

          As they left the room in the wake of Demis, Lara hissed at Christophe.

“I want to talk to you!”

“You want to fight, chérie… we do it in private,” Christophe gritted down at her roughly, a wave of dark anger seething in his flashing sidewise glance.

“And what the hell did you have to smolder about?” she asked him slightly.

“The thought of you lying under Anderson for two fucking years, chérie!” he slashed back down at her with visible distaste. “Leaving me for that wimp… Unproductive, useless wimp… I could strangle you right now...”

          Lara went white. Why was he bringing Randall up all over again in this discussion? What about him and his… stepmother? What was that about? The nerve of this man… Later she would give him

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