
Chapter Thirteen

Isabella’s point of view

A date with Sebastian young? I had to make sure that I looked as presentable as ever. I needed to make sure that I looked like someone he could meet again after this first meeting.

He had already asked for my address, and I sent it to him so I was hoping he would show up alone.

I decided I would find something I would wear to meeting with him later tonight. I made my way to the clothing shops that were nearby. I walked into the shop and decided I would choose something that was elegant but also simple.

I did not want to look like I was some rich heiress, but I also did not want to embarrass him with my look.

“Welcome ma’am” the shop attendant greeted me as I walked into the shop, I smiled briefly at her. “Hello, how are you?”  I said looking around the shop hoping I would find a dress that would be fitting for me to wear.

“I am fine thanks. Are you looking for something

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