

"Good morning to everyone. I'll get right to the point: the Morelli Company is releasing a new model this month. So, in order to attract more customers, we need to first launch our model, " After they fixed the presentation, Mr. Jaxon immediately started the meeting.

"This model's target sales are fifty percent higher than the previous model's. The advertisements and commercials for our upcoming model have already been leaked by the advertising team. So, do you have any questions before I continue?"

Wade simply tapped me after I raised my hands, Mr. Jaxon saw me which cause his eyes to widened a little.

"Oh, first and foremost, Ms. Selena Formosus, my new secretary," he said as he introduced me to the board, and I rose and bowed. They clapped and nodded in agreement.

"So, Ms. Formosus, what's the matter?"

"I don't think we'll gain more customers if we launch the model before the Morelli's," I said confidently, and their gazes quickly shifted to me.

"What do you mean?" One of the board members, Mr. Walter, inquired. I smiled as I looked at him.

"We should launch our model after Morelli's because it will attract more attention, and I'm confident that our product will win if customers compare the two models. Customers will believe that our model is the most recent and best."

When they became quiet and exchanged glances, my heart pounded loudly. Raven seemed to tap my hands under the conference table to cheer me up.

"Please accept my apologies," I said quietly.

"I believe she has a valid point. To gain more attention, most marketing strategies involve launching their product after their competitor "Mr. Klein stated that the majority of the members agreed.

"So, we're going to launch it after the Morelli's?" Mr. Jaxon inquired.

"It's a critical and uncertain idea," Haru's fiancée says abruptly. She's a different person now; you can no longer see her bubbly and clingy side.

"What makes you think it's critical, Kassandra?" Wade enquired.

Kassandra rested her elbow on the table and stared at me intently while playing with her ballpen.

"We're not sure what kind of model Morelli will launch; it could've been better than the model we're about to launch," she explained, but I'm not sure what she's getting at.

"So?" I can't help but ask because I'm not sure I understand her point.

She was taken aback at first, but the smirk on her smirk face gradually emerged.

"If this company believes that the model we are about to unveil in public is more beautiful than the Morelli, we should do so first. Furthermore, most people are unconcerned about the second if the first is already the best," She continued. I leaned back in my chair, smirking and shaking my head.

"What about the other members of the board? Do you have any suggestions?" Mr. Jaxon inquired.

"Let Ms. Formosus and Ms. Loren speak; they're already saying what we're thinking," Mr. Walter smiled.

"So, Ms. Formosus, what are your thoughts on Ms. Kassandra's suggestion?"

I took Kassandra's previous position and turned to face her.

"Why do you need to stick with it if you know the second one is more detailed in work and works far better than the first?" I inquired, and she remained confident, and I knew she had words to fight me with.

Before speaking, I leaned back and looked at each of them.

"Because the world never treats us fairly, we have to play dirty in order to get that fifty percent up."

"What do you mean by that?" enquired Mr. Klein

"We will figure out where Morelli's model falls short and fix it in our model to get customers," Mr. Jaxon said.

"Exactly. We'll figure out where they're falling short and incorporate that information into our model, allowing us to win the competition "Haru smiled at me, I said, but I ignored him.

"How can we persuade people to change their minds now that this model's advertising is out in the open?" Kassandra was the one who came up with the question.

"It's there that we get down and dirty. Allow the public to see the advertisement, and we'll surprise them once they've purchased our product."

"How can we persuade the general public to purchase our product in order to discover the'surprise'?" Mr. Klein came up with the question.

"I have a large network of influencers who can assist us in re-launching our campaign. That's just my opinion, but the decision is ultimately yours," I finished my notebook and said something.

"You only cited your own ideas? You're almost in charge of this meeting, "Kassandra remarked sarcastically.

"I just finished responding to your questions."

"So, what's your choice?" Mr. Jaxon posed the question to the board members. Mr. Walter raised his hand after a brief exchange.

"What do you think, Mr. Walter?"

"We believe Ms. Formosus' suggestion is superior to Ms. Kassandra's. We've always launched our products ahead of Morelli for nearly two decades, and our sales have remained consistent. It never rises or falls," He went on to explain.

When I looked at Kassandra, I saw the betrayal and irritation on her face.

" Wade? Raven?" Mr. Jaxon pointed the two people in my direction, and they all agreed, including Haru.

The meeting ended at exactly 5 p.m. I was waiting outside the conference room for Mr. Jaxon when Kassandra approached me with a snarky expression.

She threatened me with, "Move away to Haru or your friends will cry at your funeral," but I just laughed at her.

"You should tell Haru that; he's always on my side."

"You're having a fling with—"

"She isn't flirting with me in any way. So don't bother her any longer "Haru appeared behind her, a cold aura surrounding her. That's the first time I've ever seen him like that.

"What?! You're now on her side?!"

