
3 king's maid

Butch and Eve arrived at the castle, they got down from the carriage and entered into the castle. Ellie who has never been to the castle before was surprised at the way the building walls were decorated with marbles. Despite how surprised she was, she managed to keep it to herself to avoid disgracing herself. They walked forward and entered the building when suddenly she heard a woman called out to Butch, she was walking down the stairs.

"Butch, what are you doing here? We're not expecting to see you today? Have you brought a new one?" The head maid asked, noticing a girl behind him.

"Yes, her name is Eve. She's from Mr Travis." Butch said with a smile before he continued. "He wants her to be one of the king's maid." Butch whispered, he doesn't want other people or the maids to hear him.

King's maid?! Does he think it's easy to be the king's maid? The head maid asked. "And he wants me to take this one as the king's maid, take a look at her dressing." The head maid said, looking at Eve from head to toe.

"Don't look at that.Just do what Mr Travis wants. She probably needs the money for her family." Butch explained. And also, she's a weird one so her family must have sent her here because they were probably fed up" Butch said, looking at Eve before whispering to the head maid.

Eve just stood behind Butch silently, watching the both of them. She felt like snapping their head off, but because of what she came there to do she just had to keep mute.

"What? And you, are you not from this town, how can you not know how to dress to the castle or you're not just wise?" The woman asked in fury.

"Isn't it rude to talk about someone badly behind their back, you could have just faced me directly." She said moving closer to the woman and Butch. "And also I'm much more wiser than you could ever imagined." Eve said sneering at the woman.

"What did you just say? Are you trying to say that I'm foolish?" The woman asked in anger.

"I never said anything like that, that's just your own thinking." Eve replied raising her two palms up. Before the woman could say any other things, Butch jumped into the matter before they tear each other apart.

"Can you just forgive her, she doesn't mean what she's saying. Just think about Mr Travis and the fact that, more maids are needed in the castle." Butch said, pleading with the woman.

"I don't think I want someone like her." The head maid said rejecting Eve.

"Please, just forgive her." Butch pleaded.

"Fine. But we'll train her first for a few days before she starts." The head maid said.

"Of course, I guess my work is done here then." Butch said, moving forward to take his leave, before he turns back and walk to the woman. "And also, remember she's a weirdo." He whispered before leaving.

The woman listened to Butch's whisper before he left. She wondered why he said that but decided to pay no attention to him, she turned and said to Eve. "Follow me."

Eve didn't say a word but only followed the head maid. They walked for some time while Eve used the opportunity to look around even though it wasn't enough. They finally got to a door, the woman pulled the door opened and said.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." The woman said leaving her all alone.

After some time, the head maid came back with a cloth and some maids that followed her.

"Take, wear this." The woman said giving her a maid's cloth. She took it and look at it with disdain. The cloth look so ugly, definitely not her style. She has gotten use to wearing tight fitted cloth and pant, so when the woman brought the maid's gown, she felt like puking.

"This is what I'm going to be wearing?" She asked, raising her head up to the head maid.

"What? Is there something wrong with it?" The woman asked, instead of answering her.

"Not really." She said. Just calm down Eve, you only have to wear it till you finish your mission. It won't take long, just be calm. This is all for my parents. She said to herself, inhaling a deep breath.

"At least, it's better than those terrible fitted clothes you're putting on." The woman said.

Scoffs. "If these are better than what I'm putting on, I'll rather move around naked." She said, with no emotion written on her. she kept examining the maid's clothes.

The other maids in the room chuckled over her words but kept quiet when the head maid glared at them.

You know what? I'm still wondering if you really want this job. Are any of your family in need of money, that they had to ask someone as rude as you to be a maid. I'm considering you here only because of Mr Travis, if not I would have thrown you out of here the moment you came. The woman said in anger.

"Come out after wearing the clothes, you need to learn some rules of the castle." The woman said, before stepping out.

"She's going to make me lose my mind." The head maid said to herself before going out.

Eve only stared at her till she left the room. She wanted to just throw away the clothes, but she doesn't have a choice. She have to do whatever they want of her till she finished what she came there for.

"This is for you Mom and Dad." She said after wearing the clothes.

After wearing the clothes, she stepped out to see the maids at the entrance.

"Here I was thinking it will take you much longer to change your clothes." The woman said.

"Let's go, you will have to learn all the rules of being a maid." The woman continued.

"Follow me, we don't have all day."The woman said, seeing that she wouldn't budge.

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