
Chapter 8.:

As Ariana and her mother worked in the kitchen, preparing the pastries, meals and sweets, the time flew faster than they would have expected. It took little time before Ariana’s father arrived home with the guests behind him.

“Welcome.” Daria greeted them, seeing their long faces. Gregor was the only one keeping a neutral expression on his face, while Jeff apparently didn’t swallow the fact that he lost this house and, with it, his footing in the capital. He would gain an immense advantage in business by having a base right in the capital. The size of the house seemed to greatly disappoint Julie, her husband, and even her two daughters. Daria sees the disapproval of the home in their eyes as they are scanning the place from ceiling to floor. The thought Julia gave to the house told Daria everything she needed to know about her coming.

“Those are my cousins?” Ariana asked. She can recognize the girls even after not seeing them for ten years, but she hopes to start a conversation and e
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