

The elevator ride takes nearly too long, but on the plus side, once we’ve got out of the basement section of the building, we can see the view outside of the elevator’s building and onto the streets below. We’re in a much quieter area of the major city of Krusas. Directly below us, and what must be the backyard of this lavish resort-style apartment complex, is a tremendously luscious garden complete with water fountains, a maze and a large gazebo where I assume bands play their music for guests during social gatherings.

I can’t help but gawk at it all. I’ve seen sizable gardens before, there are some the public can use, but they’re never anything like this and they’re far and few between in this monstrous city. No one really remembers when the city came to be, or who really runs it because we don’t really have any elected officials here, but many say that the richest of families were the founders and it is from them that the city continues to grow and

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