
CH 010: "Help!"

Ann nodded comprehensively and drank from the very glass of beer of Brent. It slightly burnt her throat and she gulped down the rest quite difficulty. The after taste in her mouth was sour and very much different from the sweet drink she was drinking couple of minutes ago.

“Jeez. My drink suddenly tastes different.” She complained, studying the drink again. This time, her vision was getting blurry and she couldn’t see the content of what she had just drunk clearly.

“Annie! Why did you have to drink that?”


“That’s Brent's beer and you know very well that you have a very low alcohol tolerance.”

“You talk a-about l-low a-alcohol t-tolerance w-when I-I h-have n-never d-drunk a-alcohol b-before.” Ann stuttered as she struggled to keep her eyes that were closing, open. She had mistakenly drunk from Brent's glass and now she was suffering the aftermath.

However, their concern wasn’t that she was drunk but that Brent was going to roast them alive.

“What are we going to do now?” Lea cried, thinking of a way for them. If she didn’t do something fast, Annabel was going to become drunk and act stupidly, probably and Brent will be very angry. Controlling Brent's anger has never been her strong suit but Annabel had a way of calming angry Brent, which at times will make her jealous. She’s always wanted to be able to calm down an angry Brent too.

“Beurhhh!” Lea heard and then followed a splash on the ground. Ann was spilling out all the content of her stomach to the ground, making people around grumble. Lea was flushed with embarrassment and then immediately dragged Annie out of the room.

“Please where is the restroom?” she asked from around and after getting a few directions, she was dragging Ann inside the restroom, where the girl just puked the rest of the content she had been holding up in her mouth to the ground.

“Disgusting!” Lea cussed and looked away. Brent probably would be waiting for them and this drama queen here just created trouble for her.

Brent was having his own troubles with the security at the door that wouldn’t just let him in. “Like hell, I just went out through this door, a few minutes ago.” He complained but they didn’t pay attention to his complaints.

“Look, I am the man that parked the car in the wrong place. Can I get back in? My friends are waiting for me.” He pleaded but they just stood at the door looking at him like some fool. If they were Asian, he might have understood that maybe they weren’t getting his language but they didn’t look Asian at all. They seemed more of American.

'Oh wait! Could it be that they are Italians, Mexicans, Spanish, German? They could be… or they could be Asian too.' He thought. He tried to force his way in but they pushed him back making him the more angry.

“What is wrong with you? Why can’t you let me get in, damnit?”

“Sir we’ve been given strict orders not to let anyone in as of now.”

“By who?”


Ann continued puking till she could feel her bowels no more. God forbids she ever tastes such a thing. A phone rang and Lea answered the call immediately, walking away, not forgetting to tell Ann to stay put while she answers the call outside.

Ann thinking she was done puked one last time and flushed it, with the running tap. She was feeling better just slightly tipsy and feeling as to pee. Quickly she dashed into one of the toilets to ease herself.

Unknown to her, a group of men had been following her. They had their eyes on her throughout, lusting after her beauty. They looked for the opportunity to separate her from her friends and it worked perfectly in their favor. With smirks on their faces, they entered the ladies restroom, waiting for ignorant Ann to come out of the toilet like a lamb into a circle of wolves. A man more responsible than the three other muscular men, much more slimmer but the air from him commanded respect from his surroundings. He walked into the ladies restroom with sunglasses to hide his looks and the men all bowed.

“Has the sheep walked out yet?” he asked and they shook their heads. He smirked and then took off the sunglasses. His cat eyes and full brows looked intensely at the bathroom door, waiting for Ann to come out. He looked at the muscular men and they nodded knowing what he didn’t need to mention to them.

“Holy God. Hey Lea-“ Ann stopped talking when she saw the men that stood in the restroom. She looked around again to be sure if she didn’t make a mistake and got teleported to the men’s restroom. She heard footsteps and thought Lea was the one but turns out she was wrong.

“Uh… Hiiii.” She greeted nervously.

“Did you make an honest mistake of entering the ladies restroom, sir.” She asked and they didn’t answer. Her subconscious mind kept telling her that those men were there consciously and purposefully for her. But her shallow mind decided to reason stupidly against it. Her only hopes were on Brent and Lea coming to save her but they left her.

Seeing that the men couldn’t answer her question, she decided to walk back into the toilet quietly and wait in there for Lea to come but before her hands could hold the door knob, a hand blocked her way. She smiled nervously, showing off her white teeth to the muscular man who didn’t even blink as she tried acting cool.

“Nice to meet you too.” She whispered and before she knew it, the man grabbed her by the arm. The responsible man with the air of authority from him walked towards her as she tried pushing off the muscular man from holding her.

“Hello there beautiful.” He greeted rubbing his cold hands on her cheeks, with his thumb feeling her plump lips. She tried biting his finger off but he withdrew his hand with a smirk. He looked at the other two and one of the came closer, giving her a slap on her cheek, making her groan out loud.

“You see, beautiful. My name is Kenny and I like you. Now you should be nice and grateful because Kenny here is interested in your body.”

She struggled the more in the arms of the muscular men but their grasps on her were too strong. One brought a handkerchief to her nose and before she knew it, she was getting light-headed, as she closed her eyes to the darkness that took over. The last thing she saw was Mr. Ken smiling at her and the only thing she could think of was the usual thing she needed at that moment.

“Help!” she cried in a whisper and closed her eyes to the darkness that took over as a tear fell down her face.

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