
Chapter 5

Catherine pov...

I sat on the cold floor, confused about what had just happened. Did he? I cried as I thought back on the event, feeling regretful and considering ending my life. The poorly lit room smelled old and felt damp on my skin.

I looked up as I heard an open door. Mora approached me, and her footsteps echoed in the quiet room. She was the only person who had spoken to me since I arrived, and her presence brought a faint sense of comfort.

She gave me a sympathetic look, showing that she felt sorry for me. I covered myself completely with my hands, feeling exposed and vulnerable. The weight of my shame felt heavy, like a suffocating blanket.

She knelt down near me and looked into my eyes. Her touch was gentle as she tried to comfort me. She seemed unsure of how to start speaking, and I could hear her hesitant breaths as she searched for the right words.

She accidentally dropped the plate of food she had brought for me and started to leave. I held her hand, not wanting her to go because I felt scared. Her touch was warm and reassuring, like a lifeline in the darkness. I looked up at her and whispered, "Please don't go." She kneeled again and looked at me with her emerald-green eyes.

I leaned against her, and she pulled me closer. I started to feel calm and kind, wishing I could stay in this moment forever. She played with my hair and softly said, "I'm sorry." Her touch was soothing, like a gentle breeze on a hot day.

Why was she apologizing when it wasn't her fault? She was the first person to talk to me and brought me food. I looked up at her, captivated by her green eyes shining with emotion.

She stood up when she heard footsteps approaching. I felt upset because I knew she was going to leave me, and I didn't want her to. The sound of footsteps felt like a hammer pounding in my head.

"I'll come back to check on you later," she whispered before disappearing through the door. I watched her close the door as she left, feeling a sense of loss and abandonment. The silence felt suffocating, like a vacuum sucking the air out of the room.

The next morning, I heard Mora calling my name as I woke up. The sound of her voice was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. I didn't want to get up because I was exhausted, but her persistence gave me the strength to carry on.

"Come on, Catherine, or he will come himself," she urged, her voice firm and reassuring. The sound of her voice was like a beacon of hope in the darkness, guiding me towards a better future.

I immediately stood up and faced her. As I got up, I noticed her tall figure and determined expression. I caught a whiff of her pleasant perfume, and as she led me out of the room and into the hallway, I heard the sound of her heels clicking on the polished floor.

"It's about time. I was going to ask her what was happening because I was unsure," she said, pausing to catch her breath. "Don't worry, Catherine," she continued, "the Alpha decided to let you out, and guess what my task is? To teach you everything you need to know."

I was initially shocked that the Alpha had allowed me to leave, but then the news filled me with joy. Mora would be my teacher, and she had a friendly demeanor that I appreciated. I hugged her immediately, even though we had only met the day before.

"Thank you, Mora," I said, and she hugged me back. Then she gently pushed me outside and guided me into what seemed to be a garden.

"Do you like it?" Mora whispered as I took my time exploring the whole garden.

Considering his arrogance, he has nice things, I thought as Mora's words repeated in my head. I turned to face her, and she laughed. "Don't get me wrong, Catherine," she said, "but I've been reprimanded before for insulting the Alpha. No offense, but that man needs to be dealt with because he's your Mate."

Just hearing her words made me laugh. The Alpha was a cruel man, and as his partner, I doubted I would ever find peace. Mora was right. "Then why are we here?" I asked, facing her.

She handed me a piece of paper as she moved closer. I could feel the texture of the paper in my hand and sense the weight of the responsibility it held.

"Before we proceed to the next stage, you should familiarize yourself with the following list of rules," Mora said.

I unfolded the paper and read the writing before nodding. The rules were straightforward, and I understood that adhering to them was crucial for my survival in the castle.

Alpha's Rule:

Don't respond when someone speaks to you.

Always answer when you're called.

Avoid looking at the alpha without permission.

Show respect to the alpha's beta.

Follow instructions given to you.

I read the five rules and couldn't help but think how silly they were. Why would he make such rules without any real importance? It reminded me of the time I got hit in the face for just glancing at him.

That memory brought back the image of Alpha's angry face, his flaring nostrils, and the sound of his deep voice yelling at me to obey his rules. It made me flinch as I touched my bruised cheek.

The alpha's rules were like a complicated maze, where one wrong move could lead to pain or even worse consequences.

I looked at Mora, who was standing there, watching me. Her eyes were gentle and kind, and it was comforting to have someone to talk to.

I handed back the pepper to her and asked, "Hey, Mora. Rule 4 says we must respect the Alpha's beta. Who are they?"

Mora came closer and whispered, "Remember the guys who brought you here? They are the alpha's beta, and they run things when the alpha is not around. It would be wise to stay away from them. They can be even rougher than the alpha."

I quickly nodded to make sure I remembered her words and then looked ahead, considering our next steps.

Mora encouraged me to enter the castle again while she went down a different hallway I hadn't explored yet. As I walked, I admired the beautiful paintings hanging on the walls. Each stroke of the brush was a work of art in itself.

I stood there, examining each painting, when I noticed a woman sitting next to Alpha Lux in one of them. He had a grin on his face, and I tried to figure out who she was before I saw her name written on the frame. A.L. Lux and L.D. Dim.

I remembered seeing that woman in the photographs, and I could still vividly recall her stunning beauty. It was like a ray of light in the darkness.

Mora came up behind me and asked, "She was the Alpha's first Luna. What happened?" I continued looking at the images as I asked.

"She was killed by a rival pack in the neighborhood, and ever since then, the Alpha has become reckless," Mora said with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

I felt sympathy after hearing Mora's words. Perhaps losing his first love was the reason why Alpha Lux was so cruel. The thought weighed heavily on us, casting a shadow of doubt and fear.

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