

Placing a soft knock on Chloe's door, I hope she doesn't hear but it was a total waste of time hoping for such

"Come on in"

"Chloe I'm sorry I didn't mean to act out last night …"

"Told you don't know don't care, you made a fool of yourself but it's got nothing to do with me, he's waiting up"

"Thanks, room number"

"The rx4"

"The rx4?"

"You heard me right"

"Why would he choose a room like that, I'm a stripper not a sex role player"

"I don't see the difference hon, and why did you have that huge bulky thing wrapped around you, come on give it to me"

"I'll stick with it, I'll take it off once I'm up"

"You buy one expensive thing and I can't touch it?, Suit yourself and remember don't mess things up, "

"I won't"

Tying the loose end to my mask firm, I walk into the room, taking off my jacket as it falls to the floor , I see a figure walk towards me into the light and to my surprise I find a totally different person in there,

"Took you long enough"


"I see my reputation precedes me and if it does you know I like things quick"

I cringe in fear, as he traces his finger down my half naked body feasting his eyes on me, I can tell my already wet transparent outfit isn't helping matters, I feel his hand graze through my nipple slightly he turns me over making me face the wall, I feel his bulge rub against me,I try pushing him but he pins me down with no effort at all,

"It won't be fun if you don't resist"

I'm hit by a sharp wave of pain as he thrusts into me gradually it turns to pleasure as he thrusts faster,harder and quicker my brain tells me to fight him off and run but my body aches for more pleasure than ever,I've always been this kind of slut but tonight I feel violated,

    He turns me over to face him I watch his lips move closer aiming for a kiss,disgusted and irked I kick him in the groin causing him to fall and sprawl on the ground ,I reach for my jacket, he pulls me by my ankle I try kicking him off but he's holding on too tight, restless and impatient I reach for the gun just before me pulling the trigger without second thought, he stays still not moving seconds after blood come gushing out from his abdomen,I hear claps come from behind

"Well-done Nikita, welcome to the crib"

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