

"Why will the goddess give us such a mate?" My wolf wailed in my mind.

"I Alpha Kenzo Stewart, reject you princess Rona Campbell as my mate!" He said coldly.

I staggered as pain blinded me.

"Now get her for me!" He ordered his men.

"In your dreams!" I howled as my wolf took over.

My mind went blank immediately, while she took over my consciousness.

What I realized next was me back on my horse, escaping in a haste.

"Ara, how did you do it? How did we escape?" I asked.

A series of memories flashed before me, and I saw her transform and tear the person behind us apart with her claws, before jumping over the blockades, all in a few minutes.

She also sprayed something on them that momentarily blinded them, before mounting the horse.

"Thank goodness your mom packed the delirious powder for us!" She said, as I increased my pace.

Tears dripped down my face at Kenzo's betrayal.

Even though I didn't know his identity as my mate, we had gotten close in the past few months, and I regarded him as the brother I never had.

His gentle and warm smiles were all fake.

My heart immediately got filled with worry.

What if he informs the emperor that I survived?

I continued the next few weeks without destination, just trying to get as far away from Kenzo as possible.

I just kept traveling straight in the opposite direction, I wanted to leave this area and go somewhere it would be impossible to recognize me. 

Somewhere very far.

My food ran out twice and I had to go into the towns to buy food. 

However, my money was also going down.

I began to buy spices instead, killing and roasting animals, while only eating a little bread, in order to preserve money.

I was definitely exhausted.

I sat down on the forest floors to sleep a bit after my dinner.

The weather was very cold, but there were no blankets.

I leaned against the trees, pulling my cloak closer around me, while shivering.

I had since hid my money, weapons and jewels in various parts of my body.

I was always prepared to run, so I can't afford to relax.

Only my bag of food and water remained strapped to the horse.

I soon slept off while leaning on the tree.

I tried to wipe my face only to realize I couldn't move my hands.

My eyes immediately snapped open in shock.

I immediately gasped, I was inside a net.

Someone trapped me while I was sleeping!

How did this happen?

I always wake up at the slightest sounds, or my wolf wakes me up, ever since I started running. 

Why didn't I hear them attacking me?

"The sleeping powder will wear off soon. We need to move her to the camp. She's indeed very beautiful. She will sell for a lot at the brothel" I heard a male voice say.

My heart immediately skipped a beat.

Slave traders?

Did I just fall into the hands of slave traders?

Tears formed in my eyes and I quickly sniffed it back.

I have to be strong.

What kind of bad luck is following me around?

No matter how fast or far I run, I always get into a huge mess!

From losing my parents and pack, to becoming a fugitive, being betrayed and rejected by my mate, to getting attacked by robbers.

I had managed to escape the robbers with a gash on my arm.

I have been applying herbs to clear it, but it has not completely healed yet.

Now this?

Will I get sold into slavery?

Oh Goddess!

'calm down. Why do you keep crying? Damn! Your tears were probably what weakened us to the extent that mere sleeping powders could be used to overpower us, damn!' my wolf growled.

I immediately kept quiet.

The men stood before me, and one gave me a creepy smile before tearing the net.

But my hands were tied too.

They threw me into a cart and I sat down.

I immediately realized that the little satchel containing my clothes was still on my back. 

Why didn't they seize it?

The cart stopped and they dragged me down.

I saw other people tied up.

There were cages and carts parked at one corner.

I was pushed to the side where young girls stayed.

"Someone escaped!" I heard one of the men roar.

Soon they gave chase.

In a few minutes they came back with a man.

"How dare you try to escape?" Their leader roared, and poured flaming coals on the slave that tried to escape, burning him alive.

They began to flog him mercilessly with horsewhips, tearing his flesh.

I watched them chop off his limbs before finally killing him.

"Anyone else that tries to escape will have it worse!" He roared.

I swallowed and kept quiet.

Soon it was bedtime.

I carefully chose the edge, close to the forest.

Others were huddling around the fire since it was cold, but I had my plans.

They're peasants so they value comfort and are easily frightened.

However, I am a warrior.

I can't give up.

I slowly removed my hair pin and began to pick the chain on my legs covertly.

After an hour, it opened.

I reached for the dagger I hid in my boots and cut open the binds on my hands.

I began to look around, while pretending to be asleep and chained.

I quickly crawled to the forest and began to run.

I heard a furious howl.

"That girl escaped! Make sure you find her!" The voice reverberated in the dark night, making me shiver.

I clenched my teeth and began to run.

It was nearly dawn when I changed into the last pair of clothes in my bag. It was a white silk.

I quickly used my wolf's fire to burn the rest of the clothes and satchel.

They will be looking for the girl in dark blue silk carrying a satchel, however they won't find her.

I continued my race.

Now I have lost my horse, and I have to continue on foot.

I ran for two days straight, without food, only eating fruits and drinking water, if I saw any.

They didn't stop chasing me, they were confused at first and lost my trail.

But like some magic, they found me again.

"Check your hair," my wolf said in frustration.

I began to ransack my hair and loosened all the pins.

A strange green crystal fell off.

'Damn it! No wonder. It is indeed as I thought. No wonder they always follow up, no matter which corner we divert to! They affixed a tracking crystal to your hair, probably when they first captured us!" She growled.

I gasped in shock. 

They were gaining on me, so I kept running, but I soon came to a dead end.

I was at the edge of a cliff whose bottom I can't even see.

The road suddenly stopped here.

If I jump down that distance, I will definitely die.

If I let them capture me, the same fate awaits me.

I could hear their footsteps and hunting dogs approaching.

Godess, what do I do?

I said a short prayer and jumped down, I would rather die a free man.

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