
Chapter 2: Pay Us Back, Claudia!

Claudia Woods' Point of View

Pay Us Back, Claudia!

A few days ago…

Despite my watery eyes, I managed to smile in front of the mirror. My boyfriend, Franco, requested to see me after my grandmother's death. I didn't have the energy to get out of bed yet, but based on the text message I received from him, I'm confident the matter we'll be discussing is urgent.

I could still see my grandma standing there, smiling at me, as I gazed around our flat. But the notion of her being gone from this world hurts my heart.

To keep from sobbing, I bit my lower lip while fixing my purse.

My grandmother died from a terminal disease. There was an opportunity to prolong her life, but my cousin and I could not afford it. Fortunately, we were able to borrow a big monetary base from loan sharks located just around the corner.

"What do you want to talk about?" While seated across from her in a restaurant, I probed.

It's late, but I'm not going to let this precious day pass without even hearing from him about why he's been avoiding my texts and calls and refusing to be by my side since I found out my beloved grandmother had died.

Franco's cruel expression already gave me an indication that something had happened. In any case, I don't want to make any judgments about any unfavorable circumstances that may occur between us, especially about our relationship.

"We should break up, Claudia," he stated without pausing or saying anything further.

I froze, gasped, and attempted to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.

"You didn't text or call. Even on the day of my grandmother's funeral, you refused to see me. Franco, you've been avoiding me for weeks, and now you want to see me in the middle of the night to inform me we should end things?" I'm constantly restless.

His eyes were devoid of emotion. He was determined to end our relationship without providing any concrete reasons.

"I'm not playing a game with you, Franco," I murmured, my eyes welling up with tears.

He scoffed, craned his neck, and spat out some words. "Nor do I, Claudia."

I purposefully nodded my head. "Then tell me one reason. Tell me what I did for you to be so cruel to me."

"Just because I'm done toying with you, Claudia. You should know that I despise those who carry a burden. You should know that by now."

"How about the years we've shared? Are we simply going—"

"I was just having fun. I hope what I said has made an impression on you. Give my secretary the account I gave you back then, and leave my penthouse in an instant."

Franco's words ate my brain. I was really taken aback when he left. We've been dating for a year; he promised to marry me and give me the world, but he dumped us, saying he's tired of playing the same game he promised.

I was exhausted of sobbing all day, which is why I didn't chase after him.

That night, I returned home absolutely discouraged. I was heading along the street, looking down as the gentle breeze caressed my skin. I was sniffing while stores closed and employees went home, and now I'm sobbing myself to slumber, remembering what happened in a heartbeat.

My grandmother was sick, and we owed over a million dollars to the loan sharks from whom we borrowed the money. The money, however, was stolen by someone we do not know. And just now, my only hope was for Franco to seek help, but he ended our relationship, revealing his actual motives.

I elected to walk alone, oblivious to the danger ahead of me. My attention was locked on the ground as I brushed away my tears, until I lifted my gaze to see the loan sharks waiting for me at the intersection of the road.

I froze where I was, began to shiver, and considered where to run because there was no one there to save me.

"There she is!" cried one of them, pointing their fingers at me.

I rushed away from them, running as quickly as I could until I ran into a drunk man in front of a MiniMart. He was around six feet tall and thin. When I lifted my attention to him, he resembled a Greek deity, but he reeked of alcohol!

His husky gaze was lured to mine. When he spoke, I realized I'd been gripping his chest for more than a minute, snapping me back to reality.

"Get off, woman," he barely said.

I turned around when I noticed the thugs behind me, who were barely running to catch up with me.

"I'm sorry, but could you please help me? Those thugs are attempting to subdue me!" I was articulating as I was disturbed by the man's remark.

He only looked at me for a few seconds before sneering; he seemed furious and didn't dare to listen to what I said. Instead, he hopped inside his car, prompting me to begin running away from them.

What a cruel person!

As I peered behind me, I had no idea that two men were already in front of me, grasping my hand as I relaxed my guard.

"We got you!" they exclaimed.

Out of surprise, I screamed. I looked around, but the area where we currently dwell has no houses and little chance of seeing someone. It was when one of them seized my arm and clutched it tightly.

"Let go!" I shouted and yanked my arms away from them.

"The days we gave you have expired. Where is the money you borrowed from us?" questioned the goon.

My heart started racing because I didn't know what to say. Since I withdrew the money from my bank, it has been taken by someone I don't know. And we haven't heard anything from it since that day.

"Wait!" I squirmed, attempting to get away, but they were too powerful.

"Lady, stop fleeing from us. We let you borrow the money, and you agreed to return it on a specific date. Three days had passed, and you had continued to flee. Do you think we'd let you escape now?"

An SUV pulled over in front of us. I started screaming when they tried to bring me inside. Even so, as I was being knocked inside the SUV while screaming, I noticed a man's shadow at the corner. I was about to call for help when these idiots covered my mouth with a handkerchief, putting me to a deep slumber.

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