
Passion Fluctuation

"Brother!!!!" came the loud cry of the twins-Iris and Irina.


"Hi princess, sorry for being late. I'm at the boutique, what do you want?" Arion with a cheerful face spoke to his two younger sisters who had grown up.


"We want you big brother!" said Iris and Irina. Arion felt guilty for his two younger sisters. "Damn you Tasha!" he swore to himself.


Arion smiled gently at Iris and Irina, "That means you want everything, right?"


"No need Brother!" said Irina but Iris quickly took over Emily's cell phone, "Ok sis! We're waiting for you! So hurry up and come!"

The man in the dark blue gazelle laughed crisply, "Ok! Wait for me there," and the phone went to Emily.


"Arion, you're actually at-"


"I am, Em." Arion cut her off and turned off her phone.


Felix and Reynard waited patiently as they told the boutique guards to wrap up all the bags and clothes from their latest collection.


"How did it go?" asked Reynard.

"At least we're safe for the next ten minutes," Arion said, finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Then he looked at all the shopping bags they were ready to take home.


"Is it enough?" asked Felix as he looked at about 20 large shopping bags that were currently neatly arranged.


"Hmm, I think so." Then Arion went to the cashier and paid all the bills for his two younger sisters.


The three men left the boutique with so much shopping in their hands.


"Ok done!"


"Well, pray that at least the thought of our parents sending us to training is forgotten," Felix said as he put all the paper bags in the trunk.

Meanwhile, Reynard was already in the driver's seat, followed by Arion sitting in his place. Felix followed in the car after making sure no one had forgotten.


"Ok! Let's go!"


"So where's Raul?" Reynard asked Arion, "Didn't the three of you go to the club together?"


Arion sighed heavily, "I don't know, it was just me and Raul who wanted to go, but that bitch was also in the club and insisted on joining!"


"I didn't expect you to let your guard down like that, Yon!"


"Tsk! My head is still very heavy!" Arion leaned back in his chair. His head hurt a lot right now, but honestly, his body felt so strange. But he didn't want to tell his two companions that. "Damn, what kind of medicine did he give you?" Arion muttered to himself as he unbuttoned his shirt. His body felt so hot.

He wanted to take a cold shower to wash his head, but looking at the time, there was no time. After all, he had come to the twins' event and was resting in her pavilion.


Felix and Reynard just looked at each other. They already had other plans, namely to find out who was behind this incident. For them, there was no way that Tasha would dare to act like this alone.


From afar, the luxurious surroundings and beautiful gardens of the Harold family mansion were breathtaking. As Reynard drove through the magnificent gates, an extraordinary sight came into view. Right along the driveway, the green and neat grass stretched out beautifully, with colorful flowers decorating the sides of the road.

Meanwhile, along the road, tall trees stood tall, providing shade and a refreshing sense of coolness. Sparkling lights playfully shine through the gaps between the leaves of the trees, creating charming patterns of light on the ground.

As Reynard approached the main door of the mansion, the luxurious scenery swept into view. The mansion, with its classical architecture and modern touches, towered majestically with high roofs and elegant domes depicting the wealth and splendor of the Harold family. Beautiful marble statues can also be seen at the edge of the garden, bringing a touch of artistry to the surrounding area.


The mansion was specially designed by Austin for his beloved wife Bella. Until this mansion got such a beautiful nickname, 'The Belle Mansion'. The garden that envelops this mansion is truly extraordinary. Lush ornamental plants provide stunning colors, from fragrant roses to rare exotic trees. A large swimming pool sits in the center of the garden, its water clear and refreshing. There is a beautiful fountain that adorns the pool, dancing with the sparkling lights that reflect a charming glow of colors.


Around the garden, there are paths made of natural stone combined with various plants and small statues. The pathways invite us to explore the beauty of nature that man has so skillfully created. The entire garden is meticulously maintained, making it a cozy place to relax and enjoy the peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. Guests were seen enjoying this well-organized event.

