
Valeriam Moon

"I must be a lady... I must not hit my teacher... I must be a lady and not run around the castle... I must be a lady and not act so reckless... I must... I'm bored, please... Lady Margaret I promise not to escape from the academy anymore and to be a good girl in the classes. Even I promise that no other complaint will come from me ..." the woman with brown hair and refined clothes looked at the weird but beautiful girl, so she took a look at the fine pocket watch that she had in her hands, and then again observed that lilac eyed girl so clear that they seemed to be completely a lantern that led you to an unreal but magnificent fantasy, which was wearing a pretty simple but beautiful and stunning pink dress in her, there was no doubt about that little redhead overflows beauty, such beauty did not needed the help of accessories to be demonstrated, it was the opposite, she made those little pieces in her as she did with a dress without greater aesthetics managed to look beautiful and worthy of praise, the girl was beautiful, she was pure perfection, with her long red hair that covered her back, her stunning eyes and the refined details of her face, they made any man or woman fall at her feet and they fulfilled her whims, it was a complete pity that the little girl did not take advantage of those unreal gifts the gods gave her to manage to manipulate others with her beauty, the girl was the opposite, kind, kindly and very naive, although a little or rather very curious and even a little naughty, Lady Margaret had seen her grow up and although she loved her like a daughter, she would not be carried away by that sad face and those sparkling eyes, which watched her begging for forgiveness

"You will not be able to manipulate me Luna, you are grounded so go ahead and by the way the book is about to fall from your head, so fix it and go on..." the girl made a very tired gesture and after fixing the book on her head, continued reciting the words that had indicated what was wrong in her behavior, for at least three more hours, all for not doing her homework in her luxurious academy for ladies, which she saw more as her only home, rather as punishment which was supposed to be from the great Valeriam family. 

Luna of Valeriam, was the youngest of the Valeriam family, her father Mr. Linios of Valeriam, was the count of the kingdom of Ahnaria, who was better known for having a strict and even a bit of a demanding character, a vampire who could say he was of noble blood, that vampire who from one day to the next, had adopted a little girl who was not very well accepted by his wife and daughter, to which they decided that the best thing would be to be sent to the academy of young ladies until she were fit for marrying a man and thus get rid of her, because it was not in their nature to love the little girl, those vile women hated her for no reason, according to the evil tongues it was said that such was the envy for her beauty and purity, that these in the very moment they were alone with the girl, they beat her, humiliated her and whatever they wanted, a poor girl despised by her adoptive family, because her father Sir Linios, was not far behind, as for blows and reprimands, they were, according to them, correcting that spoiled and grotesque girl.

The family had been in charge of repudiating the little girl, they had taken care of her just out of pity, or that was what the count indicated, but it was well known that this was not such a noble man and that there was something else behind that There was no doubt that that girl did not have a completely pleasant life, so it was not surprising that she often used to be rebellious and mischievous, thus making her stay in that place that she called home, the place from which she was more difficult. She used to escape to go play and earn coins while dancing with the orphans of the city, for that reason at that time she was punished, because Luna, used to be unstoppable and even uncontrollable, so her caregivers and teachers were constantly complaining, the girl just wanted to flee from that place, but the worst thing about it was not only being able to be found, but also the punishments, not only from her teachers, but also from her adoptive father, who used to be quite aggressive when it was about her.

At last that tiresome punishment had ended, so Luna at that precise moment was at the window of her room while humming a song and preparing to go down through her window and thus escape from that place, but before she even tried the doors of her chambers were opened arbitrarily, which made her give a little startle, which almost made her fall, at that moment she thanked the sky and the gods for being quite agile and thus achieve stabilization, but when she saw who it was her visit a small wave of anger and resentment passed through the girl, but she dismissed it almost immediately so as not to carry hatred in his heart, because she was not like that.

"Is that the punishment that Father gave you a few weeks ago, during his last visit is not enough for you...? Or do you need me to talk to father again, with the intention of being punished again...?"

The blonde looked at the girl who was sitting in the window of her chamber trying to appear calm, but at that moment the only thing that was going through Luna's head was why her sister had not arrived a few minutes later? there was no doubt that she had managed to interrupt her escape.

