
Chapter 2

In the kitchen, Ara was left stunned by what had happened to her and Nathan. She touched her lips that had just stuck to the young man's lip. She was nervous about what happened not because she felt strange but because of her young age.

 She's turning eighteen next month. And another thing she fears is that he owns it. She doesn't want to have any lust for the young man because they are in different worlds.

 On the other side, she felt something strange feeling. Feeling like she enjoy with Nathan. She kissed the handsome man whom she almost didn't want to look away from last night.

 "Boo...” Joy shouted loudly from behind but she didn't seem surprised.

 Joy looked at her in surprise. She already knows her friend very well but she is showing a strange gesture.

 "Wait! Have you gone hungry?" Joy asked.

 "No!"  she replied selflessly.

 "Then, what happen to you?"

 "I don't know how to explain it to you." She hesitated to answer Joy's question.

 "How long it takes to explain it to me? How can I understand if you don't want to let me know what happen earlier," she said while frowning at Ara.

 Ara started to tell Joy that she encounter with Nathan a while ago.  But she warned her friend not to tell anyone. After Ara told to her friend she was surprised Joy squeezed her cheek.

 "What are you doing? Why did you squeezed my cheek?" I asked in astonishment.

 "Because you're beautiful, and maybe Nathan likes you. Sometimes I thought you were a rich kid because you have a different posture and skin," Joy replied.

 "Maybe I inherited it from my mother," I replied to my friend. I was holding my chest because of the nervousness that has not subsided.

 That's all she could say to her friend because she herself had not seen her mother. But this not been an issue in her life.  She learned to live without her mother, and her father taught how she become strong woman. 



 At 9 o’clock in the morning the same day, Ara resumed her work. They are busy preparing for their boss’s breakfast.  When they had put all the food on the table, Madam Lucia and Sir Benedict arrived just in time. After five minutes, Crissy came to join them. 

 "Good morning Ma'am, and Sir.” I smiled while greeting to the couple and their daughter. 

 "Good morning too," the couple replied simultaneously.

 I adore them because they are so kind to all of us. They don’t think that we are all different from them. I lost my smile when Crissy spoke.

 "Hey! Stop staring at my parents," she warned at me.

 Her eyes glazed over at me. She pulled up the chair and dropped herself to sit down. I was shocked by her actions. I know I haven't met her fully yet because I've only just been with her. 

 "I'm sorry Ma'am," I apologized.

 "Tsss... Stop acting like an innocent! Stay away in front of us!" she said dismissively.

 "Crissy Honey, please stop! Can you be friends to them? We treated them as a family," Madam Lucia said.

 "No Mom! They are our housemaid and we are their bosses to serve us," she insisted.

 "That's enough! We are at the table, respect the grace that is before you," Sir Benedict stopped them.

 I did not expect that the daughter of the Madrid couple is to be impoverished. Contrary to the couple's behavior.

 "Ara, can you call Nathan to his room so we can have breakfast," Sir Benedict commanded me.

 "Yes Sir." I would have turned my back when he called me again. I immediately stopped and faced him again.

 "Dear, I'm sorry on her behalf." He said pointing his daughter Crissy. 

 "It's okay Sir, no problem," I response to him.

 Before I when turn around I heard Crissy's loud moan. She obviously didn't like what his father said.

 I come upstairs headed to Nathan’s room to wake him up. He might had a good sleep after he drink something. 

 When I reached his room I knocked softly. As I’m waiting him to open the door, I thought of knocking his door again for the second time. I was strengthened to think that he was still asleep. But when I knocked again, the door suddenly opened. I left my hand in the air when I saw him.

 My eyes widened to see him wearing nothing up and he was just wearing underwear. I sighed and bit my lower lip when I saw his manhood.

 "Holy shit," I said loudly.

 My heart raced rapidly and I suddenly turned away from him. He wasn't even ashamed of me to show up naked and only wearing underwear. 

 "I-I'm here to call you that breakfast is ready," I said as I turned my back on him.

 "Ahm... Can you face me when you are talking," he said.

 Does he know what he is saying or he is crazy. How am I going to deal with him when he is naked.

 "How can I deal with you if you are naked?"

 What I didn't expect was that he hugged me and pulled me into his room. I screamed in panic and he suddenly closed the door. I struggled in his embrace and bravely faced him even though I was disgusted with his nakedness.

 "What are you doing?" I asked in irritated tone.

 "Whoa! Just calm down I'll just order you something," he replied while raising both hands indicating that he wasn't going to do anything bad.

