
11| Too Close For Comfort

Emily's POV:

I woke up early, my legs entangled with Edward's, his arms scooping me up till our cheeks were touching. I gasped, feeling something poking on my lower stomach. I put hands on my mouth from making any sort of noise. 

I knew very well what it was, I was once a medical student for Merlin's sake! 

I tried to remove his hands, my fingers grabbing his arms carefully to his side only to sigh in vain. He scooped me closer instead, his hot breath fanning my neck, tickling my senses and producing goosebumps on my arms. I tried to wriggle again after several attempts going in vain, I huffed. 

"Edward, I am being suffocated, can you move a little?" I whispered. 

"Mmm, " h

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