
Chapter 2 - Daniel

I smile broadly as I remember what just happened. I slow my steps and look up and down the street. I cross and let out a sigh, and I thought it was going to be a shitty day, starting with the mechanic who is checking my car telling me a couple of hours ago that my car wouldn't be ready until the afternoon. The most frustrating thing about it is that I was already on my way to the dealership when I got his fucking call.

I have also not been able to sleep one wink all night, thinking about all the things I have to do before traveling to Canada for my sister's wedding. In addition to all this, I have to shoot a scene in a couple of minutes next to a one of the most self-centered actresses in the world, but I have to because my fans have been crying out for it for a long time. Also, the pay is very good. It’s not every day they pay you ten thousand dollars for an hour of your time.

My cell phone rings, snapping me out of my musings. I don't bother looking at the screen because I know exactly who it is.

“I'm coming, Ryan. I'll be there in ten minutes,” I tell my friend, who has been my assistant for about three years.

“Thank heaven, Daniel! Here everyone looks at me with the face of few friends. Josh is about to lose his mind as Leah keeps asking about you. You know she doesn't like to wait.”

“I don't give a shit what she likes or doesn't like. Filming is scheduled for twelve-thirty.”

“And what time do you think it is?” Ryan asks.

I take my cell phone off my ear and check the time. It's twelve forty-five. I close my eyes tightly and put the phone back to my ear.

“Shit,” I say through my teeth. “I'm arriving there,” I tell the man on the other end of the line. “I had to take the subway, because that asshole Karl told me this morning that my car was not ready, and I was already arriving at the dealership.”

“Damn, Daniel! You should have told me and I would have picked you up.”

“Do not worry. Tell them I'm coming, that there was a mishap in the subway and that I was stranded for almost an hour while they fixed it.”

“Okay. Hurry up.”

The call ends and I can't repress my urge to laugh at the surreal situation. I lost track of time in the arms of that pretty lady! And boy did I have a great time. Who'd say? Hard and pure sex in the bathroom of the subway station. I grin again like an idiot, remembering Harper's moans, very close to my ear.

I can't understand how I got carried away like that. It's not that I hadn't done it before, but that I never did it before work, because I have to save all possible energy, but there was something about that woman that woke up that daring side that I only show before the cameras.

God! From the moment I saw her enter the car, I couldn't stop looking at her, with that immense concern reflected on her face. I noticed how she looked at me and how nervous she got when I caught her doing it. Her gaze was so penetrating, I had the feeling of being subjected to a scan.

The blush on her cheeks gave her away. Knowing I was observed in that way, I love it. Knowing that I am the center of attention, in a way, turns me on a lot.

Then one thing led to another, and then I was running across the station platform, dragging a frightened woman, to a public bathroom, where I ended up having wild sex with a new acquaintance. A fascinating fuck! It should be noted. I had forgotten how good it feels to be with someone because I want it to and not to fulfill it. Having sex, with no one looking at me, besides my lover on duty, is something that doesn't happen very often, and when it happens, I like to enjoy it to the fullest. In recent days, having sex has become monotonous and I was urged to innovate. What a way I did it! I smile again, pleased, at the job accomplished.

“Harper,” I savor her name, while I remember her completely... That brown hair tangled between my fingers, those little slit eyes looking at me with desire, that little pink mouth giving me pleasure, that soft skin burning against mine...

My God! I have to take a deep breath to quell the sudden heat that takes hold of me, and decide that I will take advantage of those memories in a couple of minutes.

I shake my head hard and force myself to think of something else. After all, Harper was just one more meeting of the bunch. She made it clear with her attitude when she came out of that bathroom. And that's why I got out of there as I did, to save that precious lady the uncomfortable moment, since I sensed her discomfort. I was not prepared to deal with all this, either. Also, you could tell from leagues away that she is not the type of person to go around getting into romantic trouble. It is practical. And I like that very much in a woman.

I do not realize when I arrive at my destination. I rush through the front door of the studio like a tornado and on my way to the recording set. On the way, I take the opportunity to greet a few ex-scene partners, with whom I maintain a very good “friendship” relationship, and why not? With one or the other, I end up tangled between the sheets of a comfortable and large bed.

Throughout my life (well, not all, but from the age of fifteen, when I managed to overcome a difficult stage for my self-esteem) I have not known whether to take my physical beauty - and excuse me if I am arrogant, but modesty is not is one of my virtues — as a blessing or as a curse, since most of the time, women only seek me out to satisfy their carnal appetites. Only once did I make a connection beyond the skin, and it was with a woman ten years older than me, so whenever I can, I run away from girls, since they only turn to me, because in a way they see a way to carry out one of their fantasies. Fucking Christian Gray! Since the blissful erotic trilogy became famous, my life has never been the same. Almost all the women with whom I interact, end up asking me to take on the role of the famous traumatized dominator, and that's not to mention that a couple of times it was time to record scenes inspired by popular novels. And that is to say, on some occasions I have had to tie and spank more than one woman, not because they are submissive and enjoy these sexual practices in a healthy way, but because they want to feel like the protagonists of that type of novels.