 "What is that?"  I asked again.

 "Can you iron my polo? That's why I'm naked because I'm not used to wear the clothes not iron," he explained. 

 "Okay! Okay! Give it to me, so you can come down because they're already waiting for you at the table," I muttered.

 I immediately did iron his clothes. After that I went down leaving him in his room, I left him speechless. Nathan was also mischievous.

 But on the other hand I secretly smile at every scene of Nathan and I have. I don’t know why I feel this way.

 "Hmm... Ara please stopped your illusion," I scolded myself.

 I went back to the kitchen and caught up with Joy who was preparing something for our bosses drinks. I helped her to bring the juice to the table.

 When I reached the dining room table where Nathan was already sitting. He’s eyes was straight to me and my heart bounce like a ball inside my chest. I immediately avoided Nathan's stares and calmed myself. Why does my heart beat every time our eyes meet?"

 I walked slowly while carrying the juice and I placed it one by one in front of them. I let them talk and didn’t bother anymore. I know they will call when they need something.  But on my turning away, Sir Benedict called me. I stopped and faced him.

 "Yes Sir, do you need anything else?"  I gently asked.

 "Ah no! I just want to let you and Joy know that we have something to talk about later after this meal," he said.

 "Okay Sir! I'll let Joy know too," I replied.

 I immediately told Joy that Sir Benedict and I wanted to talk.  We both wondered what is he wanted to tell us.

 "What is his important to tell us?" Joy asked in astonishment.

 "I don't know either.” I shook my head to response her. Even me I don’t have any idea on what he wanted to tell us. 

 After breakfast our bosses were in the living room waiting for me and Joy. We were both nervous because we didn’t know what we were going to talk about.

 "Sit down, you two," Sir Benedict said when we reached their place.

 "Thank you," we both replied. 

 "What are we going to talk about Sir?" I immediately asked.

 "Okay, I just want to let you know that Nathan and Crissy will be with you this school year. Since you two are in 1st year college and Crissy so," Sir Benedict said. 

 "W-What?"  Crissy exclaimed.

 "Yes Honey, you can go to the same school with them," Her father replied immediately.

 "No way Dad!" she strongly refuse to his father's wishes.

 Crissy doesn’t want to be with housemaids because she grew up in a luxurious life. She think that the poor people are not belong to their circle life.


  There is tension going on in their conversation. Crissy is against going to the same school with her parents' housemaids. Madrid couple are happy to help the poor, and their housemaids are already part of their family.

  "Give us enough reasons why you don't want to be with them. They have been serving us for a long time and we consider them as a family," Madam Lucia said. 

  "Mom, Dad, because—" Crissy was silent and could not answer her parents.

  "I already talked to the Principal of the school and there is nothing left. You and your older brother will go to same school and that is my final decision," Sir Benedict said.

  "It's okay with me Dad," Nathan replied.

  "Ahrrgg... Bro you don't even object to that!" Crissy said in irritated tone.

  "What is the problem if they're with us?" Nathan asked. 

  But Nathan's eyes periodically glanced at Ara. Crissy's face could not be painted with the decision of her parents.

  "Just, I don't like them. What will those people say to me? People like them shouldn't belong to the rich like us," she said narrowed her eyes. 

  "Shut up! Why do you so mean to them? Where did you inherit that behavior? We raised you and taught you a good manners," Sir Benedict rebuke her. 

  "Dad!" she yelled at her father.

  She stood up from her seat with an angry face, facing to her father. Her eyes were sharp glanced at Ara and Joy in front of them. 

  "Why are you so kind to them? What did those poor  feed you?" she asked her father.

A loud sound filled in the living room. Madam Lucia slapped her daughter because Crissy was going too far. She had never imagined that the only child had not inherit their kindness to others. 

  Crissy was caught on her cheek slapped by her mother.  Mrs. Amalia immediately came over and comforted Crissy who was crying. She even rubbed Crissy's back to lessen the feeling. 

  "Ma'am Crissy are you okay?"  she asked gently. 

  She is concerned on what happened to Crissy, But unexpectedly Crissy push her and the old lady fall to the floor.

  "Stay away from me!" she shouted at Mrs. Amalia and hurried away.

  She turned away and headed to go upstairs. Joy and Ara immediately helped Mrs. Amalia. The couple, Benedict and Lucia, apologized profusely. They are treated her like a friends and Mrs. Amalia is same age as them. 

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