

Sophia Censatio

“We asked you to delete those crazy write up but you won't listen. Look what it has landed you into" My sister, Janet complained after taking a seat next to me on my bed. She just caught me staring at my system, reading people's comments under my post. 

The worst is, lots of people have unfollowed me already. Not only that, it's also hard to get rid of the harsh comments I'm getting from them though, I still have few people on my side while others believed everything I wrote about Aaron was nothing but lies. They believed I was only crazy about him and was upset that I couldn't have him as he turned me down. 

However, it wasn't their fault as Aaron's brother, Nathan, openly stated that I was only trying so hard in getting attention from his crazy brother. 

I passed her a short look and sighed. "What are you doing? Aren't you going to school?"

"It was clear but hard for you to see that I'm already dressed, you just chose not to see it because of what you've gotten yourself into." She replied, making me roll my eyes.

"You're dressed for school, right? So, go!" I pointed at the door gesturing for her to leave. 

"What are you going to do now, Sophia?" she suddenly asked, worriedly.

"It's none of your business, Janet. Just go away.” I hissed at her. I didn't mean to be harsh on her, I just don't want to involve her in all of this. 

"But Sophia..."

I cut her off. 

"Go away, I'll take care of everything." I said, sternly.

She sighed, wave at me, and left my room. Immediately she's out of my sight, I let out another deep sigh.

It's already been 10 days and I only have 11 days to pay him and apologize publicly like he asked me to but, I have no idea what to do. 

I regret getting involved in all of this. I deeply regret it now. 

And the huge amount he asked me to pay? I have no idea where to get such an amount of money from. Yet, I can't come out to tell everyone about the post I made... It's all a lie. 

 I've also been trying my best to get a job in the last few days but, it's not working. 

No one is ready to accept me and it's annoying. 

"But sir, I just saw the vacancy post outside. It's boldly written that you needed someone for the HR post. So, why are you rejecting me? You haven't interviewed me yet." I complained. 

I don't know what's happening to me or them. Wherever I go, they always turn me down at the end. None of them are ready to accept me. This is becoming more frustrating than I thought. There is nothing wrong with me, right?

So, why are they turning me down?

"Young lady, it's better you leave my office right this minute, please. I have no explanation to give you. All I can say is, I don't have a job to offer you. "

"But, how can you say that? You haven't interviewed me yet. How would you know if I'm capable of this job or not? "I complained again. Before I get to know what is happening, two guards from nowhere walked into his office and drag me out. 

I pleaded to be given a chance but it was pointless, the owner of the company is not ready to listen to me. After successfully dragging me, they warned me not to set my foot there again.

"How dare you do this to me! How could you drag me out of there without being interviewed? You're all crazy!" I yelled at them, ready to pounce on them but they ignored me and walk away. 

I hissed before turning to leave but, something caught my attention. Three shiny cars were parked just a few feet away from where I'm standing. The second car window got rolled down and my eyes came in contact with Aaron's. 

This monster just smirked at me!  

I can't believe, he's the reason why everyone keeps rejecting me because he just proves it by his appearance now.

I stomped and headed toward his car.

"Look, who we have here." He said in a sarcastic tone.

"Enough of the sarcasm and tell me the truth. Did you do all of this? how could you do this to me? Aren't you ashamed of yourself?!" I bombard him with questions.

"Easy there sweetheart, I haven't done anything wrong. Stop accusing me" He said mischievously. 

Like I will believe him.

"Stop calling me that! I'm not your sweetheart" I glared as I burst out at him. 

"Then, what should I call you? My love? My angel? My queen"

“Stop this madness, Aaron! Just because you're rich doesn't give you the right to joke with my life like this. I'm warning you, stay away from me. I still have 7 days and I'm not giving up... Now or forever" 

"It's very easy, you know. Just work for me." He repeated what he said to me the past days ago. He asked me several times to work for him and I refused.

I would never work for someone like him. I hate everything that has to do with him.

"Are you sure you still don't want to work for me?" He asked again. 

" Never! Just get lost!" I said firmly. 

He looked at me and smirked. 

"You will regret this decision of yours."

"I already regret crossing paths with you! All thanks to you, I'm going through hell right now as no one is ready to accept me. Could you please leave me alone in peace? You have a lot of workers working for you in your company, the best ones at that so, why are you going extreme to see me fail? Just because you want me to work for you?." 

