


Well ante this interesting i thought as the incredibly strong aura hit me before he even entered the bar. I mean if I thought Atlas was sexy I was not prepared for the arrogant Alpha Maddox that just walked towards me with a frown on his seriously sexy pouty face. 

I feel Atlas’s energy shift so I know straight away this is his Alpha. The 6’4 muscle bound, tattooed scowling Alpha was sexy on a whole other level.

His hair is shaved on the sides with brushed back black hair on top, sapphire eyes that are hooded in this black thick lashes, strong jaw with just the right amount of stubble to leave a shadow has my panties wet. Well I'll be damned, why the hell have you never considered a wolf before Lyra, i think.

His sheer contempt for me has me smiling, do not mess with me boy. I knew I affected him from the moment he walked in, even if that at times pissed him off. I notch that as a point to me. The minute he took my hand i felt it snap, my fucking tie, this sexy as Alpha was made for me.

There is no fucking way i want this but it wouldnt hurt to have a play with the brooding Alpha, i do not do feelings. Trying to stop myself from laughing and completely failing when Maddox asks me why I am not cold.

“Excuse me laughing Alpha, I was born a vampire not turned” I turn and make my way back to the other end of the bar, ordering another drink. Jerad is a funny guy and was easy to chat with. I spent most of the night with him and I must say it was the best laugh I have had in a long time.

Some of the other guys in the bar would stop and introduce themselves to the new visitor sitting at the bar. The females on the other had not so friendly, well i dont play with girls so fuck them or maybe not, I think with a smirk. Before I noticed it was closing time and there was only Jerad, Atlas, Maddox and myself left.

Getting up to leave I slip my leather jacket on, blow Jerad and Atlas a kiss. I say goodnight before I say “Goodnight Alpha, I am sure we will meet again” as I wink at him and leave without giving him a chance to reply. I could have sworn I heard a small growl followed by the laughing of Atlas.

The night is cool as I step out into it, putting my helmet on, I swing my leg over my bike and head back to my Aunts nest. I am almost positive both my Aunt and Nickoli will be waiting for me. And sure as hell they almost pounced on me.

“Where have you been?” Nickoli asks with a scowl. “And why do you smell like wolf?” Placing my helmet on the table by the door, I slip my jacket off.

“I was out and that really is none of your business” I say as I place a hand on my hip.

“Lyra , where have you been? while you are under my care you will behave properly” my Aunt Tess almost growls at me with narrowed eyes.

Rolling my eyes “I was at a bar that's all” I say as I wave a hand at them making my way to the stairs. I hear Nickoli making his way behind me, he grabs my arm and spins me around, I almost slam into his chest.

“Where you fucking a wolf?” He growls at me, his face is so close we are almost touching nose to nose. Pulling my arm free.

“What and who i do is none of your goddamn business” I snarl through clenched teeth in Russian, my eyes are blazen with rage. How dare he put a hand on me, how fucking dare he. I move two steps and turn to him.

“If you touch me without my permission again Nickoli i will fucking kill you do you understand?”

The utter look of shock on his face has me smirk as I turn and head to my room. Nickoli knows me well enough to know that was no threat it was a fucking promise. There is a reason they couldn't find me when i set up the arms company, they assumed i was a man.

My reputation as being deadly and not one to cross spread quickly and I was known as little death, personally i always found it funny especially in the middle east men do not appreciate a strong female so i did have to make an example or two just to prove a point.

Feeling slightly hungry I called down to one of the maids to bring me a live donor. As I slip out of my clothes I put on a robe and wait for my snack to arrive. I answer the door before they knock, impatient as always I take in the mediocre looking human guy who seems to think i am eyeing him up; he will do i guess.

I make my way to the sofa in the corner sitting down. The human sits beside me, feeding always makes me horny and if I allow some of my venom in his system he will feel euphoric. Fuck it, I spread my leg, snap my fingers and point to the floor between my legs. Ever the eger human he moves to between my legs.

“Give me your wrist and make me feel good”

I say as he bend and laps at my now wet pussy the minute my fangs pierces the skin i allow a small amount of venom in and the eager human starts feasting on my pussy with a hunger i knew the venom would give.

I close my eyes and the moody sexy Alphas face appears as the human works his tongue around my sensitive clit. I must say my Aunt is a complete bitch but she sure knows how to keep her donor's blood clean and sweet.

Listening for his heart to start to slow. I know I need to stop, but I allow him to finish me off. Retracting my fangs I wipe the corner of my mouth with the pad of my  thumb. Pushing the human away his eyes are still glazed from my venom.

“That will be all please see yourself out” I say before I turn to take a shower. I know the humans are always disappointed i never fuck them, its a rule of mine. 

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