
Chapter Four [ The consequence of untold events]

Chapter 4 [The Consequences of untold events]

That evening, Nancy has the most fantastic experience that she will ever forget, considering it to be wonderful and giving her a new life with Jason. Despite her imperfections, he is the one who wakes her feminine side, and after that first encounter with the man she initially fell in love with, she will transform into the happiest woman she has ever imagined.

"It hurts me, yet I refuse to ignore the delight I feel, which words cannot adequately explain."

While Jason observes Nancy smiling, he tries to touch her to see if she still has a temperature.

"What are you thinking, the beloved strong guy I love you?”

 Her fever began to break as he asked, encircling her in his full arms in the process.

Jason double-checks it when he reaches her armpit, wraps his arms around her stunning, fully-developed breast, and kisses her from her neck to her legs. Nancy laughs.

“Why are you doing that?”

"I love you and I appreciate your physique," he responds when she asks. He then got up and looked inside the tent for his equipment.

As Jason took his bag, he looked inside his small, soft plastic pouches for his medicine pack.

“I have some herbal tea here. We should ignite my lighter to boil the water I keep in a steel bottle. I will see to it from here that you recover and that your health returns to normal so that we can resume our journey.”

Jason explains as Nancy is just staring at him joyfully and expresses.

"Jason, you are the best thing that ever happened in my life. I will surely treasure our moments of being together when I go back to my normal routine and reach my goal," she said adding,

"I never expect that you will enter my life when I am encountering these extreme conflicts, but I thank God that he gave you to me."

Nancy is not surprised by what Jason has created in his tree house because she studied the same technique, even though she does not have time to put her studies into physics, chemistry, modern technology, and computer science practice. Jason continues to use his invented electric current to heat the water.

Jason is perceived as being very intelligent, civilized, and skilled in military operations.

“I no longer inquire about you because I am aware of how you act, which has caused me to adore you greatly, Man!”

Jason was ecstatic when Nancy told him how she felt, and as a result, they frequently decided to go into the soul ties. Jason swiftly grabbed Nancy and gave her a tender kiss all the time they are together that night in his tent.

Even if the night is still long, it gets shorter for the adorable couple.

“You caught my heart, but my flesh is weak in regards to a woman who might seduce me. You should understand me, my beloved tough girl. “Jason expresses as he feels that sooner he will be to be left alone once more and his boredom addles him to do so.

“How long shall we be like this, my beloved? Are you continuing your law degree and leaving me alone here lonely?” He says this as he swiftly scans her inner motivation because he wants her to feel insecure.

"I might still be tempted if I see that lovely beauty in the two-piece revealing her nude body to the sun."

Jason grinned as he said it to Nancy, who shared the same opinion. However, Nancy was not readily persuaded by any man unless she loved him as much as she did for Jason.

"I'm sure I'll feel jealous, my dear Man. I don't usually expose myself, but you might run into that girl again and forget about me."

Jason, who is unaware that Nancy is the girl in the two-piece lying on the large, flat stone in the middle of the powerful current of the streams, sees her as a hypocrite.

"Never worry, we'll utilize this opportunity while we're together to enjoy life even though there are issues," he said. "I too have many conflicts to resolve, but I like to assist you in learning the truth and doing so."

Jason says as he turns back to her and gives her a warm body kiss.

"You'll be my wife, and I'll ask you to marry me. Will you?”

Jason asks questions.

“You are well aware of the fact that I have a lot of obligations and that I still have to finish my law degree, which will give me more strength to deal with the rebellion. Would you mind staying with my parents while I try to figure out why they are rebelling against us? “Nancy requested Jason

Nancy gives him full permission to caress her body because she loves him, and she waits for his response as he gradually breaks the stillness. She is aware that Jason can be her best friend in good times and bad.

Jason won't respond, but after spending an hour being silly together, they decided to drink hot tea in the same mug while bringing their dry clothes.

