
The dark moon

Kyas POV

Hours later I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I looked up at the odd ceiling slowly gathering myself to stand up. There was a pitcher of water and a glass on the table next to me.

I drank 3 glasses of water before finally standing up and looking around. My head was on fire pounding from tearing in two. I noticed a door and tried it but it was locked. 

I glanced around and saw another door, upon entering I saw a huge glorious bathroom with all kinds of bubbles and woman potions. A large tub stood before me with beautiful gold claw feet. 

My body ached, my head still spinning from Caleb’s rejection. 

“Why am I alive…” 

“Where am I?!?” 

Questioning everything I realized that after almost losing my life I might as well live a little. My entire body ached, my nails embedded with soil, and my hair a matted mess.

I turned the tub on, maybe I could wash away the pain from the last week. I touched the water with the tips of my fingers and my skin burned and turned red. I’ve never had the privilege of a hot bath, I’ve always been forced to bathe in the river. 

Smelling each elegant-looking bottle of women's potions around me, I settled on a lavender-colored bubble. It smelled like a beautiful summer morning when the leaves were wet with dew and the birds were chirping the world awake around them. 

Generously adding the bubbles I stripped off the rags I’ve been wearing since my 18th birthday and dipped in. As the heat spread across my slim body I slowly felt the pain in my bones lessen slightly.

I started sobbing uncontrollably. 

“My only hope” 

It just played over and over like a hopeless mantra. He broke me in a way I could not recover. 

As the tears slowed I started dozing off in the large tub. As my eyes shut I slowly sank lower and lower into the bubbles until only my dull blonde hair was all that was visible.

The lights were leaving my mind when I heard a faraway sound of what sounded like a door. I was too far gone to realize a man had entered the bathroom scooped me out of the tub and ran with me into the bedroom. 

“Ahhh what are you doing?! Excuse me do you have any manners you pervert!!” I screamed. 

My body instantly convulsed in pain again as he threw me on the bed and tossed a blanket over me.

“Girl listen you are in our alpha quarters so please refrain from being a shameless whore. I told him Vivi vouched for you don’t make me regret it.” The man stated.

I looked him up and down. He was one of the three that saved me from the dungeon. Why am I in their alpha room? Who is Vivi? Maybe that crazy girl

Who haunted my dreams in the dungeon? 

Lost in thought the man spoke again “Here” he handed me new clothing. It was so soft and nicely colored. My eyes turned bright at the items. 

They weren’t anything super special but to me, I’ve had the same three outfits for years. An article of clothing to me is almost as beautiful as the thought of ice cream. 

I never got to try because my father believed I was unworthy of life’s pleasures but I have imagined it many times. Sweet, and creamy with all the little nuggets of chocolates and peanuts.

I would watch officials chow down sweets at diners and the pack hall. I got scraps. If I was lucky. I was hospitalized multiple times because they starved me. 

The man looked at me with his crystal blue eyes and slick black hair falling gently on his forehead “I don’t know where you are lost but I’m uh I’m Beta Alex” he blushed as the blanket was slipped around me.

He turned away quickly. “Thank you,” I said with all the gratitude I could muster while being a prisoner in a foreign place. “Alex?” I just needed to know. “Yes?” He said still facing the door “Where am I?”. 

He cleared his throat and turned his head to look at my face. A large cunning grin spread across his lips as he spoke “Welcome to the dark moon pack” 

He reached for the door and exited before I could speak again.

I put on the sweatpants and tank top brought to me. I’ve never worn a tank top just old men’s shirts my dad grew tired of. I liked the way it fit me. 

My curves showed from the slim fit and the deep red color of the tank made my sunken cheeks glow a tiny bit. I started pacing around the room wishing I could’ve asked ‘beta’ Alex more questions.

The dark moon pack was known worldwide. They are brutal people who have conquered many packs. Now that I think of it they are known to wipe packs completely out.

As realization set in I started to cry. Everything I’ve ever known is now but dust in the wind. All the pack members who taunted me…called me a murderer… starved me while working me to an early grave and mercilessly beating me for small implications like being a moment late or speaking at all. 

A sinister grin appeared across my lips...


I whispered at the thought of them all.

