
Chapter 6: Celestial Bodies

(Kendall's POV)

When I got home that night, Laura had slept and Gabriella was outside the house, waiting for me. Despite the warm blanket she had on, she was shivering badly, and I could tell she was hoping to hear a piece of good news from me.

How I wished it was indeed a good news.

"Good evening, mama," I greeted, taking a seat beside her on the pavement.

"Good evening, Ken."

She had the ability to study my countenance, hence, she didn't bother to ask me how the interview had gone. She knew if she asked about it after clearly noticing how bitter I was, I could burst into tears trying to explain just like I used to.

She was understanding and I loved her very much for that.

"It's cold out here. You should have waited for me inside. I do not want you to catch a cold, Gab." The words came out in a low tone.

"My daughter, I'm fine. My mind has not been at rest since you have not come home and I know you would be very hungry by the time you arrive so I left your meal on the table," she uttered.

"Thank you, mama. Have you eaten?" I inquired in a croaked voice.

"I was waiting for my Ken to come home so we can eat together," she replied to me as I dropped my handbag on the pavement and pulled her into an affectionate side hug.

Everything about her reminded me of my mum, including her cologne and her natural vanilla fragrance. Sometimes, I was always lost in thought, believing that she was the reincarnation of my mother.

Her walking steps, her smiling face, and whatnots were like my mum's.

"I- I didn't make it, mama," I blurted out in her arms as my eyes clouded with tears. "I couldn't do what they asked me to do to secure the job."

Gabriella said nothing, she only patted my shoulder gently as she adjusted my head on her lap. For comfort, I placed my legs on the pavement in a way that I was lying supine and she caressed the strands of wavy hair that settled on my face.

She removed the blanket on her body and spread it on me so I could feel warm too. I was about to protest for this act when she countered and I instantly succumbed to her. Besides, she did not like it whenever I reject her actions of pure love toward me.

"I do not need this Ken. You need it much more than I do. I am cladded in fur. You are in a sleeveless gown."

"Thank you, Mum," I shut my eyes, my chest jerking upward as tears rolled down my cheeks. Gabriella loved me so much...

"Do not cry, my baby," she said as she used her hands to wipe the tears off my face.

"I'm so frustrated! I don't know what to do, Gab…" I lamented.


"Mama," I muttered under my breath.

"Do you see those stars, Ken?" she asked and I opened my eyes slowly, fixing my gaze at the beauty of the inky sky.

Suddenly, I was lost marveling at the tiny diamonds, especially those that were crawling and blinking at the same time.

Even those which were stationary weren't useless. They shone, glittered, and they contributed to the night's beauty.

I wished I could be among the stars too.

For unknown reasons, the sight melted my heart and a smile crept on my lips and it twitched. "I do, Mum."

She chuckled, not letting go of my hair. "Do you see the moon too?"

"It's so beautiful. So mesmerizing..."

The night seemed more sinister as the pale piece of silk cast an ethereal glow across the sky. The sound of the crickets also added to the tranquility and serenity.

"I'm glad you find them beautiful."

"Thank you, mama."



"If the stars and the moon are up there, hanging in the sky in the afternoon, would you still marvel at their beauty?"

"No, I would not."

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Because I can't see them."

This conversation we were having was like mental therapy and it somehow eased the melancholy that had trapped my heart. Gabriella knew how to make my kids and me feel better anytime we were sad.

"Good! And you see how the sun replaces them and rises at noon, brightening everywhere, right?"


"Ken, the reason why the sun is unable to shine this night is because it's not its time to. If then, the sun cries bitterly for not being able to shimmer at night, its tears would fade away its glow, and the night would last longer because nothing is left of the sun to beautify the world at noon.

"So, for the sun to take over in the morning, it has to stop its tears and smile so that its smile can build up its glow again," she analyzed."

"I guess I'm like the sun."

Hearing that, she tilted her head up at the sky and smiled.

"No Ken, you are both. What applies to the sun in the morning or afternoon, applies to the stars and the moon at night. If the stars and the moon felt bad about not rising at noon, the noon would also last longer."

"Hmm!" I sighed as I closed my eyes to think about it and I clung to her body.

"Both the stars and the moon and the sun are always hanging in the sky but their beauty comes out at different times."

Her last words felt like deja vu. My mother had once told me about the tale of the stars, the moon, and the sun when I was a kid and it felt refreshing and therapeutic to hear it once again.

"Mum, thank you so much for accepting me and for making me so strong," I muttered and she pecked my cheeks.

"You are yet to be strong, Ken. You have not braced yourself up." Gabriella caught me.

"I want you to be like the three beauties. They take turns to shine because they are strong. Remember, they do not cry because it would reduce their glow."

"For that reason, I do not want you to dwell on the fact that you are yet to shine. Do not feel bad about it, daughter."

She inclined her head and darted her eyes to my legs. She noticed that the blanket was not covering my legs well so she bent forward to cover it. "I would be strong for you and my triplets, Gab."

"No. This is where you mix it up. If you want to be strong for us, you have to be strong for yourself first. Do not hide from your fears. Be strong for yourself, first."

"I will, " I affirmed, showing her my tiny muscles which got the two of us laughing.

"Whenever you are down, my daughter, always remember that you are the stars, the moon, and the sun. You beautify the world always and you will never stop shining whether it is the morning or night..."

After she said this, I felt the urge to go out there, change my mindset and apply for more jobs again.

To hell be with Stephen who thought I needed him.


Hi, there!

How's the journey of Kendall and Stephen going? I hope it's worth your time. Let me know via the comment section.

Xoxo, Qietah😍😍

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