So many luxury cars were parked in the garden area of the mansion, showing that Harold's family had many wonderful associates in their neighborhood. The garden lights began to turn on throughout, creating a stunning romantic aura. The lights glittered across the garden, giving a magical touch to the whole area of the Harold family mansion.


All the guests were mesmerized as the fountains in the garden reflected the beautiful aurora lights. In the glittering luxury and beauty of the garden, there were sounds of laughter and joy. The whole family was so happy on this special day.


Austin and Bella's twin daughters have reached the ripe old age of 17, and Arion is the one who will keep his two younger sisters safe from men. His sister's charm is so similar to her Mommy's beauty.


Reynard immediately turned off the car engine as soon as he arrived in front of the main door of the mansion, Arion was about to get off but suddenly his head hurt so much that he had difficulty standing up. "Hey are you ok?" asked Felix who was right beside him. Felix swiftly held Arion's body which was about to fall.

Arion tried to stabilize herself, "Hem, it's ok!" he replied calmly.


The three of them entered the mansion, Iris and Irina welcomed Arion with joy. Bella was also happy to see that her son was fine.


The event took place, Iris and Irina's happy faces were a great joy for Arion. Iris and Irina happily welcomed the small gifts he bought, because Arion had actually bought much bigger gifts for his two younger sisters.


For about an hour, Arion stayed for Iris and Irina's happy event, but someone noticed. She knew that Arion's physical condition was not good.


So did Bella who noticed the look on Airon's face who was trying to endure the pain, she gently approached her son. "Hey son,"

"Hi mom," Arion replied softly with a happy smile, he kissed Bella's left and right cheeks affectionately.


"Where are you from anyway? You didn't answer Mommy's call ..." Bella asked gently as she rubbed Arion's chest. Staring at her son looking for honesty.


Arion smiled, "I had a little work to do, mom, and my phone was low on battery. Sorry..." Arion replied regretfully.


"It's ok, next time remember to rest, hem?"

"Of course mom, love you." Arion said embracing Bella.


"You better rest, you don't need to be here until the event is over."


"But-" Arion didn't want to disappoint his two younger siblings.


"It's ok, the twins will understand if their favorite brother is tired," Bella replied with a smile, calming Arion.


Arion breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you mom, then I'll just go rest in my pavilion."


"Hmm, night dear."


After giving his mommy a good night kiss, Arion walked in through the side door of the mansion that penetrated with his pavilion that was built separately. The pavilion was deliberately requested by Austin when he was in college.

Of course Austin and Bella agreed to that, after all, there was still a lot of empty land in this mansion, even to build several 120-type houses. So to build one luxury pavilion is not a big deal. And besides, at that time Arion was already an adult and needed privacy.


While his best friends often visited, he had a younger sister. He didn't want his little sister's beauty to become public consumption and even the butt of jokes from his friends back then.


Arion walked through the empty garden and the garden lights twinkled so beautifully. However, right now he just needed to rest. And suddenly, as he walked, his head hurt and his vision faded.


"Arion!" said a woman's voice, who immediately picked up Arion's sturdy body, had the woman not been holding Arion's body. Certainly, the handsome man would have fallen on the wet ground.

"Are you okay?" she asked again, worried about Arion's current condition.


But unfortunately Arion's vision was a little blurry, his head was getting sore, "My room!" he pleaded hoarsely. He wanted to be taken to his room immediately.


"Ok ok! I'll take you to the pavilion, right?"


"Hem!" replied Arion briefly.


With some difficulty the woman carried Arion to the pavilion. "Huft, why are you like this?" she murmured softly in a worried tone. She tried to hug Arion firmly so that both of them would not fall down.


But unbeknownst to the woman, Arion was currently trying to hold back the flames of passion that were burning within him. "Damn! I hope I can hold on!"


"Her body smells so good,"


Would Arion be able to survive? And who was the woman who saved Arion?"

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