
Chapter 7

Cw: Sexual harassment

"You better give me my wallet." I said while panting. I put both of my hands on my waist while breathing heavily.

"Damn, bro, we hit the jackpot!"

"Look at that wallet if it's full."

"'Nice, bro, even sexy."

"Miss, can we talk to you? Come here first .."

I raised an eyebrow at them, "We're talking now. I said give me my wallet, damn it!" I could no longer hide the irritation. Their faces are annoying, they obviously won't do any good.

They laughed and the two approached so I backed away. "'Don't get too far, no one will help you here ..." said the bald man with no shirt.

I've been here for second, but only now I'm getting nervous. As they got closer I became more frequent. I made a mistake in my decision to chase the snatcher, I made a mistake to even go out!

I will run. That's right. I will run. I clenched my fists and closed tightly, my knees are shaking but I have to get out of here. Who cares of the cards and id, I have to save myself from these ugly creatures!

One ..

Two ..


I quickly turned around and ran but even before I could take five steps, they caught me.

"Aahh! Let go of me!"

I struggled but that was nothing against the strength of these two. They dragged me closer to their other comrades who were thrilled with what they saw.

Anger filled my heart and I really wished they would die right now.

"Okay! Nice complexion!"

I felt a hand squeeze my thigh so I quickly kicked it and screamed.

"Fuck you! Don't touch me!" My voice croaked in fear.

Thoughts of these blobbfishes touching me and fantasizing my body scares me. "P-please .. don't touch me! My wallet is yours! L-let me go .." I pleaded as tears pooled in my eyes. I suddenly regret wearing these clothes. But would it make any difference if I didn't?

But they didn't listen. They wouldn't listen to my beggings so I just cried and shut my eyes as I felt those hands squeezing my bare legs, it hurts. It disgust me. It scares me.

"Lea!" I automatically opened my eyes when I heard a man's familiar voice.

Suddenly, the ugly guys were knocked off one by one. They let go of me to fight against Luke who seems so mad and furious.

He punched them with full strength and kicked them without mercy. I don't know what to feel. I'm so scared and shock, but I am very grateful that Luke came to save me.

The men fell and I was left stumped on the ground. I cried and cried until he slowly walked towards me while panting. He handed me my card holder, but I don't have the strength to even lift a finger.

My mind was blank from the traumatizing moment earlier. I was dumbfounded at nowhere as I continued to cry. He pocketed my wallet and squatted in front of me. He looked at me with concern and anger on his face before pulling me over to him for a hug.

"Sshh .. I'm sorry for being late. You're safe now .." I cried even more and didn't speak. I pressed my face to his chest and clung tightly to his sleeve as he caressed my back.

I can't believe 'that' happened to me. I can't believe I was sexually harassed so easily.

"I said I'll take you home, do you hear me?" I blinked and lifted my face from the tightness in his chest. He had been talking to me but I wasn't on my own and was just crying.

I shuddered as I looked up at him. "I .. I can't go home like this .. I mean," I sniffed and took a deep breath to stop crying. "They can't see me like this," I said.

His forehead furrowed and moved away from me a little to look at me properly. He grabbed both my shoulders and he bent down a little to level our faces.

"Lea, they need to know about this, these motherfuckers harassed you, for fuck's sake I won't let it slide!" His anger echoed in my ears. I bowed while sobbing. "Look at me," he commanded but I remained bent over.

I was surprised when he touched my chin so I could look at him and his calm eyes met mine. "You can't just let them have their freedom after what they did to you, Lea. You're a fucking Eleanor and no one dares to touch you. Not even me .."

I stopped sobbing when I heard what he said. My brain could not process what I heard. My lips parted slightly but I was unable to speak.

"Let's go," he just said and looked away. He grabbed my hand and helped me get up. He kicked the guys on our way while walking.

I rolled my eyes around his condo. Its theme is black and white but white is more dominant. I sat down on the black sofa and hugged myself. Some parts of my clothes were wet especially the back due to sweat.

