
Chapter 13

(Emily's POV)

"So what is your decision?" Dimitri asked smirking.

"Neither," I said. They both looked confused, "I belong to you Dimitri, so it's your decision. But If anything happens to my brother and friends then I swear to god-"

"They will be fine," he smiled.

"No, they won't be" Jerry stood up and turned to me. "I hope you realize what you're doing."

My breathing quickened.

"Mr. Sloviski, I suggest you leave, we'll contact you about a new deal." Dimitri stood up.

Jerry only winked at me before leaving me alone with Dimitri. Once I heard the door shut I look at him.

"Please, don't let him kill my friends!" I pleaded almost falling to my knees.

"Relax love, they are fine. I had my men take care of it and I sent them home."

I couldn't believe it, he had saved my loved ones. Before I knew it, I was hugging him tightly. It came as a surprise for him too since I felt him take a step back.

"Thank you," I whispered.

As I started walking toward the door. Then I felt his hand grab my arm.
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