
Chapter 01: Overreacting

Mia's Point Of View

As I walked out of the building, I searched for my cellphone in my bag to call my best friend Tina. I walked down the now busy street finding her contact, then called her. The phone rang for a few seconds, then she answered it happily.

"Hey Mia, what's up?" She asked me

"Well I just got off work and I wanted to rant," I said to her looking at both sides of the street before I quickly walked across as fast as I could in my heels.

"Okay, Sweetie, I'm all ears. What's wrong?" She asked. I sighed, trying to word this in the best way possible.

"I think Charlie is seeing someone else," I said to her, feeling my heart broke by just the short sentence. The line got quiet for a while, then she sighed.

"Mia, that's a huge accusation, you know. Maybe he's just busy, and how did you come to that agreement?" She asked me

"Well, last week we went out to a dinner, and he was constantly on his phone texting back and forth. When I asked him, he said he was texting Brody because his aunt has fallen down the stairs and was in the hospital. After that I didn't question it, but it got so annoying. We went back to my apartment, and he was supposed to spend the night, but he said something came up. I asked him what it was, and he was stuttering, then he said he was supposed to help his mom with something. He left and I started putting some stuff together. Later, his mom called to speak to him because she couldn't reach him on the phone. I told her I thought he was with her, but she said she and his father had left the country for a meeting." I said to her as I reached the bus stop.

"Okay, but maybe he has a surprise planned for you," She said to me as I frowned.

"Are you making excuses for him?" I asked her

"And why on earth would I do that? You're my best friend, so I'd never go against you, but you have always to overthink all your other relationships, and they all ended before they even started. You and Charlie has been together for almost 3 years, so there is a chance the guy wanna fucking propose, so you need to chill out" She said to me in a tone I didn't like.

"Whatever you say, but I think he's cheating. That's what my gut says, and I always go against my gut feeling, but not this time." I stated as more people approached the bus stop.

"Do you always have to ruin everything good in your life?" She asked with a groan.

"I don't know why you got your panties in a bunch, but I'm going to go before we say something we will both regret later," I said, then hung up.

Yes, I admit that I'm scared of how men can use other women. In my previous relationships, the guys were total assholes and never respected me. In the first two years of my relationship with Charlie, Tina hated him to the point that I couldn't have them in the same room, so now that she's siding with him, it's not sitting right with me.

Soon the bus came, and I got on, deciding to go to Charlie's house to speak with him. I hate looking stupid, especially for a guy because that's not who I am. I rather dump you than have you treat me like a stupid side piece. A man dressed in a black suit sat next to me on the bus and I guess his shoulders were too broad because he was touching me. I couldn't see his face because he was looking down at his phone.

I leaned forward a bit, so he wasn't uncomfortable with his seating, even though he was the one who was making me uncomfortable. When the bus came to the bus stop near Charlie's house, I pressed the buzzer, and then the bus stopped. The guy stood up as well letting me pass him then he came behind me and we both got off the bus.

The bus drove off, leaving us both on the road. The street was getting dark, but I didn't mind at all because I knew my way around the place. As soon as the street got less crowded, I walked across the street and the guy was following behind me. I turned and looked at him, but he didn't pay me any mind as he walked right past me. Hmm.

Charlie's house was at least a 3-minute walk from the bus stop, so I reached there in a short period of time. I rang the doorbell, seeing as I didn't bring my key. The door was soon opened by Charlie's older brother, Chance. He smiled at me, letting me inside.

"Here to see the asshole, huh?" Chance asked me

"Don't call him that and yes. Is he home because I saw his car in the yard when I walked in?" I asked him, stepping out of my heels, and leaving them by the door.

"Yes, he's here, but can I talk to you before you go in there?" He asked me

"Uh, sure, I guess. What's up?" I asked him

"You know how I always say you deserve better than my little brother, right?" He asked me

"Chance, I already made myself clear. I don't want to hear that" I said to him about to walk away, but he stopped me

"No, please just listen to me, Mia. Charlie is my baby brother and I love him to death, but he's going to hurt you. I'm sure you've heard this from our sister already," He said to me.

