
Chapter Seven

Alpha Jacob slammed the rogue across the clearing causing him to smack into a big oak tree. The impact killed him instantly.

“Damn rogues!” Jacob thundered as he made sure that they were all dead. His pack had seemed to her a lot of rogues attacking lately and he was fed up with it. They needed to learn they were not welcome on his territory.

Kane rushed through the forest in his human form and stopped as soon as he saw his brother standing over the dead rogues. He was not surprised that he had defeated them on his own. He was one of the most strongest in the pack. When he was angry, he was even worse.

“Brother?” Kane called to him. “Let’s go.” He gestured towards the pack house and Jacob stared at him as if only noticing him for the first time.

Jacob was angry.

Kane was the only one who could usually keep his brother calm. They had always been close growing up.

“Fine.” Jacob growled shifting into his wolf so he would get back quicker. Kane did the same.

Jacobs wolf, Miller, was huge with black fur. Most feared his wolf for his size and knew he had a lot of strength. Jacob did not care that he was feared by so many, he loved the power it gave him.

Kane knew that Jacob would be a lot more calmer if he had his Luna by his side, but everyone was more than aware that Jacob was not interested in finding his mate. He did not wish to be tied down to one girl. The mate pull was special and there for a reason. Kane thought of when he had found out Cherry was his mate one year ago. She was perfect.

He licked his lips at the thought of her.

He wasn’t sure about the new friend of hers though. Mia. She seemed like she had a lot of issues going on. Cherry would be a good friend to her, but Kane did not want his mate to be dragged into any hassle. He would kill for his mate and anyone who hurt her would have to deal with the consequences.

Jacob knew his mate was probably out there somewhere but he had no interest to meet her. He did not want to be tied to one woman. Despite what his father wanted. Jacob was the alpha so it was his choice to make.

Right now he was furious with everyone and how stressed he felt So anyone who got in his way would regret it. He had just wanted some time alone and then five stupid rogues thought it would be absolutely fine to stroll onto his land without permission. How dare they. Well Jacob soon sorted that problem out and would not be worrying about them anytime soon. Let that be a lesson to them rogues.

“Kane?” Cherry yelled from the other side of the pack grounds when she saw her mate and Jacob coming out of the forest.

Kane immediately went to his mates side. She hugged him and told him she was worried when he disappeared like that.

Alpha Derek had told Kane he could not find Jacob so Kane had tracked him down. They were all glad that Jacob was back and safe. Jacob blanked them all and sulked off to his office where he refused to acknowledge anyone.

Kane insisted that everyone leave him for a while. He was probably feeling the need to find his mate but keeping himself in denial over it.

Jacob did not care what any of them said or thought. Instead he picked up the phone to call Abigail. She drove him mad with her whiney voice but he needed to see her and hopefully bring down his stress levels.

Of course, Abigail was straight over. Alpha Derek was far from impressed when he saw her arrive but instead of kicking off, he ignored her and let his son get on with it.

“Idiot!” He muttered to himself as Abigail sauntered down the corridor in her high heels, she was dressed up in a short dress and had her long hair curled so it fell loosely down her back.

A few of the unmated wolves whistled as she went by. Of course they would not have done that if Jacob were to witness it.

“What time is this party!” Kane turned to Cherry trying to change the subject away from his brother and latest conquest.

Cherry grinned at the thought of the party then remembered she had invited Mia.

“I need to get ready.” Cherry exclaimed. “We need to get Mia as well.” Lulu rolled her eyes at the sound of Mia’s name. She did not know her that well but was still annoyed for being ignored. She was not used to being ignored especially by some new kid on the block.

“I suppose I have to be the taxi driver then?” Kane raised his eyebrows and Cherry smirked before pulling his face towards her and planting a sloppy kiss on him.

“Thanks my darling.” She chuckled before grabbing her friends and hurrying out to the minibus. Kane laughed and shook his head, his mate was crazy but he loved her.

“I’m not going.” Lulu sulked with arms crossed over her chest. Kane rolled his eyes and sighed. Girls were so much drama at times.

“Then don’t. If you want to be a spoilt brat then go sulk in the omegas headquarters. Don’t think you will be ruining the evening for mate.” Kane growled at her. Lulu gasped, not expecting to be spoken that way.

She walked out to the minibus without another word

Kane jumped up into the driver seat and started it up. It did not take long to get to his in laws place.

“Mia?” Cherry called out the window as they pulled up. Kane looked and saw Mia was sitting alone looking extremely sad.

“What’s going on?” Kane wanted to know but Cherry looked as confused as him.


She looked up and wiped her sticky tear stained face without a word. Cherry rushed to her while Kane went inside to find the in laws.

Fiona was sitting on the sofa looking shell shocked while David was nowhere to be seen.

“Fiona?” Kane shook her gently. “What’s happened?”

Fiona handed Kane the photograph she had questioned Mia about. Kane looked even more confused.

“Dawn? Why do you have a photo of her?” He didn’t seem to happy about the situation. Fiona sighed and explained.

“Mia had the photo. David found it in her bag.” Kanes face went red as anger boiled up inside him.

Where had that girl got that from.

Was she some imposter? A spy maybe?

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