
Chapter 96


"How it's going here? I bet it's nice to have your own place again?" Jack heads to my fridge and grabs two beers as I finish the last of the cleaning up from the kid's supper. It's been a crazy busy day and all three children were sleeping before I finished reading the first bedtime story. Now that they are all tucked up in their beds it's time for me to relax and have a beer before I head up to bed myself.

It's been two weeks since we moved in here and I have loved every moment of it, and so have the kids. They especially love their bedrooms. They all have their own bedrooms and it's clear to see that Tom, Molly and my Mom put a lot of effort into their rooms. Brody's is decorated out with dinosaurs, Sophie's is Disney princesses and Katie has an underwater theme, she loves watching anything with sea animals in it.

Brody has an ensuite bathroom in his room and I have one in mine while we then have a guest bathroom next to Sophie's room, they even completely decorated
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