


As Lady Meade escorts me to an available room in the pack house, I couldn’t help but feel anxious and excited at the same time.

Excited because I was in the pack house and not the Omega’s cabin; because now I felt like an actual member of the pack and not some cast out slave. This must have been how Avery felt when she found her mate last year and moved out of the Omega’s cabin.

The pack house was way different from the omega’s cabin. It was a two story building mansion with the up floor specifically for the Alpha’s and their mates while the down floor was for the Beta’s.

The floor was heavily laded with a silver carpet that spread throughout the down floor.

Anyway, that is all about my excitement to move into the pack house. I was anxious because I was alone with Lady Meade and whenever we were alone; she always maltreated me.

"But not anymore," Kezav says as if reading my mind. "You aren’t who you were before last night; you’re the pack’s Luna now."

That’s right! My rank had suddenly changed overnight. I didn’t have to fear Lady Meade anymore. We were practically in-laws now.

When we’d arrived at the room, Lady Meade was about to leave, but I couldn’t just let her leave just like that as we would be seeing each other often now in the pack house. "Let’s start on a new slate, my lady."

Lady Meade halts in her step as she lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Get off your high horse, Wolfe. Just because you managed to bewitch my brothers doesn’t mean I have to accept you. You were first my slave and would always remain so."

"No," I retorted filled with anger as I suddenly remembered how I was maltreated by Lady Meade. "I was first your slave but I’m now the Luna of this pack. Let that sink in."

Lady Meade snickered before walking out of the room.

When alone, I crashed onto the bed recuperating the consequences of my behavior. "What have I done?"

"You stood your ground, girl! I’m so proud of you," Kezav blurted out. "You should have seen yourself!"

"Do you think she went on to rat me out to the alpha triplets?" I questioned, panicking "I just met them. I wouldn’t want them to think that I’m some psycho."

"Relax. You didn’t do anything wrong. You just stood up for yourself."

I could have the pack members thinking the worst of me but not my mates.

With my heart in my mouth, I dashed out of my room; searching for my mates chamber.

No sooner had I dashed out of my room had I bumped into Avery. "Avery, thank goddess I found you!"

"Me too! There are rumours going round that the Alpha triplets are your mates. Is it true?"

"Later, I’ll answer your questions later. First, please do you know where the Alpha triplets chamber is?"

"Sure, I do." Avery describes the route to me twice over. When I’ve gotten the direction, I rushed over to my mates chambers.

"I’m telling you. You are just panicking over nothing." Kezav says. "They are your mates. They are supposed to believe you over Meade anytime, any day. Everyone knows how cunning Meade is."

Not everyone knows because she’s only like that to me. "But still, you don’t expect them to believe a stranger over their own blood sister."

Kezav grumbled. "You are so difficult to talk to. Do as you wish."

When I’d gotten to my mate chambers, I stand outside the door hesitating to knock as I found my reason for being here somehow childish.

Was I about to explain myself to my mates for my actions? What if Meade hadn’t ratted me out? Why was I standing in front of this door, really?

"Are you reasoning your actions now?" Kezav questions.

"Who is it I’m trying to please, Kezav? I came all this way to try to explain myself to mates. To paint this perfect picture of myself. Why did I do that?"

"Because you are afraid. You don’t think you can be loved and that thought consumes you making you think that your mates wouldn’t want you. Am I wrong?"

Kezav wasn’t wrong. All along I’d wanted my mate to be Brody because rather than he being my crush, our already built friendship would make the chances of me getting rejected by him slim.

But, the revelation of my mates being the three most powerful and feared Alpha of entire werewolf community made me feel somehow inferior to think that they deserved a mate better than me.

"You’re right, Kezav."

"Of course, I am. But, that isn’t the case. They even had you move into the pack house immediately. Alpha Nikolai noted you freezing, Alpha Raul extended his hands to you back then in the ballroom and Alpha Lucian might need more time to open up to you but, they are all coming around. Don’t you see that? Your mates want you, Andrea Wolfe."

Kezav’s words made me feel ten times better about myself. "Thanks, Kezav. Now let’s get out of here."

Just before I could leave, I hear Alpha Lucian voice from within the room say. "We’re going to make her fall in love with us. Hard."

I halt in my step. Were they talking about me?

"That’s going to be a piece of cake." Alpha Raul commented.

"Don’t talk that way. You make her sound easy," Alpha Nikolai quiet voice impeached.

"I’m just saying I have what it takes to crack her open. I’m pretty sure my moves on her tonight have done a number on her."

Alpha Lucian grumbled. "Easy or not, Raul, we need to break out fucking curse. Don’t you agree?"

"I do."

"Then it’s settled. End of discussion."

As tears threatened to cloud my vision, I rushed out of the front door of the Alpha’s chamber into the front yard to catch my breath. "You were wrong, Kezav. You were wrong." I mutter over and over again under my breath.

"Things can still change, Andrea."

Dabbing off my tears, I agree with Kezav. "You’re right. Things can still change and I’m going to change things."

Rather than I falling for the Alpha triplets, they were going to fall for me. Hard!

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