
Chapter 14

Yassi couldn't help but feel annoyed when she found out that Prince Reikel's carriage was the one that almost run over her. He really wants to silence her forever. Maybe he's still suspecting her that she is the woman whom he encountered during the moon festival.

"Are you okay, Yassi?" Prince Karim worriedly asked her frantically. He doesn’t know where to touch her so he would know if she’s hurt or not.

Yassi felt the prince's real concern for her. Maybe he really loves Assi. But that was not enough for her to let him do his evil plan. Isn't Prince Reikel also planning something bad for you but why do you only think of Prince Karim like that? Aren't you already in love with the second prince? a small voice inside her mind whispered.

No. She didn't like that prince.  She will not like the prince who turns into a

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