I love sex. That must be made clear. I am into the BDSM thing, as well as I enjoy conventional sexual practices. I have been fucking since I was thirteen years old! Since my cousin Meredith, seven years older than me, deflowered me. With my nineteen years of experience in the lovemaking arts, I have tried a variety of techniques except homosexual ones. I have nothing against men who enjoy love with each other, just that it was never something that caught my attention. For me, there is nothing more beautiful than a pair of nice tits (if they are natural, better) and a good female butt; not forgetting a narrow waist (although this also depends. I have met plump women that have knocked me out after an arduous session of wild sex) and a beautiful pair of legs (preferably if they surround my hips). I really enjoy experimenting. Terms like king out, tickling, sexit, humming, carezza, squirt, postillonage, splosh, petting, bluetoothing, bangover, voayeur, footjob, precop, dogging or cancaneo, among others, are very common for me, although this The latter I do very infrequently. I've actually done it only three times, counting what happened this morning. Although a closed bathroom, whether public, does not count as such. I would define it as two adults who liked each other at first sight, looked for a private place to unleash their imagination, and that's it.

I also have some fetishes. I love that women wear very high heels and I have a particular weakness for feminine hands and even more so when they wear French style painted nails.

It's not that I'm a pervert, but that 50% of my world revolves around sex, because that's how I make a living. The other percentage is divided between my other two passions: gastronomy and CrossFit.

I, Daniel Ansdell, describe myself as a tall man, one meter ninety-three, to be exact, with thick brown hair that reaches down to my jawbone. My eyes between blue and gray, which turn green when I am angry and lead gray when I am completely calm. My ophthalmologist says I am a rare case of "emotional heterochromia." One of my most prominent features is my smile. I never had orthodontic problems, far from it. Women say that I have perfect teeth, delimited by a mouth that encourages many to sin. Fuck! That I am not saying. I have heard it in the corridors, they have said it to my face! Also, I always try to dress smartly or casually. I never leave what I'm going to wear to chance. I'm the type of man who combines the color of my socks with the color of my pants, and I always try to smell good. Seduction enters through the nose, or at least it is advice that I always give to my friends. I have a bachelor's degree in business administration, although I never felt the need to practice it, since from a very young age I have been working in the industry of "entertainment" for adults. However, in a couple of weeks I will have to draw on the knowledge acquired at Moonpark College.

“Thank goodness you're here,” Ryan says when he sees me, interrupting my thoughts. “Take these. Put them on quickly.” He hands me some clothes.

I glance at the clothes and pick them up, realizing that Leah Red, my work partner, looks at me disapprovingly and shakes her head. I ignore her hostility and proceed to do what my friend just requested.

“What's today's scene about?” There are so many scenes that I record per month that it is easy to get confused.

“Personal trainer,” my assistant tells me.

“That’s it. I remember”. Every day they are more cliché.

“It's what people like,” Ryan shrugs.

Wasting no time, I change my clothes and get ready for the makeup artist to sprinkle some powder on my nose.

“I'm so glad you've finally joined us,” Leah says with some disdain, coming up from my right.

“I'm so sorry,” I mumble, more for being polite than for explaining to this arrogant blonde. There was a failure in the subway and...

“Yes. Ryan told us,” she interrupts, as she runs her hands over my shoulders and smiles at me with mock diplomacy.

If it was not because they were going to pay me a high sum of money for the scene that we were going to shoot, not in a million years would I think of having anything to do with this petulant woman. She is a beautiful woman, with a heart attack body and a perfect face, but her way of being leaves much to be desired. She believes that the world revolves around her and that we should all pay homage to her. She uses her condition of being the actress with the best ranking to behave like an egocentric bitch.

Ultimately, I will ask the help of Clementine, the pretty girl who plays the role of fluffer. I do not usually use this resource. However, this is a special occasion, because even though Leah is terrific, she doesn't inspire me enough.

“Hi Dan,” Josh, the manager greets me. “We will start in five minutes. Please, everyone to your positions.”

Each member of the team rushes to where they belong, while I do a mental review of my lines. Nor is it that there are many; Most of the time I just have to moan, gasp and groan.

I take a deep breath and mentalize what is to come. Hard and pure sex with a stunning blonde with big breasts.

After all, this is the life of a porn star.

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