" For fuck sake, I'm not the reason behind those rejecting you! They're not just capable enough to employ you and, I'm trying to offer you a job but, you're refusing me."

"Are you sure, you don't want to work for me?."

"My answer is still the same. I would not work for someone like you."

"Good luck then. "He said, smiling sheepishly at me. He rolls up the car window whilst I watch his car drive away. 

What do I do now? - I thought, frustratedly before going back home. 

"So, how was your interview today?"  My brother Nicholas asked as he took a seat beside me.

"Yeah, how was it?" Janet asked too, sitting across me.


"It was terrible." I sighed. "None of them is ready to accept me. Strangely, they keep making absurd excuses" I hissed. 

“And you don't think, this is Aaron's doing? Who knows, he might be doing that to make you pay for what you did to him. you really went extreme, you know." Janet said.

"I thought about it and I challenged him but, he denied it. He told me, he has nothing to do with it rather, he offered me a job."

"What are you waiting for?!!" My brother shouted in an unbelievable tone.

I'm sure, he must be thinking that I'm crazy.

"He did what?! He offered you a job? Did you accept it? God, Sophia! I hope you said yes. It is one of the best companies in the world and giving you a chance to work there means a lot to us! To your family. Please, please tell me you accept his offer?" Her eyes shone with hope as she ask me.

I looked at her for a second and shook my head. "I did not accept his stupid offer." I said.

"What?!! Yo... you're kidding, right?" She asked me again.

Rolling my eyes at the silly reaction she's portraying right now, I answered again. "No. Does this seem like I'm joking?"

"But why? He was generous enough to offer you a job despite what you did to him, but you turned it down? Sister, how are we supposed to survive? You allowed your ego to get yw best of you. This is crazy!" she shouted.

"You believe he was kind enough to offer her a job? And Sophia? What about the things he did to her? Have you forgotten how he embarrassed and made her lose her job?" Nick glared at her.

 "But… but he was still generous enough to give Sophia a job. She can become before we know it. We can all live a comfortable life, and mom.., Mom can finally get treated. The perfect treatment Sophia always wanted to give her" she said.

"Look, I have heard a lot about that company and how their staff makes money. She cannot remain stubborn as long as she has the chance to help the family.” she added again.

“Not again…” Nick groaned, squeezing his forehead out of irritation. "You are still not over this insane thought of yours when it comes to money, right? Do I have to stick it into your head that money isn't everything?"

"Of course, it is! To me, it is the whole world! We need to eat and pay for the expenses, buy dresses, and even-"

"Enough! Enough, you two." I stopped them before they could begin fighting again.

"But Sophia, he started it first." Janet protested. 

"You two, that's enough!" I said in a tired tone. I pray these kids should not be the death of me.

 Suddenly, we heard a loud bang from the door. We all stared at each other in horror.

"Is that him?" My sister asked again in an excited tone, jumping up from her seat.

"Janet..." I groaned, rubbing my eyes.

"What?! Who knows, maybe he's here to-” She went silent immediately as we all heard the voice.

It's the landlord. 

"Now what?" She whispered, worriedly.

"I will take care of it. Go to your rooms, now."

"But Sophia..." Nick tried to protest but Janet held his hand and drag him away.

"She said, she will handle it" I heard her say.

I fold my hair before walking towards the door and opening it. He pushed me aside and barged in.

 Acting like he owned the whole place. 

Are you crazy, Sophia? The house belongs to him.

"Good evening, sir." I welcomed him with a nervous smile plastered on my face. 

"Sophia, what's going on?"

"wh... What do you mean, sir?."

"Stop acting dumb with me. You haven't paid me my money yet! This is the 6 months! Do you think I'm giving out my house for free? If that should be the case, I would have turned the entire building into an NGO organization! Everyone has been paying me without a problem, except you... Only your apartment refused to pay me my money, SOPHIA!!" He begins to yell like he was going to bring the whole building down. 

"Mr. Samuel, I'm so sorry. It wasn't my intention for matters to turn out this way, I had a lot of things to take care of... You're also aware of my sick mother, I need to take care of her hospital bills and-"

" Do I look like I care?." He cut me off. "That's between you and your family. All I need is my money. And you need to get out of my house right this minute if you can't pay" he said. 

"What?!!!" I widened my eyes in horror as my body begin to shiver.

'You heard me. Guys, come in." Three giant guys in their black suits walked in and tried to take our belongings out.

No, no, no... This can not be happening!!


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