
His Rebellious Assistant

Author Here: Aryan’s and other characters’s pov will be written in the third.


“Rise and shine, my dear," a rich baritone with a hint of sarcasm reverberated through the dimly lit room as Aryan sank into the well-worn leather chair. His gaze was intensively and unyielding, remaining locked onto Reina who passed out on his desk.

Her expansive and cerulean eyes were like the summer sky, now concealed beneath closed lids, harboring a world of secrets. Her countenance, typically an array of animated expressions, had transformed into a tranquil tableau of serenity.

A soft, barely discernible smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he observed her.

Even the devil himself, in all his cunning and might, would find himself disarmed before such a woman. She bore no regal lineage, possessed no grand narrative of her life. Her beauty was not the kind to inspire poets or artists, and her dubious occupation had seemingly secured her a spot in the inferno.

Yet, there was an aura about
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