He said, "I never sided with you, Kass," and Kassandra walked away from us.

When Kassandra was no longer in our sight, he drew me in and hugged me. I'm trying to push him away, but he's stronger than me.

"Just let me rest here," he begged, his is voice tired.

"But we're still inside of the company. I'll drop by your condo after work "I said this as I tapped his back.

He hugged me tighter and moved away, kissing my brow.

"You did an excellent job today," he said, smiling. I gave him a nod and pressed his polo sleeves.

"Go to your condo right now; I'll be there in an hour," I said. 

He kissed me once more before leaving. Mr. Jaxon walked out to the conference room a few minutes later, and I followed him until he got to his office.

"What keeps you here? I assumed you were with Haru," While cleaning up his desk, he inquired.

I sat on the sofa, staring at him.

"I'll accompany you to the parking lot, sir," I said. He simply shrugged his shoulders and went about his business.

I leaned against the sofa because I was exhausted from the meeting.

"Selena? Selena?"

When my name was called, I slowly opened my eyes. When I realized Haru was on my side, I jolted awake.

"Haru? What am I doing here?" I inquired of him. He smiled at me and handed me a glass of water.

"At my condo, Jax dropped you here when you fell asleep at his office earlier," he replied as I sipped my water.

I placed the glass on the side table and turned to face him. He crawled to the bed and hugged me, his head resting on my chest. I stroked his hair with my fingers, and I could feel his breath on my chest.

"You must be exhausted," I began.

"Yes, spending all day with Kassandra is exhausting."

I laughed a little and adjusted my position to be more comfortable.

"I'd rather be with you all day than with her; I don't like her being clingy and spoiled," he screamed as he played with my fingers.

"May I ask you a question, Haru?"

He stood up and gave me a nod.

"Are you serious about what you just said? That you'll change your personality for me?"

We exchanged a brief moment of silence before he sighed and touched my cheek.

"Even if I say I'm serious, you won't believe me, but please give me enough time to resolve my issues with my family, Kassandra, and myself. I'll be better for you, I promise," He said it sincerely, but Haxilla's voice kept echoing in my ears.

"Did you know there was a girl before you made her pregnant?" While watching his expression, I asked without hesitation.

"How did you know?" he asked, terrified and shocked.

"How come you told her she needed to abort the baby?" I inquired once more. I can keep myself under control for the time being, but I'm not sure what I'll do later.


He moved back without looking away from me. I clench my fists because I don't want to hurt him.

"What's the matter, Haru? Are you concerned that the baby will ruin your reputation? That your father will give Raven the position where you are now if he finds out about all the shits you've done?" I continued, I saw how he clenching his teeth.

"You're not getting it, Selena. I'm not yet prepared to be a father—"

I slapped him hard, and he held his right cheek in shock as he looked at me.

"Haru, you fucked that girl and you're enjoying it. You'll leave that girl traumatized as a result of your carelessness?" I became enraged at him and yelled at him. His dark aura is already evaporating.

Now, Haru Konstello, let us see what your true colors are.

"Selena, please, I don't want to hurt you," he said, trying to keep himself from hurting me, but I need to know the whole story.

"You will do that to me as well, because the words you said earlier are the exact words you said to Haxilla before you left her with your child and caused her trauma."

"How did you know her name?" he questioned angrily. This time, I'm a little afraid of him.

"It doesn't matter if I know your story and her name right now. Before you can change your present, you must first change your past "I said this while pointing to him.

His face softened and he tightened his grip on me. I can feel her heartbeat racing in my chest.


"Please, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry," he said as he wrapped his arms around me and sobbed.

"Go to Haxilla and beg your forgiveness, not to me," I said, tapping his back.He shifted his weight away from me and sat in the bed's corner.

"I suddenly felt guilty because I remember what I did to her before," he began, his gaze fixed on the ground. I sat next to him and took his hands in mine.

"Because I was envious of Raven, I used her to hurt her once. I made her fall in love with me and have sex with me at all hours of the day and night. She forgot it was her fertilization day that night, and we don't usually use a protection, so that's it. I was the one who got her pregnant."

I'm tempted to punch his face after hearing his confession, but I'm still trying to listen and understand his side in order to be fair.

"What happened after that?"

"She came straight to our house when she couldn't find me here. To get my attention, she knocked and screamed loudly. I gave her money to abort the baby at the time and have completely ignored her since then. I'm not sure what happened to her now, but I've heard she's doing well "he said, looking at me I'm not sure what I'm supposed to feel after hearing those words.

So, what do I do now? Continue to fall for him or put a stop to it for the sake of Haxilla?

I don't want to hurt them, but I have to make a decision.

Haru pinned me to the bed and kissed me passionately. His lips are saying what I need to do, but I have to ponder it for a long time.

Continue to fall for him, and fill in the gaps between him and Haxilla.

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