"Is it cold?" He asked, I shook my head and forced a smile. She sighed and walked towards the kitchen. I bent down and looked at my exposed thigh.

My throat clogged with holding back the crying. The corners of my eyes heat up every time I think about what happened earlier. I can still feel their dirty hands on my skin. I still hear obscene things they say to me, and fear still envelops me every time I close my eyes.

When Luke returned he was carrying a glass of water. He presented it to me and I drank quietly. I only halved it and put it down on the coffee table. He sat in a single chair even though there was still plenty of space next to me.

"What are your plans?" Suddenly he asked. I looked at him and looked down at my thigh again.

I shook softly. "I want to keep it to myself until Loren's wedding is done." My answer is weak. He did not speak but I heard his sigh.

"Lea, I can't let that. If only I didn't see you almost breaking down, I'm gonna fucking kill them. You're family would raise hell if you won't tell them. They deserve to know. " He explained.

I swallowed and bit my lower lip when it started to vibrate. My vision is also blurred due to the formation of tears here.

"Tomorrow .. is kuya's pre-wed shoot. He's been waiting for five years for this to happen .. I .. I can't afford to give him another problem before his wedding." My voice cracked.

"That's not an excuse. His wife is a great lawyer, she'll help you—"

"Exactly." I cut him off, "She'll help me .. my brothers won't sit still and my father would never let it slide. All of them would think only of me. When there's kuya's coming wedding, Sage's projects and dad's business. .everyone has a lot of things to do, Luke, I can endure this until they are all free .. I don't want to be the gossip of people before my brother's wedding. It won't be good for their wedding to be filled with my issue. " The tears dripped earlier that I had been holding back.

Luke was stunned and stared at me. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes firmly before being annoyed to exhale.

"Promise me you won't tell this to anyone, I'll find those guys after kuya's wedding .. please trust me, Luke." I pleaded.

He just looked at me as if he didn't care about what I was saying, "I'll sue them." He insisted.

"No, the police would ask for my testimony and I'll be in the news around La Cuevas." He stared at me and sighed.

"I'll monitor those fuckers while you're not making any move. I'll make sure they never escape." He said with finality, and that's when I force myself to smile.

"Thank you."

I asked him if I can take a shower here and borrow one of his clothes because I feel so uneasy right now. I was always confident and free with anything I wear no matter how revealing it is. But after what happened earlier, I feel like it's my fault that I got harassed. With my taste of fashion and the way I act, I think it's my fault and that makes it more painful for me.

I was about to enter the bathroom inside his room when I heard the door opened and Luke appeared.

"Just .. so you know, it's not your fault that you were harassed by those men, so don't blame yourself. It's your business on what you wear and there's nothing wrong with being confident with your hard earned body. Those men really has the motive and they'll do that even if you're full covered. Don't let them get in the way of what makes you happy. It won't happen again. "

I was lost for words when he stepped back and closed the door between us. I felt my chest tightened as I remember every words he said. How can he read my mind?

I slowly nodded while smiling and tears ran down my cheeks. He's right, it's not my fault. If those were really decent men, they wouldn't touch me even if I strip naked in front of them.

I suddenly remember Wyatt, It was dark in the bar, we're both influenced with alcohol and I almost stripped for him but he protected me. He didn't touch me and he drove me home.

You're right Luke, you're right.

Somehow I felt relieved. I went to his bathroom and took a shower. I used her shower gel, body scrub and shampoo, there was a cabinet containing extra toothbrushes so I got one.

When I finished taking a bath, I came out in his white t-shirt and pajamas. It was too long so I folded the hem to below my knee. The sleeve of his t -shirt reached my elbow but I just let it go.

He invited me to breakfast and I did not refuse. We talked for a while and I was immediately relieved. He was far from the Luke I knew. Those who are rude and not talkative.