"I Don't know what are you talking about Elizabeth, but do you know what I found out? next week they will take you to a dance and marry you to an ugly landowner of the place " that had been said with a rather feigned sadness, while Elizabeth had turned completely red from that great anger that possessed her and it was not true, it could not be, her father had indicated that she would be the next queen, that she would not marry a man who had a lesser title than hers, she would be the next queen, of that she was more than sure, she would be a woman of more lineage than anyone who was in that filthy academy, of that she was sure, she was as sure as she was of her matchless beauty

"That's not true, I will be the next queen of the kingdom of ahnaria, even more. I may be the next queen of vampires and humans, and you will be nothing more than a simple servant, I will turn you as my personal maid... I swear that half-breed Luna..." the girl strongly hated that nickname they gave her, because that half-breed only indicated that she was a cross-breed, a garbage, an abomination and she hated with all her being that nickname, but she just gave a big sigh and decided to answer those words the same way she always did.

"Be careful silly, lest it fall on your face..."

"Miss, dance classes will start in an hour, please get ready…" The blonde left, giving the redhead a warning glare, while Luna only gave a big sigh, apparently that day she couldn't escape. The teachers would be very aware of her and if she were not in class they would go for her, apparently she only had to follow her itinerary like a good girl, since she did not want more punishments.

Her classes had continued as usual, there was no doubt that each hour was even more exhausting and not only because of the fact that they demanded too much, it was also because of the reason that her sister and friends were in charge of doing each moment in the place as if it were a real hell, she hated her for the sole reason that her father after a big fight in which they went to blows and insults in the great valeriam mansion, during Luna's vacation, both Luna and Elizabeth had caused terrible damage in the place, so much so that they had completely destroyed the count's beloved garden, thus causing an anger that could not even be repaired by his wife, since the servants had told the truth and did not lied as usual, by leaving the redhead as the only one involved, there was no doubt that she had been given a very rigorous punishment by her adoptive father, but this time she had not been the only one punished, the count had ordered that Eli Zabeth would be for a year in that academy of young ladies, which was a real surprise and bitterness for her, although the blonde did not deny the satisfaction of having seen the great beating that had been given to her adoptive sister due to the damage caused by them in the castle was pleasant, she still continued hating her for the fact of spending so many days locked up in that nefarious place, instead of making herself known in society, for that and for many more consiliated things, for the envoy that that one possessed in her own being hated her and never in her life would that feeling leave her, she was more than sure about that.

Elizabeth had an irrational hatred for the redhead, and tried by all means to humiliate her and make her feel inferior to her, all in an effort to show that she would never manage to be anything more than a crossbreed which was a sacrilege for any of the races, because they always came to ask each other, every time they saw her with what she said were disgusting eyes, how was it that the demon king hadn't killed her yet? Well, his kind used to die at his hands by his own command, something that gave him a great but macabre idea, because he already knew how he would get rid of once and for all, why hadn't this occurred to him before?

"We will continue with the next class in the next days, you can go to rest ladies..." 

"Thank you my lady..." The girls bowed, although there was only one of those who had not paid the slightest attention to her class and that was Luna, who was completely asleep in her seat, while recovering her sleep from the night hours, which she had used to get to go to the city where she sing and dance to earn a coin with her friends, all with the sole desire to get food for them and a few savings for her, since she couldn't wait to escape completely of the place, but for that she needed a little more money to survive and not starve

"Look who is here, is the sleeping crossbreed, what shouldn't you be more resistant...? You know you're a crossbreed..." the others laughed at the girl's words, but on the contrary a very sleepy Luna, who woke up a little drowsy looking around her realizing that the class was over and that she had slept through it, she was grateful that her teacher had not noticed, because she did not want to be scolded again, much less one of those punishments from Lady Margaret, which were daily

"did I fell asleep? is it already lunch time?" The girl said that innocently, in a way that those who were there, did not understand why it caused them tenderness by being in that sweet and disoriented way, but there was one that did not feel the slightest bit of tenderness or even empathy towards the girl

"You're more stupid than I imagined... Yes it's time for lunch, are you hungry...?" The redhead knew she was planning something, but before she could even do anything, the girls had held her down, forcing her to remain seated on her desk, in which the blonde showed a sinister smile and taking out stinking eggs and flour, they took her as target and smearing her with these, making her stink and look really pitiful, which made the redhead angry and really frustrated, her Eyes turned red, Luna was ready to kill them at that moment, but an outside voice took her out of those sadistic thoughts that had taken hold of her at that moment, because she was not so mean in that way, she was not like the vampires in front of her, she was not as evil as his foster father was.

"What is going on here..? ladies, you are punished... Luna valeriam I imagined that you were causing problems at all times. go wash yourself and you will come to receive your punishment" the girl was stunned, because she had not caused anything, they always used to treat her that way because of who she was and that made her so tired, so she simply chose to nod and left that place in a hurry, to be able to remove that disgusting smell from her body and with it manage to escape once and for all from that damn place, because she preferred to live in the streets where her friends treated her in a kind and loving way, to continue in that place being treated like a big trash

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