
Chapter 10

A taxi reversed and started driving towards the entrance of the Canadian Airport.

He had been called by a man who was stepping out with his luggage being in his second arm and the other clutching tightly a flower.

He entered the taxi and he began to drive.

"Sir, rain would be falling soon. Should I speed up a little bit so you'd get to your location before it starts falling?" The taxi driver asked.

" Sure thing, you can buy don't over speed the already set limits" Nathaniel replied.

The man chuckled. He must be a law abiding citizen.

Nathaniel's heart raced with anticipation of his meeting with Morgana. He had planned it to be a surprise coming to Canada from Montenegro to see her. Well, what could he do anyway if not surprise her. She hadn't answered his calls since she came to Canada. She hadn't spoken to him either. It had always been her hostel roommate that answered the landline phone on her behalf each and anytime he called.

Morgana had not yet. Perhaps she was still angry at him. More reason why he had worked his butt off to afford a flight ticket to come to Canada and apologize to her again, formally.

Clutching the flowers close to his chest and occasionally bringing it close to his nose to check whether they were still fresh, he'd let out a gentle smile. He could only pray for her to accept it. They were roses, and she had always wanted them ever since they were little, even though they couldn't afford them then.

He had bought it for her at the airport.

Reaching her university's gate and showing his Identity cards, the taxi was let to drive in and he pulled up in front of her Hostel Accommodation.

He was the one that picked it for hr because of it's minimalist designs, so it was easy for him to identify it to the Taxi driver who drove him to the front of the gate.

He stepped down and took some cash and gave the taxi driver.

He took it and thanked him.

He had tipped him way more than he had expected. Perhaps he was overjoyed because of the woman he had come to meet.

He walked up the gate of the Hostel. He couldn't enter as it was a female hostel, so he called the landline phone.

It had been weeks he did so.

He didn't want to call Morgana for the weeks he did not call because he wanted her to think that he had forgotten her, after which he would pull up in front of her Hostel and surprise her with his presence, just like he had come to do.

The first call was not answered. He called again and this time, but was picked by her roommate who had introduced herself to him before as Ari.

Ari answered the call but her tone was not inviting.

He didn't want to hear what she had to say, he was overjoyed to finally be here, to finally come to Canada for his Morgana after months, he was overjoyed to be standing in front of her accommodation.

He ended the call and moved out of the gate to await Ari whom he had instructed to bring Morgana downstairs.

He began to adjust his suit, shifting his travelling bag to his side.

The rain wouldn't start anytime soon. He would be quick in giving Morgana her flowers, pecking her if she'd let him and then he'd find a taxi and move to the nearest hotel to crash in all before the rain would start falling, it was no big deal.

The gate opened and he stared at the white girl with a blonde hair that stood in front of him.

"Are you Ari?" He asked with his Montenegro accent laced all over her name.

"Are you Nathaniel?" The girl asked back, seeing that he was the only one at the gate.

He smiled and hid the flower at his back before she could see it.

"Yes, I am Nathaniel. What about Morgana?" He added, noticing that she was not with her.

" Did she refuse to come down with you? Did you tell her that I was the one at the gate waiting for her?" He asked with a voice mixed with tension.

" Morgana" the girl began.

" Yes Morgana, my little sister, where is she? Is she still angry at me?"

" I'm very sorry Mr Nathaniel, I do not know the relationship you and Morgana had or why you are here looking for her when she doesn't love here any more"

" I am not talking about another person Ari. I am talking about your roommate. The girl that shares room 312 with you. With ebony black hair, she has a noice that is pointed but somehow flat along her nasal bones, she's tall and fair, but not too much like you. She still has her Montenegro feel. She should be in room 312. Morgana Montenegro" he explained.

" Yes, she was my roommate before but not anymore. Another student has come to join me in the room. She doesn't stay here anymore. She left weeks ago. Didn't she call you to tell you? She already received the cell phone you sent to her, didn't she call you with it?"

" Cellphone?" He asked puzzled pointing to his bag.

"I'm with the cellphone I bought for her, I haven't given it to her yet. Who got her a cellphone. Where did she move to if she doesn't stay in this hostel then. Does she have any friends?"

" I don't know. She never talks to people. Perhaps if you had called me weeks ago, I would have told you all these over the landline to avoid you wasting your time" she said and bringing the umbrella she held, she extended her hand out to him to give it to him as the rain had already started to drizzle.

He saw her extended hand and could not reject the girls offers. He was already shaking but he hid his tears. He took the umbrella and have the girl the flowers he held in his own arms.

Taking the umbrella and holding it without using it to cover himself from the drizzling rain, be took his bag with his other hand, dragging it with him across the road.

" Morgana she doesn't live here anymore, she left weeks ago. Didn't she tell you? She already received the cellphone you sent to her"

" Morgana she doesn't live here anymore, she left weeks ago, didn't she tell you? She already received......... "

The girls words played all over his head.

" Morgana" he kept muttering under his breath as the girls words kept replaying.

He felt himself drifting, walking without direction not where to go to as the rain began falling uncontrollably, on him and his bag, and the umbrella that he still held in his other arm, away from him.

He didn't know what happened next, he was on the floor, the rain still falling on him, washing the tears that were falling uncontrollably on his cheeks...

"Mr Nathaniel"he heard himself being called.

"Mr Nathaniel, what's wrong, wake up"

"Morganaaa" he muttered as he raised his hand to pat the girls hair.

But it was not black like Morgana's, it was blonde. It was the blonde girl he had met earlier.

He smiled before his vision became clouded.

Something fell on the floor and Nathaniel was brought back from his memories of the past.

He picked up his phone that had fallen from his hand.

Checking to see if it had any broken screens, he saw a news headline that shocked him.

"Le Faye Alcantara is bringing her business to Montenegro"

Who was Le Faye Alcantara, what business was she bringing and why Montenegro.

He brought his laptop and began to search up the woman's name. But not much was said about her. She was not a friend of the paparazzi.

She was returning from Italy, she was a billionaire, she was a widow.

That was all the media covered about her. Her photos were also not much on the internet. The photos on were of her when she was at work at the Alcantara conglomerate Company and none else.

This raised his curiosity.

Who was the woman?

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