He was still sparing to speak, but at least, he didn't just nod at me. He also allowed me to sleep this afternoon to rest and said he would just take me home before nightfall.

I went into his room and lay down on the bed while he focused on his laptop in the living room. My card holder is on the bed side table. I was going to text older brother Sage, but I didn't have my cell phone. Eventually I just fell asleep.

When I woke up the sun was gone, but it was still bright outside. I slept longer. I hurriedly got up and went straight to his car to wash and brush my teeth again. As I looked at myself in the mirror I noticed the swelling in my eyes was still obvious and I was obviously crying.

When it was over I went out and found Luke playing the guitar. When he noticed me he stopped and put the guitar away. He stood up and approached me.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

I smiled at him, "Better."

He nodded and licked his lower lip, "Anyway, Sage is looking for you and I told him you're here. I didn't lock the door in case he'll barge in." He said.

I pouted and rolled my eyes, "Maybe he couldn't find anyone to trip inside the house when I'm not around. Has he been looking for me since when?" I asked.

"Almost an hour, I guess. I cooked pasta, let's eat first." He said so I smiled. Dude can even cook.

"Ah, Luke," I called. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Thank you .." I said. Earlier I wanted to thank him. If it weren't for him, I might have been hurt. He also promised not to say what happened earlier and he accepted me here and took care of it.

"Anytime." He answered so I smiled and none of my own came to him to hug him.

He stilled for a moment but he then hugged me back after. I closed my eyes and when I opened my eyes I was shocked to see who had entered the door.

I quickly turned away from Luke and he was also surprised at what I did. His eyes were questioning but my gaze was fixed on the man behind him.

"W-Wyatt .." I whispered.

Luke frowned and turned to look behind him.

"Who the hell are you?" Wyatt asked Luke.

"I should be the one asking that, you're in my place." Luke answered.

Wyatt turned to me and his dark eyes were so dark that even if you didn't speak you knew you had done something wrong. What? I don't even remember my sins against him, he even hurt me.

"Why are wearing .. that?" He asked almost in a whisper as his gaze traveled all over me.

I was about to answer when Luke suddenly spoke.

"She has to change, her clothes were sort of .. wet." my eyes widened at what Luke said, he was right but it was inevitable that Wyatt would think differently!

Wyatt's face filled with astonishment and annoyance. He gave Luke an evil look and was about to punch him when I quickly stepped between them. I turned to Wyatt.

"Wyatt! Oh my god, what are you doing ?!" I shouted at him. He stopped and took a deep breath as his teeth chattered. I could clearly see the movements of his jaw.

He bent down to look at my face and frowned at something.

"Did you cry?" He asked but his tone was hostile. He looks at me sharply and it seems like at any moment he will drag me out of here.

I couldn't answer, but Luke spoke again.

"Oh, that .. it's her first time. She cried .. hard." Luke smirked. "You know any girl would really cry, when .."

"Fuck you!" I couldn’t stop Wyatt when he rushed Luke and punched him in the face.

"Shit! Wyatt, stop it!" I forced him away from Luke wiping blood from his lip. What he meant was it's my first time getting harassed and any girl would cry with that! But what the fuck, why did he have to say that!

"Azalea Bernice, you're going home with me." Wyatt said emphatically and left Luke's unit first.

When he came out I turned to Luke again who was smiling and shaking. "Why did you say that ?!" I shouted at him, I wanted to hit him in annoyance but I felt sorry for Wyatt.

"He's you're cousin, right?" He asked instead.

I hesitated to nod and was confused when he laughed softly and shook his head to look at the door where Wyatt had come out. When he did, he looked at me with emotionless eyes. Here he is again, I thought he was always like that but he went back to being a rock.

"That's dangerous, Lea." I was surprised by what he said.

What does he mean by that? I couldn’t speak, like I was a kid caught eating candy at night. Why are you doing this Luke?

"Too risky." He said before leaving me lost for words.

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