Footsteps approached the door and I watched as the handle turned slowly. “Kya are you awake yet?” Vivi peered around the door and came into the room.

“Hello,” I bowed my head low and greeted the woman. She wore a long silk emerald gown with her wild hair pinned up in a messy bun.

Her jewelry caught my attention. She wore bright silver bangles, multiple different necklaces with charms, and a ring on almost every finger.

“Hi Kya! How are you feeling?” She beamed at me. 

“Ho-…how do you know my name?” I stammered. 

She gazed at me “I was your cell neighbor silly wolf” she chuckled while walking closer to me and taking a seat on a plush couch near the bed.

“So uh well let’s start with ‘kya the cursed’ shall we?” She said calmly while pouring tea from a kettle I hadn’t noticed before. I walked over and sat on the couch across from her.

Wolfs out of the bag now she must have heard me reject Caleb. They are going to kill me. Maybe this is how they torture prisoners… treat them kindly then rip out their throats.

“Uh oh, you heard that? I didn’t mean anything by it, my whole pack claimed me cursed at birth so I use it to terrorize them” I said convincingly. She looked me up and down before giggling “Girl no need to lie to me I’ve witnessed your power.”

My power? If crying your soul away while clinging to life on a dirty rotten floor while starving emits power then call me alpha. I cackled out loud at my thoughts.

“I see you are mistaken, I’m no ordinary wolf girl I am Vivi of the purple crescent clan and I know more than you could ever imagine.” She went on.

“You should be dead no? He was your ‘only hope’ was he not? But here you are alive and….. well soon to be well! Now I mind my own so your secret is safe with me but know it will come to light and how it’s taken is dependent on you.” She stated slyly.

Could I be accepted somewhere? Could this lady hold a secret for me? No one has ever tried to gain my trust or my friendship. 

‘Only hope’ Wait is she taunting me?! 

“I haven’t the slightest idea of what you speak. I’m merely an omega prisoner who was rejected by her mate most shamefully.” I said with my head lowered.

Vivi winked at me “I don’t like liars but I’ll let this one slide.” With that, she stood up abruptly as her eyes glazed over. She was mind-linked with someone. 

“Well, Kya we wasted what time I had to prepare you to meet our alpha so I’ll leave you with this. Do not push him, do not question him and whatever you do do not look directly into his eyes.” She stated while smiling gleefully.

She walked to the large door as it swung open. She caught it before hitting the wall. With a low bow, she greeted the man in the doorway “Alpha”.

Vivi gave me one last glance as she turned and closed the door behind the man inside. Why would he meet me alone? Who is this man? I’ve never seen him with the officials that visited our pack from other packs. Then again I wasn’t allowed inside the pack house or around the alpha and his officials. 

“You have the nerve to enter my home and not show respect to your alpha?” He boomed at me. Just then I realized I hadn’t moved from the couch. 

I stood quickly entering a low bow. I could feel his eyes bore a hole into my head. 

“No greeting?” He said more calmly than before.

“He-hello si sir” I stammered. The energy in the room was drowning me. I could feel an aura pouring out of him that was dark and cold. Even the lights felt lower with his presence.

“SIR!! Who are you to not recognize me as your alpha?” He was getting angrier by the second. This is not the way I want this to go. He just murdered everyone I knew from childhood I’d prefer not to join them.

“Al alpha alpha, I apo apologize. I have a pack and an alpha so I did not know” No matter what I say I feel like an idiot. They never taught me etiquette around other officials. I was only told how to address your alpha and serve your pack.

That was my purpose. 

“No sweet princess you do not,” he said with an evil grin forming on his lips. 

“You are mine now.” He said so smoothly my heart fluttered a little.

It took everything in my being not to look up at the man who just told me he slaughtered everything I knew but also is referring to me as his “princess”?

I couldn’t…I let the tears slowly fall as he swayed to the exit. 

“I’ll send dinner for you but if your arrogance continues you will not be welcome in my quarters, they are only for good girls” He slammed the door behind him making me jump in my skin.

My body froze unable to comprehend what just happened. Who are these people? Why are they keeping a prisoner in alpha quarters? 

What did he mean…. I’m his now?…. 

You are mine… it echoed in my head. Who are you?! 

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