"We don't have much time left, partner. You know I love you. I give you everything, including my purest self. I hope you believe and trust me until the very end. Not just now. But if you find a better woman than me, such as the seductive one you mentioned, my love will set you free. My love is liberating.”

Before their departure from the tent in Jason's tree house at midnight, Nancy utters as he smiles and kisses her again.

Even though it's stopped raining, the temperature is still below freezing, and the terrain is muddy and slick. Nancy enjoys giving Jason the lazy bird and giving him a strong squeeze, which inspired the two of them to form a soul connection before they fully embarked on the perilous journey. They both demonstrate their love for one another by constantly holding each other's hands as they proceed. Their most recent copulation resulted in complete satisfaction. They put on their clothes properly.

They stand up and step onto the slick ground. The mosquitoes soon feast on their skin, biting them to warn them that there are other toxic insects around and crawling, threatening small creatures that may attack them and bring fever and skin infections.

Jason is fully informed and experienced regarding such risk.

Jason carries her back to their tents and says, "I love you, Honey, but I never allow you to be endangered and risk your smooth, fantastic complexion tonight. Come on, we better wait till the light appear. You might develop fever again due to insect bites."

Nancy quickly wraps her arms around his neck as she quickly becomes aware of the dangerous insects in the area because the insects are already irritating her skin.

"The bark and leaves of some trees can damage us and other creatures around since their nature is to trap them through their foldable leaves and blooms and capture them inside. I have already experienced them while I have been staying here for many times.”

Jason cautions Nancy, who is playing the innocent and taking pleasure in his love and care for her as a woman, adding that,

"their sap can blind our eyes when it spills and the bark has many small itchy, hairy caterpillars that can cause inflammations and irritations. Honey, you should be aware of them as we move around the forests. “Jason gives Nancy a short safety measure to decrease their concerns. They will be safe in the tent up the tree house.

Jason grabs her by the hands and urges her to sit down and wait for the air to dry around them since the only way to get rid of them is to start smoke-emitting fires.

"Why don't we just move to a location close to the surveillance area? "Nancy advises.

‘Why are you trying to get rid of me,” Jason asks in jest.

Nancy grinned and said, "You planned to go back there so you could celebrate? Okay, I also have a lot to ask you. Let's go back there and take in the untold tales that my young mind has never heard.”

Nancy eagerly begs him to hold her in his arms, and he finds her demeanor admirable. He kisses her repeatedly while they travel, much to Nancy's delight.

They simply need to wait till the light from the east appears so that they can magnify the entire region without having to move further. They are almost at the tree home when Nancy notices that Jason is carrying luggage on his shoulders that are noticeably very heavy.

She touches his heavy filled bag from his back and says,

 "Come on honey, you best put me down. Your load is too much. “Nancy swiftly suggests.

She chose to tap him, and he slowly lowered her, saying, "Your very strong to bring that loaded suitcase and me."Despite being described by others as a harsh guy, she is very sweet, soft, and loving as she kisses him as a reward, and Jason is delighted to remember this.

"My sweetie, allow me to explain why we must stay. Jason claims:

 "I will show you the road and you will learn many things in secret without having to work hard. I will come to you whenever you like to ask."

Jason asked her to take a seat next to him as he started demonstrating to Nancy his high-powered equipment and binoculars, which he uses to monitor and explore the entire area without moving.

He has a lot of stolen photos and a moving portable camera that he has used to record recordings of the violent uprising of the hungry and impoverished people in the region that Nancy is currently in charge of.

Oh no, that is repulsive! I simply cannot stand by as the horrifying, dreadful crowd protests and the unexpectedly awful, terrifying loathing smokes decimate the populace.

Jason instantly grabs Nancy and encircles his whole arms around her body to gently give her calm strokes and kiss her tenderly to calm her unsettled emotional conflicts as Nancy yells out in anguish with tears pouring down her cheeks.

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