



There was a bit of unrest in my mind as I stood with my hands folded looking at the events unfolding.

It had been twenty minutes since they found the tracks and already the forensic scientist was working her ass off trying to fix what had looked to be a maze all this while.

I stood close to where she was with my hands folded, hoping that it would lead to any useful details.

Part of my mind wanted this mystery solved while another part couldn't just wait to get back home to have a good night's rest.

Ever since that failed attempt at intimacy, Martha stayed a distance away from where it was, I had narrowed my eyes slightly before glancing at the direction where she was only to find he was already looking at me.

She averted her eyes quickly, so fast before I could hardly convey what was in her mind.

Bored of the whole procedure I made my way towards where she was, all I had in mind was to apologize for what had happened earlier as it looked like the only way I could get peace—She was my colleague after all.

She looked to be having an intense conversation with the detective.

"Ah… Doc —" He got stuck with my name. I could see that he was trying all his best to remember.

"Doc. Santiago." I muttered with a smirk throwing a gaze at Martha.

"Was just telling your colleague we would have to seal this place off for a few days, a week may be."

I was worried about not having to work for that long, it was a huge blow for the project we were working on but at that moment I would rather work when it was safe than work at all.

"Guess we would have to stay away from here then."

" Yes, till the whole process is over. "

Something cold shot through me, and my knee-jerk response was to give a deep sigh. It was then I noticed that Martha was no longer by my side but was making way to her car already.

I blew out a breath like her actions were equal parts amusing and unexpected, going mainly for the latter.

“Martha, wait up. " I called out and ran toward where she was.

She rolled her eyes soon as I reached her side. " What do you want? " She queried.

I wavered at the light tone of her voice and statement. However, I didn't care about how cold she sounded. Instead I squeezed my hands Into my pocket and watched her.

In a way I could tell that she was being manipulative, I have met women like her all my life and it didn't change the fact that they all wanted one thing.

It still didn't change the fact that I owed her an apology —

"Are you angry?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious." Her reply came out catty.

"Well, I just want to apologize for what happened earlier, I really wish . "

" Well you don't have to apologize, you said what you wanted anyways. " She shrugged after speaking.

I wondered if what she insinuated earlier was true now that she pointed it out —if I really had a bad reputation with women.

As it was, I appeared to have enough attention from the opposite sex, it still didn't seem to me as my fate to be with any .

As soon as she was done speaking, she got in the car and zoomed off into the rising sun.

I turned back and left for my office sensing that I had just little time before it is sealed, I walked In and there was still the box of pizza waiting for me that we haven't even touched on the table, I groaned and headed past it to my desk after I let out a breath in desperation.

I spent the next minute trying to fill my bag you with equipment so I could work from home, as I didn't know how long we would stay away, at the background I could still

hear the voice of the cops as they strolled through the facility—

Twenty minutes later, I was out too…I walked out to an almost empty hallway feeling slightly disoriented from my lack of sleep, I blinked and ran my hands through my hair —I finger-combed it before heading out of the door and into the car park.

The surrounding were still and silent

except for a few soft male voices of the cops that were left tapping round the perimeter of the facility.

I looked around and didn’t see the detective car before assuming he must had left too, by the time I got to the car, my feet were killing me and the sun had

was warm on the skin on my shoulders.

t could also be said that I was nearing

fatigue. It was only seven in the morning and I was very particular about getting home as fast as I could to rest.

As I drove, I rested my hand against the arm rest listening to the music playing off from the radio.

It all happened in a flash, in-between changing the music of the radio and looking back up just as I made a turn, I saw someone run off to the road from the woods.

I was quick to apply to brakes stopping right there at her feet, with my heart beating heavily.

I licked my lips and didn’t say a thing, a disbelieving expression crawled up my face at the moment.

“Oh my god. That was crazy." I thought to myself.

She glanced at me, a sly glint in her eyes stared into my soul from where she was.

I glanced out the wind.screen and felt like I was about to go crazy. I couldn’t believe I’d almost killed her .

“You’re going to get yourself killed,” I announced as I attempted to get out of the door and saw that it was stuck.

She shook her head before pinning me with a gaze that was filled with intensity. “Do you honestly think for a second I

I glanced outside the glass, at the woman who still hasn't moved and tried getting out again.

"Still stuck ! "

My stomach tightened at the unfamiliarity of it all, a strong heartbeat filled the air.

Turning to look In my way one more time she ran off in the other direction.

Right there in the car I was left with my heart still thudding heavily wondering about what just happened.

In a way, the thought of the near accident filled my mind enough that my fingers trembled against the driving wheel.

I almost killed a human.

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