
Chapter 6.

Amelia’s POV

I looked at Eddie who was also shocked, probably at the sudden revelation from his child.

He held her daughter closely, telling her that he needed to talk to me.

“I can explain myself, Amelia,” he replied to me.

“Just give me the chance to explain myself,” he added.

I only stared at him, almost tearing up because I was so hurt. I had chosen to remain single ever since he broke up with me hoping that he would come back to me one day but instead he went ahead to get married and then have a child or probably children. I stared at the cute little thing tugging on

his trousers and my heart felt so heavy just because I imagined that she could be my daughter with Eddie.

I knelt down to her level, almost in tears and then asked her to come closer. She smiled at me and then came running to me. I hugged her tightly before asking her name.

“My name… is Chloe,” she said, shyly looking so adorable.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“Me?” I asked as her questions came as a shock because I hadn’t expected that from her. I looked at Eddie and then returned my gaze to her. I cleared my throat and then introduced myself as her father’s friend.

She smiled at me and I watched as she ran back to meet her father.

“I have to go,” I said to Eddie.

“We need to have a serious conversation about us, Amelia,” she replied to me.

“I’m not in for any conversation, Eddie. And please I don’t want to see you again,” I replied to him angrily before leaving. He chased after me, yelling my name but I ignored him and hastened my pace. I quickly hailed a cab and left the hall premises. My phone rang and it was Eddie again. I quickly switched off my phone because I don’t want to talk to him.

I sobbed quietly and then the driver asked me where he should take me to. I wiped off my tears and then told him to take me to the Grey apartment. It was where my parent lives in New York City. Thinking about meeting them after these years made my anger subdued but then I was a bit sad because of my mother’s sickness.

We finally arrived in front of their apartment and just  when I was about to step out of the car, my phone beeped. I took it out of my pocket to check it and it was a message from Blair. I smiled at my phone because I didn’t even tell her that I was coming back home just to surprise her but then she messaged me just as if she knew I was back home.

I opened the message and when I read the content, my heart sank.

Mom is now at the hospital and

in a critical condition. She had another attack yesterday and was hospitalized.

Call me immediately you got my message.

"Not again, Mom!" I yelled out.

Reading Blair's message had made me frustrated and my mind kept going back to the message she had sent. I was worried about my mom and I was sad as well. Terrified there might be something Blair was not telling me, without inside our house, I quickly hailed a cab.

“Presbyterian Hospital,” I said, fidgeting.

“And please drive fast,” I added.

I couldn’t wait to get to the hospital, praying inwardly that my mom would be fine.

We arrived at the hospital and I paid the driver instantly. I ran into the hospital and quickly dialed Blair's number. The phone rang at first but she wasn't picking up.

Fuck. Please pick up your call, girl.  I muttered to myself as I scan through the entire hospital reception. I wasn’t sure of the room my mom was. I walked up to a nurse at the reception and gave my mom details to her, asking her where she was. Probably because I was disturbed and couldn’t focus, I didn’t understand the description she gave me.

I moved away from the counter and then dialed Blair’s number again, praying inwardly for her to pick up her call and just like an answered prayer, she picked up.

Without greeting her, I told her that I was at the hospital and I didn’t know which room my mom was. She was surprised asking if I was truly in New York.

“I need to see my mom, Blair. I got your message and I had to rush down here to see how mom is doing,” I said, my patience wearing out each second.

“I will be there soon,” she said and then hung up. I stood still unable to think straight as the only thing on my mind at that moment was to see my mom.


I heard someone call my name and it was Blair. I quickly rushed over to her.

"How is mom faring?" I asked her, going straight to the point.

"She is still in a critical phase but I’m sure she will be fine," she said.

“I need to see her, please take me to where she is,”  I said.

“She just had a surgery this morning and now she is in the intensive care unit, Amelia. You won’t be able to see her now until her condition becomes stable,” she said.

“Can I at least see her even if it’s just from afar,” I pleaded with her.

She hesitated at first but finally agreed to let stand by the door and see how she was faring. I couldn’t thank her enough as she leads the way. She took me to a room and then gave me a purple scrub and cap to change into. I quickly changed into the scrub and then followed her to where my mom was.

We stopped by a door, with a bold written description, “ICU”.

“There she is,” she said, pointing at my mom.

I was so shocked and sad when I saw my mom. She was connected to a number of machines and drips and she looked very different from how she normally looks.

“The anesthesia used during the surgery hasn’t worn off but she will wake up soon, Amelia,” Blair said again, trying to sound reassuring.

I felt helpless and desperate, sobbing quietly. I asked her everything I needed to know  about her chances of recovery.

Her answer to my question was that I should be hopeful and that they would try their best as her doctor to make sure she is fine.

“I need to attend to a patient now. I will come back to check on you,” she added.

“Thank you Blair,” I said.

She hugged me and then assured me again that my mom would be fine.

“Have you talked to dad?” She asked again.

That was when I remembered that I hadn’t thought about my dad. My attention was on mom.

“He was with mom today and I think he went on a trip,” Blair said again.

“I will call him now. Thanks so much Blair,” I said, sniffling. I watched as she left and then brought out my phone to call my dad.

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