
Start Of Something New

Everyone thinks I ruined her. I did.


I've always hated mornings.

But there's something about the night, that's welcoming to me. The way darkness engulfs me in its warmth, doing its best to shield me from prying eyes. This is how best I can describe the night.

I could also go on and on about it. But I'm stuck in this line waiting to get my coffee. With this dumbass male specie in front of me, that keeps, not so subtly if I may add. Trying to check out my boobs.

He should be thankful I have too much weighing on my mind right now.

Human beings infuriate me. Scratch that.

Straight men infuriate me.

I woke up this morning, happy about my new life in college and a house that's free what more could I possibly want?

That's a lie.

I woke up this morning and my mind immediately went to the letter that was left for that guy. Yesterday was my first day in college, I met that guy yesterday. All these thoughts bombarded my head and all I could think of to calm myself down is coffee.

But here I
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