"Yes, I have, and Charlie specifically told me that you guys don't want to see him happy. You're not going to ruin my relationship with him, so please let it go" I said to him, but my gut was agreeing with him.

"We don't want to see him happy?" He asked, chuckling, but he seemed hurt.

"I'm sorry okay. Just don't tell him I said that, but I don't wanna hear about him. Let me find that out on my own" I said to him. He nodded then kissed my forehead.

"Good to see you. Vivian is waiting for me anyway" He said to me then left.

Chance was a great guy and to me, he has always been a great brother of Charlie's, but you can never know a person you have never lived with, especially when people can easily hide behind a lie. Chance and Vivian got married 2 years ago after being together for 4 years straight. He is 29 years old, while Vivian is almost 26 years old. They have been together since she was 18.

Anyway, I made my way to Charlie's bedroom, and he was lying down and taking a nap. I smiled at his cute face, then decided to join him. I kissed his cheek then his lips, smiling as he groaned, twisting his and wrapping both his arms around me.

"Baby," He said tiredly, then opened his eyes. They widen a bit in surprise. Weird.

"Were you expecting someone else?" I asked him.

"N-no. I just thought I was dreaming when you kissed me, but you're actually here. For real," He said, chuckling.

"Right, whatever. Um, We need to talk, Charlie. Seriously" I said to him. He shifted uncomfortably, and then I sat up, causing him to do the same.

"What is it, babe?" He asked me.

"What's going on with you, and I mean seriously?" I asked him

"What do you mean?" He asked me. I stood up from the bed, sighing.

"Why are you being so secretive and scarce, Charlie?" I asked him

"Babe, I'm not being secretive, but I'm busy with work. You knew what you signed up for when you came into this relationship," He said to me

"Yes I knew. You work Mondays to Fridays just like me and I make time with my busy schedule. I can barely see you on Saturdays anymore. We don't talk often either, and our sex life is going downhill. Am I not enough for your liking?" I asked him, now getting frustrated. He stood up from the bed, coming towards me.

"Baby, you are overthinking and over reacting." He said to me

"Stop fucking tell me I'm overthinking and over reacting. Do I look stupid to you Charlie or do you think I'm some walk over, huh?" I asked him

"Mia, what are you implying?" He asked me

"Are you cheating on me, Charlie?" I asked him as my eyes pooled with tears. He walked towards me, cupping my cheeks.

"No, Mia, I'm not cheating on you. I am taking a vacation next month and I wanted you to come with me. That's why I have so much work to do because I wanna finish, so I won't be behind when I get back," He said to me. What?

"Charlie, I have a job, and you work for your parents. I can't take a vacation when I have to work. I don't have a vacation leave until the next three months. What do you expect me to do?" I asked him. He sighed then shook his head.

"We will think about that when we get there," He said to me. I shook my head no, then stepped out of his embrace.

"I have to go," I said to him, then walked out of the bedroom heading to the front door with him hot on my tail.

"Mia, please let's talk about this," He said to me

"I need some time. Have a good night" I said to him slipping my heels on grabbing my bag, and opening the front door.

"Mia," He called, and I walked out the door

What is it with men? They never value a woman the way they are supposed to and treat us as if we are objects. Charlie's mom is a trophy wife according to me because she wanted me to quit my job to let Charlie take care of me. Her husband cheated, get she stood by him constantly. It has become a regular thing, and he doesn't respect her. If a man doesn't respect me, I don't see a future with him. I'm not stupid.

These women let men walk over them. Let them see us as just people to live with and who they treat as if they are maids. I want to be heard too, and I will not let any man walk over me like I'm some idiot, all this wasn't called for. They are two weak, and I think women forget that we are the ones who stand by men to give them strength. One of a man's ribs makes one woman, but yet a woman is stronger than a man emotionally and mentally.

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